Thursday, June 20, 2024

‘Tarbiyyat’ Lessons- 6


A God-centric approach can enable and empower us to deal with shifting fortunes in personal and social life. As humans, our hearts experience a range of emotions in the varied settings of life. Hence, we encounter both moments of ecstasy and agony; of fortune and misfortune; of happiness and sadness; of hope and despair. Islam prescribes temperamental moderation and a well-balanced approach to issues that affect the individual at the deepest level; teachings that are essential for personal mental health and emotional stability, and for collective well-being of the community at large. It envisages that in times of ease and comfort, we should remain grateful to God for all the blessings of life, and remain within the bounds of Shari’ah, and not commit excesses while taking our fill of pleasure. Likewise, we should turn to our Creator and invoke His sublime attributes in our low moments: times when we experience misfortune and sorrow; feel a huge void at the loss of a dear one, or feel sad and depressed after a sincere relationship falls apart. Indeed, at such emotionally-vulnerable points, to find the inner strength to cope with the vagaries in our fortunes; we could and should rely entirely on God’s mercy and hope for His grace through spiritual invocations and Duahs.  

In a recent series of messages with his spiritual disciples and followers, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius provides fascinating insights on human emotions and related Islamic teachings on Divine remembrance to empower people struggling with emotional burdens in vulnerable situations.


Read the Messages Below:


Sometimes, Allah doesn't give something: relax, take it easy; take it in your side, perhaps Allah knows that your future with this particular person is not going to be as rosy as you think, so learn to let it go.


I tell my spiritual children: ‘Do not get attached to anything you find on earth to a degree that when it's taken away by Allah- you become depressed, no matter who and what. If your attachment is to Allah, then, you will not be let down (by Allah).’


‘When Allah is writing down the names of good deeds’-doers, may our names be amongst those names, Insha Allah.’



‘Sometimes you have to keep your good news to yourself; everybody is not genuinely happy for you.’



                                                  Are You Very Sad?


‘Hasbiy Allahu Laa Ilaaha Illa Huwa

                      Alayhi Tawakkaltu Wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Azeem.’


‘Allah is sufficient for me; there is none worthy of worship but Him; I have placed my trust in Him; He is the Lord of the Majestic Throne’.


Are you Narrowed Down?


‘Hasbun Allahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel.’

      ‘Allah (alone) is sufficient for us, 

and, He is the best Disposer of affairs.’



                                              Are You Stressed?

Say: ‘Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom Birahmatika Astagheeth’

‘O Ever-Living, O Sustainer, in Your Mercy I seek relief.’


Are You Bored?

Say: ‘Laa Hawla Wa Laa Quwwata Il-la Bil-laah.’

‘There is neither might nor power except with Allah’.


‘When everything seems to be against you; remember, Allah (swt) is with you. Gratitude to Allah is a secret code that unlocks amazing favours. May we be among those who always say ‘Alhamdulillah’ in every situation; may Allah be our comfort in every worrying moment, our strength when we are weak, and our ‘Nur’ in our dark moments, Ameen Summah Ameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen.’
