Sunday, May 12, 2024

Modern Warfare


Today man has reached far and wide in modern technology development, so much so that he has even prepared such intelligent armaments to kill himself! The leaders of the continents of the world, especially the U.S.A, Russia, Asia – including India, and even the Middle East – including the fraudulent State of Israel, have spent a fortune to build massive weapons. While some build them, others buy them.

One of the most dangerous of such armament is the nuclear weapon. And besides the nuclear weapons, there are also the biological weapons such as spread of viruses and bacteria, as well as intelligent missiles which are programmed to blow a specific target from a very far distance. Among those missiles, there is the modern war arsenal – which has two distinct defense systems: Patriot and the S-400 missile systems, which many countries have strived to acquire, including in the Middle East. The Patriot Surface-to-Air Missile was developed by the US defense contractor Raytheon and it constitutes the anchor of the NATO’s defense bulwark [i.e. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which now consists of 32 member countries]. As for the S-400, it was manufactured by Russian state-owned defense company, Almaz-Antey.


Back in the year 2017, Turkey’s plan to buy the S-400 has created a headache for the United States of America as Turkey was primarily their ally, and Russia was their headache. Turkey faced boycott upon its decision to buy the Russian S-400 air defense system in 2019, which included being blocked from buying the F-35 fighter jet and Patriot air defense systems. The United States put pressure on Turkey to abandon its agreement to buy their rival’s armaments, fearing for leaking of security because of Russian Espionage. The then US president Donald Trump’s decision to strip some Turkish exporters of their preferential trade status was seen by some experts as another measure forcing the hand of Turkey to reconsider its decision on the S-400.


The S-400 and the Patriot are two very different things. The S-400 is a single jack of all trades system that is designed to provide formidable air and missile defense over a wide area at an affordable cost. The Patriot is a niche system that is designed to provide medium range air and missile defense over a much smaller geographic area. However, it’s complemented by a host of other systems that together provide much more capable air defenses than the S-400, but at much greater cost. The S-400 system cost around 500 million US dollars at the time, in comparison to the Patriot Pac-2 which was around 1 billion. This is one of the major reasons why the S-400 has garnered interest all over the world since its first inception.


The S-400 is one of the most sophisticated surface-to-air defense systems in the world. The improved version, S-500 is even more sophisticated and was introduced in the Russian Air Force in 2021. But the one which is widely spread in the world is the S-400 and is currently the more dangerous warfare missile till this day.


And one more weapon which is also dangerous is the David’s Sling which is a multi-purpose defense system developed by Raytheon and Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, equipped with anti-ballistic missiles and medium to long-range surface-to-air missiles.


So, Turkey’s [considered previously as the U.S.A’s ally] decision to purchase S-400 systems held greater political implications for NATO and the F-35 project. Not only did it signal a strengthened Russia on the global stages, but it also showed how the reluctance of the US - to sell their own missile defense systems - can be leveraged by rival nations. Turkey’s Defense Chief reiterated that the acquisition of precisely Russian air defense systems was not “Turkey’s preference, but was a forced measure”.


In 2009 during Barack Obama’s tenure in office, when Turkey wanted to buy the Patriot system, US congress declined the sale of the Patriot PAC-3 batteries, which were worth 7.8 billion US dollars at the time. Even though it would not sell the necessary missile systems to a NATO ally, the U.S.A continued to provide extensive arms support to terrorist groups in Syria that have continuously attacked Turkey and claimed hundreds of lives. Despite many attempts to purchase the Patriot Air Defense System from the US, Turkey had not been able to achieve this due to conflicts such as the “transfer of technology” issue. In late December 2018, the US state Department authorized a sale to Turkey for the Patriot Missile System and related support and equipment worth 3.5 billion US dollars (almost half the initial price claimed). However, the U.S.A’s unwillingness to share their technology drove Turkey toward Russia to purchase the Russian made S-400 defense system.


With its own justifications, Turkey made it clear that purchasing a defense system from Russia has been more beneficial for the country for many reasons. For instance, unlike the USA, Russia guaranteed to conduct the technology transfer of the S-400 systems sold to Turkey. Also, the Patriot Defense System was quite old when compared to the S-400. Even though they served a lot in the past, it was dubious as to how far they will be effective in the present day or in the future. The patriot system’s usage during actual deployment situations has left room for doubt over its performance.


For example, after the 1991 Gulf War it was revealed that only a percentage of Iraqi SCUD missiles were actually shot down by Patriot batteries guarding Saudi-Arabia and Israel. Combat use of the Patriot system also highlighted some shortcomings of the system: high sensitivity to sand ingestion and unstable electric supply. There have also been reports of accidental launches. Military experts also argue that the S-400 systems have a capacity to effectively protect wider areas as compared to the Patriots. And most importantly, S-400 systems are much more affordable than the US missiles. With long frontiers surrounded by several countries, the Political Capital of Turkey, Ankara remained firm in purchasing the S-400, and its argument was quite clear. The S-400 was and still is a much more advanced system that would be more effective for Turkey’s air safety. This decision certainly seems as though it will go down in history as a turning point, not only in Turkey-US Relations, but also for the future of NATO and the Patriot.


With allies becoming rebels to U.S.A’s influence, it is clear that the leaders of the world are each preparing themselves to destroy each other, to up to what point? With the Russia-Ukraine War and the Palestinian-Israel War, modern warfare weapons are used to kill civilians – innocent lives – and such obnoxious treatment to human lives is purely INHUMANE. Will we, O people of the world let the army of the Satans get the upper hand in the Kingdom of God? Now, it is for the true soldiers of God Almighty (ALLAH), the Sole, Unique Lord to set fire on the enemy through our prayers. Those prayers have been heard, if only the Muslim World were to open their eye to see the true appearance of the Imam Mahdi whom they are calling with much pain and hope. Insha-Allah, the Will of Allah will be heard; the cries of the innocents do not fall on deaf ears. Allah’s appointed time is coming soon. May Allah destroy the partisans of the Satan, those who hanker after the world and its power, and may Allah give victory to the oppressed believers and make us all unite as one solid body of Islam. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

---Friday Sermon of 10 May 2024~ 01 Dhul Qaddah 1445 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.