Thursday, May 2, 2024

Hatred Towards Muslims


The Suffering of the Body of Islam Worldwide- 3


All of us, Muslims, are going through the greatest test of our existence. The attacks of the non-Muslims who have hatred towards Muslims (I am not talking about those who respect Muslims or those who are open-minded towards Islam and Muslims)... So, the heads of state who are at the head of the great countries of America, Europe, China, etc., have great hatred towards Islam and what Islam represents. If Jews and Christians were true Jews and Christians in practice, then they would have understood the monotheism of Islam and the teaching of the one true God to Whom Muslims turn and pray.


They know that Islam is a true way of life (Deen), a way of life that Allah created naturally for man [and not just for humans, but for jinns too], but due to the fact that they are blinded by their lust for power and greed to accumulate wealth and children, and to establish falsehood instead of truth, then the truth of Islam becomes a threat to them. And so, they come up with plan after plan to exterminate Islam, and reduce the number of Muslims on earth by exterminating them – us, Muslims – and taking over our wealth and land. The peace pact which dates back several hundred years is then broken, not respected, or after the conquest of countries as in the colonial era, where the countries of the world ended up agreeing not to conquer any other countries and preserve what was already in their possession – i.e. they will keep those countries and not try to take over other countries. But greed and wickedness make certain dictators abandon this pact to do what they want.


With what is happening in the world today, we see more and more clearly how the West has ended up blinding people with its lies, whether in the news (information) where the media also have a great share of responsibility because they channel the thoughts of certain people towards certain subjects, and lead them to neglect certain more important subjects like the war, and the state of the world, and especially the atrocities that are being done on the Muslims, especially now when this war between Palestine and Israel has become critical.


Today, due to advanced technologies, such as the creation and use of artificial intelligence, all lies are transformed into truth. Nowadays, it is possible to falsify videos, modify images and change people’s identities by using biometrics. People’s personal identities are under threat. Don’t think that everything you post on the Internet is SAFE for you. No! With the rise of hyper-intelligent “bots”, your security is under threat, and the enemies of Islam are also using it to target Muslims and other people to keep them away from spirituality, Islam and bring them fully into the bath of materialism, making them addicted to technologies like smartphones, and when using smartphones, therein are social networks which are not completely 100% secure. People think that when they post their personal photos it is safe for them to do so but anyone can use them to create fake profiles and endanger your safety and that of your family.


Today, it is the Muslim community that has become the target of intense conspiracies. There are Muslim heads of state who love luxury and money, and so they make deals to allow non-believers to murder innocent Muslims around the world. The latter try by all means to buy these powerful heads of state, like one attracts donkeys with carrots, and they buy their silence and then obtain the green light to persecute Muslims at the highest level.


Concerning the conflicts or rather the wars between Palestine and Israel, the UN Human Rights Council severely criticized Israel in one of its resolutions evoking the controversial term “genocide” and where it demanded that the countries stop arms sales with Israel. This, after so many deaths, so many massacres! They have waited for the crushing destruction of Palestine and the Palestinians before now demanding punitive resolutions, but it is too late! Whatever happens, nothing positive will happen if there is not a real desire on the part of countries to condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip. In fact, the UN Council can say thousands of things, but it must know how to put it into practice; not to say with their mouths what they do not put into practice, remaining with their arms crossed, saying only: “Yes, we do not agree with what Israel is doing, but what can we do! There’s nothing we can do about it!”


Twenty-eight of the forty-seven council members voted in favour of a ceasefire and will not sell weapons to Israel after Pakistan adopted its motion. Palestinian representative Ibrahim Mohammad Khraisi said before the vote: “We need you all to wake up and stop this genocide, a genocide televised around the world.”


Here, the world bears witness to the massacres that are hitting the Palestinian people... but don’t tell me that no one has been able to stop Israel in its efforts to exterminate the Palestinian people and seize the entire land for themselves! Those who support Israel are materially powerful, but HE Who supports the Muslims, well, He has given those oppressors a deadline, and when that deadline has passed, no one can blame Him (ALLAH) for punishing the disbelievers – no one will dare say that God is cruel to humanity!


[Unfortunately] The Covid-19 pandemic around the world has not been a lesson for these executioners. Does Allah have to break them into pieces for them to understand? At that time, it will be too late for them to repent, like Pharaoh [in the days of Moses] in his last moments [of life on earth].


Countries that support Israel, such as the United States and Germany, voted against this resolution. Thirteen countries, including France, India and Japan, abstained from voting. We know that all these countries have a deep hatred towards Islam. They are the ones who have contributed to the spread of Islamophobia [fear of Islam] around the world.


Israel says it is defending itself, against whom? The innocent? Their main argument is Hamas, but Hamas does not have the same support as they do. Israel is very likely to have nuclear weapons, and they say they are “defending themselves”, even though they were the first to start this war with the help of the United States when they finally came to Palestine to take over Palestine. Who are those who don’t have weapons? It is the Palestinian people, who do not even have enough weapons to defend themselves and who are dying every day. Dictators like Israel now pretend to be innocent to prove themselves right in crushing and killing Palestinians.


This UN resolution calls on “to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, the occupying Power…to prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights” It also condemns: “the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects by Israel in populated areas in Gaza” and the use of artificial intelligence “to aid military decision making in conflict that may contribute to international crimes.” The document demands that Israel “ends its occupation” of Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem. It also demands that Israel “immediately lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip and all other forms of collective punishment.” It also condemns attacks against civilians, and demands the immediate release of remaining hostages - the immediate release of all those arbitrarily detained or victims of enforced disappearance, as well as the guarantee of immediate humanitarian access to hostages and detainees.


According to the Minister of Health for Palestine [which is controlled by Hamas], there have been more than 33,000 Palestinian deaths since this war began.


Despite the fact that 28 countries out of 49 UN representatives around the world voted for this resolution to be adopted, despite the majority, we shall see what they will do to honour justice and put an end to this international crime.


That is why Allah has sent me to make this appeal to all Muslim countries and individuals around the world to stop following the customs of the West if they truly have Islamic blood and feelings in them. If you are true Muslims, then you must stand up as one body and oppose these injustices against Islam and Muslims and restore the status of Islam and innocent Muslims all over the world, not only in Palestine, but also in Burma, India, China, everywhere there are great injustices against Muslims. Insha-Allah. 

Finally, the time has come for you to wake up from your deep sleep, O Muslims, before it is too late. Do not let the wrath of Allah sweep away the world, for if that happens, not only the criminals will die, but the mass of Muslims will also die. Do not let the general wrath of Allah befall humanity. May Muslims and non-Muslims become aware of this situation [and the repercussions that will ensue] and agree to live in peace for the good of humanity on earth. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

---Friday Sermon of 26 April 2024 delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.