Saturday, November 9, 2013

Muharram: Naya Saal Mubarak!

Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius extends “NAYA SAAL MUBARAK” to all Muslims in the Friday Sermon of 08 November 2013:

Today Friday is the 4th Muharram 1435 Hijri – the first Friday Sermon of the Islamic Calendar.  It is unfortunate that the Muslims have forgotten their teachings and the important month of their calendar year. Just think how many Muslims have welcomed the sacred month, and new Islamic year, Muharram! Monday the 4th November 2013, the moon was visible and Allah graced us by His immense favour and made us witness the new Islamic year. But unfortunately, and I am sure of it, many Muslims did not take this into consideration, but on the other hand, in more than a month and a half, the New year 2014 shall come. Then just see how many of our Muslim brothers and sisters shall involve themselves to welcome the new year 2014 with festivities, and spending new year’s eve in lighting up firecrackers till midnight.

On the other hand, Allah (swt) has given us an Islamic new year where each of us (Muslims) can make a self-analysis from Muharram last till this Muharram to see which progress has been made in our everyday mundane and spiritual. Is it that when we saw these weaknesses in spirituality, be it for our obligatory prayers, Zikr, the reading of the Holy Quran and the other acts of worship, have we done those well? Have we read the Holy Quran with translation and commentary, and have all these practices had a spiritual effect on us during this past Islamic year or not? If not, do we think that with the start of Muharram 1435 Hijri can we take a resolution to ameliorate our lives, especially our spiritual lives?

Friday, November 8, 2013

“I have God as My Witness –Will You Believe?”

“A Fresh Sign, Shock of a Fresh Sign”.
Divine Message received on Thursday 24 October 2013 (After Zuhr prayer at 1.20 pm)
The prophecy apparently speaks of an earthquake but the description of this earthquake indicates that it was to be a worldwide calamity resembling an earthquake. Other revelations on the subject also indicated a calamity other than an earthquake. I first write the revelation which I am receiving today containing the prophecy:
“A fresh sign, Shock of a fresh sign”.  An earthquake resembling the Doomsday. Save your lives. I descended for your sake. We will show many signs for your sake. We will destroy whatever the world is building. We will destroy the Zalim of this era, whatever big, big plots making against My Khalifatullah. Say, “I have God as my witness –will you believe?”

Thursday, November 7, 2013

JIHAD in Islam: Concept and Practice

Friday Sermon of 01 November 2013:

“O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them.” (9: 73).

This verse is a clear call to Jihad, but does not mention the taking of arms. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) indeed engaged in defensive wars against the non-believers of Makkah, but never took up arms against the hypocrites of Medina, even after their betrayal in the battle of Uhud. It is therefore clear that the above mentioned jihad is not the armed jihad. The term jihad is derived from Jahada which means making intense efforts to the ultimate limit (29: 6). Jihad is an important injunction for Muslims; it is mentioned in no less than 36 places in the Holy Quran.

Jihad, as it is apparent from reading the Holy Quran denotes three types of battles:

1) The battle against the self (nafs).
2) The battle against evil in all its forms.
3) The armed battle against the visible enemy.

We can differentiate between the three types of jihad by respectively calling them Jihad-i-Akbar (the supreme jihad), Jihad-i-Kabir (the greater jihad) and jihad-i-Saghir (the lesser jihad). The Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) believed that the Jihad-i-Akbar is the ultimate battle, the noblest and he said, to his troops upon returning from the campaign of Tabuk: “We have returned from the lesser Jihad to the greater Jihad”. In which sense did he say that?

Friday, October 25, 2013

‘True Happiness Lies in ‘TAQWAH’

Friday Sermon of 25 October 2013 ~ (19 Dhul-Hijjah 1434 Hijri delivered by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Mun ir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius:

This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guidance to the pious. (2: 3)


These are Verses of the Wise Book, a Guide and a Mercy to the Doers of Good. (31: 3-4)

The Holy Quran affirms that it is a ‘Guide’, a ‘Direction’, only for the pious, the beneficent, the righteous. Not for others who are not pious or righteous, who do not put into practice what Allah says in the Holy Quran, (those) who read the Quran just like parrots, only on the lips and do not understand anything (of the Quran). For those people who are Muslims only in names, then the Holy Quran does not apply to these kinds of people. The righteous are those who already believe in the existence of God, although they cannot see Him, who already ‘raise and straighten’ the Salat, those who already observe fasting, already spend in the cause of God from among the goods granted to them, and they already believe in the truthfulness of the Quran and other scriptures revealed before the Quran (2: 3-5).