Monday, January 9, 2012

‘Allah Blesses me with His Revelations’

In his Friday Sermon of January 06, 2012 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) spoke about the inextricably intertwined Universe.  The grandeur and majesty of the Creator par excellence is written all over the space so much so that an accidental coincidence is impossible to conceive. Human mind perceives the potential role of an intelligent design behind it all. While human sensory organs are incapable of observing God, Almighty Allah reaches out to his Chosen servants in every age through the medium of divine revelations.  In this speech, the Khalifatullah throws light on the subtle subject of divine revelations by quoting from the writings of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). Further, the Khalifatullah (atba) confirms that for the last 12 years, he has been blessed with the special Grace of Allah and that he is a recipient of divine revelations, Alhamdulillah.      

Read from the extracts of the Sermon:

“And verily this Quran is a revelation from the Lord of all the worlds.” (26: 193)

There is an accurate orderly design and deep interrelation between different creations in the universe. How could food, air, water and sunlight, which are all indispensable for life, come to assemble accidentally on the earth? If the eye was created accidentally, then how the sun was also brought into existence accidentally? If the ear was formed accidentally did the air also come into existence accidentally to aid the ear in hearing sounds? If man appeared accidentally did woman also accidentally to aid him in procreation and to relieve his emotions?

Example after example could be listed. There is a deep interrelation and interdependence between different things in the universe which cannot happen by accident. We are forced to come to the conclusion that there exists an All-Knowing, All-Powerful and All-Wise Creator Who designed the whole pattern of the universe and then brought it into existence. It is the view of some people that, no doubt, God created the universe, designed it and set in motion but after that it is operating automatically in accordance with inherent laws and God never interferes with its operation. Were this so then we are unable to find answers to the following questions. Why did God create such a strange universe and what was the purpose of its creation? Did He reveal His purpose to man? Is there life after death and will man be rewarded or punished in the Hereafter in accordance with the merits of his actions?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Perils of Alcoholism

In his Friday Sermon of December 30, 2011 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius spoke about the inevitably disastrous consequences of liquor consumption. Speaking on the eve of a New Year, the Khalifatullah called the attention of one and all to the foolish pursuit of synthetic happiness and entertainment so pervasive in all the societies of our times. 

Read the extracts from the Sermon:

“In this last sermon of the year 2011, I seize this opportunity to talk on alcoholism in society. Alcohol can be very dangerous and it is the country’s most abused drug. Alcohol is a drug that is taken mainly for its psychological effects. Alcohol drink is very, very expensive in Mauritius and in the last budget of the Government; the latter has made it a must to increase the price of cigarette and alcohol drink. But these are two evils which the Government knows that shall not decrease, because the more the prices of these commodities go up, the more people will continue to buy, regardless their prices, because these evils have already become some people’s drugs.

So, basically alcohol depresses the nervous system and allows people to lose their inhibitions. If drug companies had discovered the effects of alcohol, then today maybe there would be no chance of it receiving approval from a drug’s safety committee and it would never be marketed for human consumption.

The immediate effects of alcohol are:

 The loss of inhibitions,

 Less self-conscious behaviour,

 Loss of self-control,

 Becoming more talkative and,

 A feeling of cheerfulness.

However, alcohol acts more as a depressant than a stimulant (i.e. it is a drug that dampens down the activity of the nervous system rather like a tranquilliser). Many heavy drinkers are aware that their thinking is not as good as it used to be.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Children of Adam, ‘God is One, Let us be United’

[On the eve of a new year unfolding in the horizon, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) addressed the world on the larger theme of unity in diversity through an article published on December 29, 2011 in the newspaper Le Mauricien. His reflections are deeply imprinted with a profound vision of the essential unity of mankind and human solidarity. In an age ravished by the passions of man- “strife, war, jealousy, arrogance, and thirst for power”- the Messenger of Allah calls the mankind back to sanity and reason and exhorts us all to reclaim our original identity as “Children of Adam”. We are reproducing the original article below for the benefit of our readers].
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: The following adage is widespread yet so little understood and put into practice:  The world goes round and round and the mentality of people does not change despite the flying years.

The Torah, Gospels and the Holy Quran inform humankind that we are one, from one Source, from the divine essence, and we come from one man, Adam, the father of mankind. That is why, the Almighty addresses human species as “Children of Adam”. Yet, blood ceases not to be oozed out from our own body – the body of mankind - because of strife, war, jealousy, arrogance, and thirst for power. Blood of red incarnadine ceases not to mar the surface of the earth in the name of justice, yet justice is a long way to be attained by sheer bloodshed.

The Muslim world is shredding itself to pieces because of disunity and a feeling of superiority over their own Muslim brethrens. The rest of humanity is fighting against Islam in the name of terrorism. And some people blame religion for the chaos which the world is facing on a daily basis. The question is: Should it have been so? Should the world be divided and sub-divided till a point that we feel estranged to each other, that we lose our identity as the “Children of Adam”, the ultimate perfected creation of God, that is, the human species?

We are from the essence of God, believe it or not! Good and bad is in our nature but the Almighty has given us the ability to fight against our own devilish side and plunge into the light of felicity through unity and compatibility to each other, the whole mankind as one manifestation of the Lord. Is this utopia? Is this aim so impossible to imagine?

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Vilification of Holy Prophet: A Prophecy

Today, in the garb of freedom of speech and expression, press freedom and European liberty, the common faith of the 
Muslims and the sacred symbols of Islamic spiritualism are under attack in Europe.

The ‘creative spirit’ of ‘libertarian’ (and ‘liberated’) individuals does not seem to respect any notions of limits. Nor do they recognize any restraints whatsoever. In the name of opposing radical Islamic elements, the European Press is targeting the founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet (sa), hurting and bruising the spiritual sensibility of millions and millions of common Muslims everywhere, leading to protests and even violence and police clashes and demonstrations. When a society stretches liberty on its head and encourages anarchical voyage of the mind, it invites certain, negative consequences in its wake. That is why in most civilized societies, notions of reasonable restraints and proportionality are part of the judicial tests to preserve the social order in tact. Confusing individual freedom to express oneself with the liberty to abuse the faith and feelings of others is a sure way to invite social trouble and communal disharmony.

With the gradual ascendance of Muslim populations in western Europe with an upsurge of immigrants from North Africa and also the other regions of Europe where the genocidal killing of Muslims have taken place in the last decades, historic prejudices and jaundiced perceptions on Islam and on the common Muslims, are increasingly regaining currency among Europeans, in a social and political milieu where radical elements among the youth resort to terror as a political strategy to take on despicable, imperial regimes that oppress and destroy Muslim lives and lands. In a society and culture where nothing remains as sacred and spiritual, the hatred against ordinary Muslims transforms itself into the satirical raping of Islam's holiest symbols and the abuse and vilification of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) on a daily basis in newspapers. 

The recent explosion of hatred against Muslim immigrants in Europe and especially, the eruption of more disgusting cartoons on the Holy person of Hazrat Muhammad (sa) in Denmark, Sweden “Nerikes Allehanda” (at the end of August) and France “Charlie Hebdo” (November 2011) must be seen in this backdrop. While the Swedish newspaper pictured the Holy Prophet of Islam as a dog (God Forbid!), the French magazine has depicted “a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad on the cover as “guest editor”. 

In the aftermath of the first cartoons made on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) in Denmark (Jyllands-Posten) [Inset: Kurt Westergaard – Danish cartoonist who pictured the Holy Prophet having bombs on his head], Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (atba) of Mauritius had sent a warning letter to the Prime Minister of of DenmarkMr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, calling his attention to the dangerous trends in his society. Reminding the people concerned that all are children of Adam, Hazrat Khalifatullah (atba) pointedly asked them:  'If one brother is hurting another, do you call that “civilized, democratization, liberty, freedom of expression” to sadistically rape the pure religion of Islam and going beyond the limits of morality and ethics?'

The Khalifatullah (atba) advised them to 'repent for your actions and asks God forgiveness and stand before the Islamic World and apologize sincerely towards your Islamic brothers because you have hurt us in the most atrocious ways'. 

He further WARNED: 

'What is really needed is that you must fear the great calamity, destruction and divine punishment; a severe punishment, which comes from God Almighty, if, you do not repent. If you continue to tarnish the pure reputation of the Holy Prophet of God, God Himself will deal with you. God Almighty has said in Chapter 21 “The Prophets” of the Holy Quran:And how many a township that acted wrongfully have We utterly destroyed, and raised up after it another people!’  So reflect well on this verse of the Holy Quran before it is too late”.

Instead of benefiting from the wisdom of the message, the Caricaturists are parading their crime before the world more and more. In a Divinely-inspired message on 07 December 2011 Hazrat Khalifatullah (atba) reiterates his warnings and passed on this message:

'[t]he consequences of these people shall be grievous after what they have done. Allah Almighty shall seize them for the way they depicted His beloved Messenger (sa). These wretched ones shall burn in the greatest of fires, and they shall neither die nor live. Divine malediction shall pursue them in this world till they meet their final destruction.'

The previous warnings (to Danish culprits) can be found in section “Letters” on the Official Website and can be read here and here

‘Janbah Sahib, Your Days Are Counted’!

In the aftermath of the Mubahila Challenge issued by Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius against the Mujaddid claimant Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib of Kiel, Germany and his disciple Mansoor Ahmed Sahib, the opposite parties concerned are adopting diversion tactics to avoid the Challenge altogether and thereby evade the inevitable, if possible! Indeed, the Mubahila challenge has hit them very hard, so much so that the response shows either they are out of their minds or stupidity has no limits!

How else can one explain a situation where the challenge is raised by a Divinely-raised Imam and the response is to take the focus away from the issue altogether? The Mubahila Document was sent to the last known address of Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib on November 24, 2011. Instead of promptly accepting it as a golden opportunity to prove his worth with Divine Help and succour and signing and stamping it with his official seal, the Janbah Sahib sat over the matter for more than a couple of weeks. He later, issued a very vaguely-worded, decision to accept the Challenge on December 10, 2011.

While in his statement Janbah Sahib merely expressed a wish to see this humble person’s signature (Fazil Jamal) on the Document based on my previous critical notes on his claims and requested to the Khalifatullah for the separate inclusion of my name in the Document, his disciple Mansoor Ahmed Sahib has later elevated the wish/request of his Guru into a legitimate demand initially and now, a condition precedent for the signature of his own and that of his Guru! So much so that unless I sign on the Document, they would not dare to sign it!!

Before ending his last Friday Sermon for the year 2011, on December 30, 2011 Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) took note of the situation. Read the extracts from the Sermon:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Celebrating ‘Christmas’

The very basis of modern Christianity and its foundational theological concepts are shrouded in mythical haze. No less a festival than the ‘Christmas’- celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (as)- itself reminds one about the extraordinary theological engineering that underpins and sustains the constructed belief systems of contemporary Christians. In his Friday Sermon of December 23, 2011 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) spoke about the dimensions of mystery surrounding the faith and the futility of Christmas when viewed through the prism of pristine spirituality. As the Divinely-raised Warner of this (spiritually) empty age, Hadhrat Sahib reminds Muslims-including Ahmadis and their leader- against indulging in vain pursuits-such as celebration of Christmas- that takes one away from the true path of Allah.

Read the extracts from the Friday Sermon:     

That Jesus is the central figure and the very soul of Christian theology is manifestly clear. Without some kind of belief in his Christhood, whichever way may it be defined by various denominations and scholarly theologians, the very foundations of Christianity are totally altered. Throughout the last two thousand years, hundreds of millions of Christians have been sustained in their beliefs through their deep faith in the life of Jesus. The miraculous character attributed to his birth, the stories of the miracles he performed, his encounters with the Romans, Israelites and other gentiles, and finally, his crucifixion provide the basic ingredients which have continued to nourish this leading religion of the western world not only today but through the centuries past.

Yet, it is rather strange, indeed ironic, that most important events of his life have always remained veiled in mystery. Was he born of a virgin mother? When was he born? Why is hardly anything known about his life from early infancy to the time when he proclaimed his ministry? How long did his ministry last? Who were really responsible for his being led to the cross – hostile Jewish leaders or the Roman rulers? Did he really die during the few hours that he was on the cross or was he only unconscious when he was taken off the cross with unusual haste? If there was a resurrection, then who were the eye-witnesses, if any? What is the significance of the blood stains of the shroud in which he was temporarily wrapped and which is now preserved in the Cathedral of Turin, Italy? [Inset: An image of Christ which corresponds exactly to the Shroud of Turin]. Did he leave Palestine for the eastern regions to accomplish his proclaimed mission of having come for the lost tribes of Israel? These and several other issues about the life of Jesus of Nazareth have continued to challenge the curiosity of the Christian as well as the non-Christian scholars.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Curious Case of Mansoor Ahmed Sahib

Mansoor Ahmed Sahib, the disciple of the Mujaddid claimant Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib of Kiel, Germany has been and is at the forefront of articulating the viewpoint of his Guru on various spiritual matters. On the question of the fulfilment of prophecy Zaki Ghulam/ Musleh Maoud, Mansoor Ahmed Sahib kept writing in the last year or so, the responses from his Guru’s perspective on the issues and points raised by the Imam of the Age Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius (atba). In his polemical writings defending the position of his Guru, Mansoor Sahib has had no qualms about describing people who differ with him and follow a different interpretation as “religious criminals”.   

It is no accident, then, that the Imam of the Age has decided to include his name along with his Guru in his Mubahila Challenge of November 21, 2011. The challenge is available here: ]. A month after the declaration of Mubahila Challenge, the Document remains yet ot be signed by the opposite parties concerned- Janbah Sahib and Mansoor Ahmed Sahib. 

In stead of promptly accepting the challenge and signing on the page prepared by the Imam Sahib, Janbah Sahib and  his disciple are manufacturing excuses to look for avoiding the Challenge altogether. Is it to delay the inevitable destruction of their agenda at the Court of Allah? In his public statement of December 10, 2011 Janab Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib gave expression to his intent to accept the Mubahila challenge along with his Jamaat with a rider. He did not sign the Document citing that the signature of this humble person (Fazil Jamal) is not included in the Document as though without my signature, the Mubahila cannot proceed at all!