The coming of Prophets and other Elects of Allah for the
guidance of mankind is a perennial theme in spiritual history. The Holy Qur’an
says that such servants of Allah have always been raised among all communities
and every people have had their own divinely-guided souls. “And
for every people there is a Messenger” (10:48, 13:08; 16:37). A well
known tradition from the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) indicates that hundreds of
thousands of Messengers have passed away before his own advent.
As the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was himself a chain in
the grand Divine scheme of guided souls leading common people in the path of
Allah, he gave the glad tiding of the continuity of divine revelations and the
coming of other Elects of Allah in future. That is why the Promised Messiah (as) wrote in
his book Izala Auham that the door of
coming of Messiahs will remain open and never close. He further said:
“I am the claimer of Promised
Messiah, and this is not the only claim of mine, that only I am the one and the
last Promised Messiah. Hence, according to me it is possible that after my age
(time period) ten thousands (10,000)
Promised Messiahs shall come. But for this age (time period) I am the
Promised Messiah.”
He then, writes:
“It is also evident that this view
is not mine alone. The
‘mirror images’ of the Massih could be several persons’- This is
also not just a personal opinion of mine. This is actually the essence of the
great prophetic traditions in this regard. There could be around 30 Dajjals
till the Day of Judgement. Thus 30 Dajjals might appear in the world. Based on
the prophecy “Li Kulli Dajjalin Isa”, atleast
30 Massihs should come. Due to these descriptions, the other Massihs will make an appearance at some other time. All
this is perfectly possible”. (Izala
Auham, pg.197)
Today, Ahmadis have completely moved away from the real
spiritual path of Islam which anticipates the coming of Elects of Allah in
every age. Forget about 10,000 Massihs
or even the comparatively smaller figure 30
Massihs, mentioned by the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as), his own so-said
Jamaat has discarded his teachings by the way side. They do not even expect a single Massih to come in their midst now
as they feel they have an elected Khilafat system which is designed to last
till the Day of Judgement in the fashion of the Christian Khilafat. Already, they have declared the Promised Massih (as) as the Last Mujaddid
before the Day of Judgement. Such thinking is in line with the mentality of
other peoples of the past who also thought that after their Prophet, no one
will come in future!