a special message to members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International
today, Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of
Mauritius shared recently received Divine revelations, and
issued special guidelines for the social conduct of members; behaviour with
proper respect towards Jamaat system; behaviour with mutual respect and trust
towards each other, reassuring harmony and amity within the spiritual order.
Extracts from the divine message is reproduced below:
arsalnaaka bil-haqqi bashiiranw-wa naziiraa.
We have sent you with the Truth,
as a bearer of glad tidings and as a Warner.
I am a Warner from Allah;
I have been sent in this Era.
The blind and the
seeing are not alike.
The believers have been
called "the living" because by accepting the truth they receive a new
life and the disbelievers are called "the dead" because by rejecting
the prophet of Allah, the Divine manifestation and the truth which is the
elixir of life eternal they bring spiritual death upon themselves.
It is not possible for
the Khalifatullah of this Era to make those who have deliberately shut their
hearts and ears listen to and accept the Divine Message.
Such people spiritually are dead and defunct as those buried in the grave.