Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Other Half of Women’s ‘Freedom’

That sexual permissiveness is morally unacceptable may have been a part of the long-standing common sense in most societies. But, increasingly, such views are being challenged by people who brazenly and wantonly, ‘celebrate’ the cause of individual 'preferences' and identity 'orientations' by arguing that there is nothing deviant in being a homosexual or a lesbian for that matter. The fact is, world over, sexual permissiveness is increasingly gaining societal acceptance and public legitimacy. The language of human rights and basic freedoms are increasingly being deployed for the recognition and in the service of homosexual, bisexual, transgender and lesbian communities and also for legalising abortion and even prostitution. In this twisted world of legality,  the heinous practice of abortion is projected as a mere question of a woman’s basic right to reproductive choice.  Any perceived 'interference' by the society through regulatory laws/rules would be seen as a grotesque invasion of the right to privacy and self- determination in the private sphere!

In his Friday Sermon of June 08, 2012 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius took note of these larger societal trends in the backdrop of the recent policy debates in Mauritius on the issue of legalizing abortion.  The Divine Messenger of our times points out that all of these have profoundly negative implications for the orderly development and long-term health of societies and the human civilization's onward march.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:

Brothers and sisters, you know that since Friday 04 May 2012, in the Mauritian Parliament and even before this, the government has taken the decision to legalise abortion, but after debates on the question, they (that is, the government) persisted to go forward with the legalisation of abortion in specific cases and this has been published in the newspapers here in Mauritius. Each time that the government has gone against religion and the religious leaders, and each time that the subject of abortion has become the talk of the day, as the Khalifatullah of this era, like in the past, I shall continue to rise against all things which are against the divine teachings and which are encouraging all the more the spread of sins.

Immorality is annihilating our youth, be it in Mauritius and the world as a whole. Due to the fact that some 20% of women do not want children, therefore accordingly (people of modern times or government) seem to think that abortion must be legalised. I warn you: Do not invite the punishment of Allah on this small island, and I warn also the other countries who have legalised (or in the process of legalising) abortion.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Road to Spiritual Progress

The path to attain nearness to the Lord Almighty is narrow and slippery. One needs to traverse it through prayer, patience and concentration. One can evolve spiritually by establishing a firm relationship and bond of love with the Guided Ones who are sent by Allah the Most High from time to time. Listening to them and following their noble precepts and practices are absolutely essential for those who seek true guidance. This way one will gain right and correct belief which are free from blemishes and mythical haze. In his Friday Sermon of 11 May 2012, Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius underscored the struggles involved in attaining spiritual progress and offered special guidance on how to proceed on this sublime path.

Read the Extracts from the Sermon:

“According to Islam, our beautiful and perfect religion, the only spiritual way is that of prayer and concentration. But time is needed for a person to benefit from this because until a relationship takes deep roots and a bond of love is created, its effects cannot be felt. The way of guidance is only through prayer and concentration.

It is God’s rule of nature that every spirit requires a physical mould. When such a mould is ready, a spiritual form is breathed into it automatically. It is an essential objective that you should gradually gain acquaintance with the reality which God has opened to me in the capacity of Khalifatullah of this era. There are many errors in the beliefs which have common currency among the ordinary people of Islam and also in Jamaat Ahmadiyya and these errors have arisen as a result of intermingling with the Christians. But now God has wished that the pure and bright face of Islam be shown to the world, that is, the Sahih al Islam. Clarity of beliefs is very essential for spiritual progress. The clearer the beliefs, the greater will be the progress.

Prayer and concentration are needed in this struggle because the true reality is hidden from some people by the veil of their negligence, from others by their prejudice and yet some others are kept away from it because they have no devotion to the people of truth. However, without God’s help these veils cannot be lifted and that is why prayer and concentration are needed. Ever since the system of prophethood has been instituted, it has been the case that mere talk cannot lead to any progress. It is always prayer and devoted concentration which prove beneficial.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Points for Preaching of Islam

As a religion and spiritual order, Islam offers comprehensive ethical and moral guidance on all aspects of life in its varied facets. And a Muslim will be able to find solutions within the framework of the teachings of Islam to the many problems he or she is confronted with. This can be done even without injecting ideas and processes antithetical to the Islamic perspective (Bid’ah) by seeking to equip oneself with the correct knowledge of Islam. Apart from practicing Sahih Al Islam, a Muslim ought to share the richness of the Islamic path- “beauty, rationality, practicality and completeness”- and its innate ability to appeal to the human mind with all of mankind. 

In his Friday Sermon of March 09, 2012 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius gave a discourse on how to conduct the preaching of Islam and underscored certain points to keep in mind in Dawa.

Read the Extracts from the Sermon:

(1) Planning

Dawa requires effective planning and strategy formulation. We should never do Dawa by haste. We have to plan it out very carefully with deliberation. We have to plan how to do Dawa to various kinds of peoples coming from different backgrounds. We need to plan especially if we are organizing Dawa for groups through lectures or seminars. We have to plan ahead of time, plan for the theme, topics, venue, time particulars, speakers concerned. We have to consider planning what to say and how to say it. As Dai-Illallah, it is imperative for us to plan but we have to acknowledge that Allah is the Best of planners like mentioned in the following verses of the Holy Quran:

“And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners.” (3: 55) and “But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.” (8: 31)

Thus, we have to pray for His help to bless our plan, our Dawa because When He decrees a plan, He only says to it, ‘Be’, and it is!” (3: 48); and that,  “He does command according to His will and plan”. (5: 2)

(2) Inviting people with Hikma (wisdom) and beautiful preaching. 

Allah the Almighty commands us, so that we can be successful Dai-Illallah. Allah says:

“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is (rightly) guided.” (16: 126)

Friday, August 5, 2011

'Feel Welcome, O Ramadan!'

[Alhamdulillah, on 02 August 2011, LE MAURICIEN Newspaper, published from Mauritius, carried an article by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) on Fasting in Islam against the backdrop of the fast-approaching holy month of Ramadan under the Islamic Calendar. We are reproducing the article here for the special attention and benefit of all seekers of spiritual treasures].

The most desired guest for the believers is the Holy Month of Ramadan. Believers are commanded to welcome this special guest with fear of God in their heart and purity of mind and soul. The Almighty (Allah) says in the Holy Quran: “O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you, as it was decreed for those before you, that you may attain salvation.” (Chapter 2; Verse 184).

First of all, what is Fasting? In Quran and Hadiths the word defining Fasting is “Sawm” which means “to abstain”. In our current language, this means that we must not drink or eat, and abstain from sexual relations from the beginning of dawn till sunset. Fasting existed even before the advent of Islam, for all people before Islam received divine commandments to fast, even if the quantity and quality of the different fasts were not the same.

Fasting is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. The first pillar being the Shahada (Attestation of Faith), the second being Salaat (Prayer), the third being Sawm (Fasting – especially in the month of Ramadan where it is obligatory for a believer except if one is ill, on a long journey, and for the ladies who are in their menses, or pregnant or are breastfeeding their babies), then afterwards come Zakaat and Hajj.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Khalifatul Massih as ‘Alimul Ghayb’

Any one who objectively, impartially, unemotionally and dispassionately examines the mindset of the contemporary Ahmadi Muslims will be struck by the long shadow of blind faith engulfing the landscape of Jamaat-e- Ahmadiyya. Several dimensions of this are unmistakably apparent in the every day lives of the believers. First, in their quest for absolute obedience to their Khalifa, they are willing to suspend reason and rationality and stoop to the extent of committing Shirk. Secondly, they venerate their Khalifa so much that they fail to recognize the pitfalls involved. Thirdly, even as they enter into schemes brought in by their Khulafa, they do not realize what they are doing! 

In a recent speech, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius illustrated these points with glaring examples of this unfortunate scenario within the mainstream Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, who cliams the sole and exclusive legacy of the Promised Massih (as):

1.      Concerning absolute obedience to their Khalifa:

Once the 4th Khalifa Mirza Thahir Ahmad Sahib said not to use any aluminium recipients to cook food, and therefore all Ahmadi Muslims in Mauritius threw away their own aluminium recipients so as to buy new costly “AMC” recipients so as to cook food. There were even some who contracted debts (taking credit and paying interest) so as to buy these new recipients. After some years, all of these Ahmadi Muslims reverted back to their use of aluminium recipients!

This is the mentality of the Ahmadi Muslims in Mauritius whereby they take the words of their Khalifa as more important than the Qur’anic verses and the words of the Holy Prophet (sa). If this is not a Shirk, then what is this? 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Trials of Faith and the Duty of the Believer

Test of character is a recurring theme in spiritual experience and religious history. The Holy Qur’an repeatedly warns believers to be constantly on the alert and to examine their own inner urges and external stimulations at crossroads of conscience. The experiences of disciples at the time of God’s Messengers such as Moses (as), Jesus (as) and Muhammad (sa) point to the complex questions and forces at work in social circumstances.

While faith is a framework to look for directions, it is important for believers to be cautious: You never know which way channels of vanity and material interests may overcome pure belief and corrupt your faith in God and in the manifestation of Divine favour among yourselves. Thus, in addition to fervent supplication of prayers, the believer must also distrust the human intellect and its vagaries or in any case, be critically aware of one's own subjectivity. In a speech delivered after Esha Prayers on June 10, 2011, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib reflected on this profound subject.

Read from the extracts: