Sunday, November 20, 2022

'Halloween' in Arabia


The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), in an astonishing tradition (Hadith), presciently foretold the Muslim Ummah that just like communities before them faced different trials in their times, the Ummah will also face real tests of national character in the ebb and flow of time. The Holy Prophet (sa) specifically warned the community against major sins that singed earlier peoples: spread of immorality and open injustice in the social order; unfair dealings and selfish indulgence of the rich, neglect of Divine commands and pursuit of amusement; factionalism among the elites leading to foreign intervention and eventual cultural subjugation under other peoples.

The world of Islam today bear witness to the essential truthfulness and fulfillment of those grim forewarnings. Under the ideological dominance of 'Godlessness' or hedonistic individualism, the social elites in the Muslim world are playing lip-service to sublime spiritual values; they are enamoured of Satanic temptations at amusement avenues and the economics of entertainment opportunities is driving the shifts in national policies. Hence, the Westernization process seems to grip almost all walks of everyday life in the Muslim nations in recent times. In his Friday Sermon of 11 November 2022~16 Rabi’ul Aakhir 1444 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius points to the pitfalls of this process for the community and society at large.  

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

The Westernization of the Ummah


By the grace of Almighty Allah, I continue my sermon on last week’s explanation of the Hadith wherein our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) addressed the emigrants in Medina and said:  “There are five things with which you will be tested, and I seek refuge with Allah lest you live to see them: Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, but plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them. They do not cheat in weights and measures but they will be stricken with famine, severe calamity and the oppression of their rulers. They do not withhold the Zakah of their wealth, but rain will be withheld from the sky, and were it not for the animals, no rain would fall on them. They do not break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger, but Allah will enable their enemies to overpower them and take some of what is in their hands. Unless their leaders rule according to the Book of Allah and seek all good from that which Allah has revealed, Allah will cause them to fight one another.’” (Ibn Majah)


The West has since a very long time now taken Islam as a scapegoat [whereby they put lots of blames on Islam and says that Islam is responsible for all the evils in today’s society] and used Muslims to suit their needs of the Hour [i.e. all that they desire of this temporal world in our times]. They use the Muslims in such a way that they may state that Islam is like this, Islam is like that [i.e. in a bad light] and this throwing dirt on the pure religion of Allah. The presence of Islam itself makes them shiver with fear lest Islam dominates the world once more, but Insha-Allah, that which they fear will come but not in the negative way they view Islam, and this so-called damnation. While they view Islam as damnation, this beautiful religion is actually their salvation [and will lead the pure-hearted to Paradise] but they know it not yet [they are still ignorant of this truth as Islamophobia has overtaken their mind with fear].


The blindfold which has blocked their view has also blocked their understanding of the truth. The peace of Islam shall overtake them. The time of the Islam Spring shall bring a new day in the lives of the pure souls in this world. This is not to be confused with the Arab Spring wherein the Arab people revolted against their autocratic governments and in the process got the so-called help from the West to overcome their oppressive leaders while the West has plunged their society in another smaller version of their own deviated world, a society which has deviated from the Straight Path. So, they want the Muslims to stop following Islam and to follow the customs of the West whereby they can live a liberated life, without restrictions and fear of divine punishments like them; there is no doubt that such deviations from the path of Allah and upholding the modern tendencies of the West will bring about the Divine Wrath and Punishment.


Like I told you last week, the USA wants to capsize the Arab World for the majority of the Arabs are Muslims. They want to finish Islam little by little [like droplets of poison]. All the kinds of strategies which they use to weaken such Muslim countries like Palestine, this is because they fear that Islam will gain the upper hand – will rule in supremacy – in the world.


The Islam Spring is the time when Islam will triumph, Insha-Allah, not with armaments but with the pure revelations of God Almighty and the obedience of the true believers to the Messengers of Allah of their time and bringing to life the teachings of the Holy Quran in their everyday lives. Trust in this advent is of capital importance as Islam is the Living Religion meant to remain for all times [not just in this world, but in the hereafter as well].


Today, Islam is attacked from everywhere. It is the most misunderstood religion, yet with the concerted efforts of many true and sincere volunteers of this Ummah [be them in Turkey, Palestine and the other Muslim countries, as well as Muslims in the non-Islamic countries], many people have joined the ranks of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the final victory of Islam. Alhamdulillah.


But like I told you, Islam should not be thought and considered as the West. It is neither oriental nor occidental. It is the true Way of Life for all the people of the world, irrespective of where they actually live in this world. The entire world is the property of Allah. Neither the U.S.A, nor Russia or any other country for that matter can ever claim to own it as they are themselves mere pawns in the Hands of Allah. But while Allah is their Lord, He has also given them freewill to pave their way either to true success in both the worlds or to dig their own grave of destruction.


Today non-Muslims, especially self-made politicians without any knowledge of true politics are spreading terror in the lives of Muslims. They are trying to create such confusion in today’s generation of Muslims to attract them to a modernization and westernization of Islam. They plan to make today’s new generation to accept the new codes of life, in the way family units are perceived nowadays, even if it means that a man is getting married to another man and adopting or clinically seeking to beget a child so that they may be parents. Such disobedience to God Almighty’s commands, whether found in the Old Testament, New Testament and the Holy Quran as well as the other sacred books, is bound to backfire on the society in one way or the other. We have read and heard about the destruction of the disobedience nations such as Sodom and Gomorrah. Prophet Lot (as) were not harsh to them, but they were harsh to their own selves.


Being Muslims does not mean that we start a mass killing of the homosexuals, or pansexuals or transgenders, or any other sexual identity which is not according to God’s Will and Commandment. It means delivering to them the message of truth, of purity and salvation and to make them reason – not with their lust and carnal desires, but with true reasoning of what is really permissible or not for them. While these people are humans and cannot be coerced physically to adopt the way of Allah, but nonetheless, this does not mean that we accept all that the media is trying to impose on everyone’s minds, especially the small children about what family life and family units consist of. There should be a demarcation line between what is right and what is wrong and it is the duty of today’s Muslim parents to teach their children this at an early age as this – being regularised and normalised in school curriculum nowadays – will confuse the new generation who will think that all this is normal whereas it is not.


As per the Islamic perspective, the children should be well equipped today to face those difficult questions and situations in society, not by being rude but by being true Muslims. And these fundamental teachings should be given by the parents as the teachers will be forced by school curriculum to teach their children such aspects of today’s society which are not essentially Islamic or even as per the religious standards of any other religion. All faiths at their origins were true, but due to differences of opinions and interpolations of the words of God, these faiths lost their bearings until Islam arose and brought forward the Holy Quran as the ultimate guidance for all mankind.


So, the spiritual education of the children is of capital importance today as the society we are living in is deeply stuck in immorality. All societies have been westernized, even the Arab countries. Muslims are being Muslims in name only. The vast majority of them are atheists, or just non-practicing Muslims.


Like in the Holy Quran, Allah says: 'They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts.' (Al-Fath, 48: 12) 

When we see how the Arab world is opening itself to the West, we are reminded about the afflictions of the Dajjal as prophesised by our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). While some modern facilities are not sins, but the evils among them like Cinema Halls, Gambling, Halloween parties and other attractions to portray their countries as friendly to the West, and the way of dressing also are also against the very teachings of Islam and what is regrettable about this is that despite being aware of those prophecies of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), they continue to follow the trends of the people of the West, exactly as Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has said:

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) as saying: “You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: ‘Allah’s Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words) “those before you”? He said: ‘Who else (than those two religious groups)?’” (Bukhari, Muslim)


I stop here for now. Insha-Allah, I will continue on the same subject next week. The ways of Allah are indeed great. He brings those who seek His light from darkness unto light, and as for the evil-doers, He gives them enough time to repent and reform before the punishment overtakes them. Insha-Allah, Ameen.