Saturday, November 26, 2022

'Zalzala Azim' and 'Fath-e-Islam'


According to Divine Promise- a grand prophecy preserved in the Holy Qur'an-, the religion of Allah as taught by the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) shall prevail on, and dominate over, all other so-called ideologies of life in the fullness of time. Yet, ironically, several Muslim communities around the world face glaring existential challenges at the hands of the disbelievers today; anti-Muslim forces in different nations are seeking to destroy Muslim communities. The mass expulsions and genocidal violence orchestrated against the Muslims in Palestine, Bosnia, Central African Republic, the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, the Uighur Muslims in China, etc. are emblematic of the grave challenges of identity, dignity and rights of people who believed in Allah (swt) and followed Islam as their religion. Palestine is a symbol of the oppression and destitution, slavery and subjugation that the Muslim Ummah stares in their political fortunes in our times. 

In his Friday Sermon of 18 November 2022~23 Rabi’ul Aakhir 1444 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al  Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius closely reviews the continuing  great injustice in Palestine, and also other internal challenges facing the Muslim Ummah in establishing the Faith and its majesty on earth. Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) cautions the Muslim Ummah about the painful consequences of the lack of unity and joint position within the Ummah on common threats and challenges. Narrow self-serving positions, economic interests, national pride, sectarian prejudices and schisms keep the Arab/Muslim world busy in their own silos, blissfully oblivious of the challenges facing the Ummah. In the meanwhile, other powers, like the Satan, can sense opportunities, easily mount and sustain their assault on Islam by picking sides among the believers, as they find the House divided on multiple fault lines.  Be that as it may, Hazrat Saheb (aba) warns the world that anti-Islam forces will not be able to 'finish' Islam through their maverick plots and conspiracies. The chosen messenger of Allah (swt) in this era foretells that the pharaohs of this era will also meet with Divine vengeance when they seek to destroy His religion, and the predominance of His servants and the religion of Allah will unfurl a new dawn in this world, Insha Allah, Aameen.  

The Wider Plan of the USA in favour of Israel


Ever since the creation of Israel, Palestine has become a symbol of unjust oppression. Innocents in millions have since then been debarred from their homes and properties. Peace which was their right was snatched away from them when their motherland became the object of a deep war and division.


In one way or another, on a daily basis we hear about the horrors committed against the Palestinian people – heart-breaking and sad; it is such a situation which brings tears to the eyes. They are oppressed in all forms and live in an open prison.

The schism among the Muslims

[See! When there is no unity among the Muslims – like the adage goes “unity is strength” – the non-Muslims and powers have seized the weaknesses of the Muslims, pitting one Muslim and/or one Muslim country against another Muslim/ Muslim country to gain the upper hand in the world. They know that the Muslims like to fight against themselves, so they sowed the seed of hatred and the Muslims themselves did the rest of the work of destructing themselves. There is division upon division, Muslims killing their Muslim brethren. Those powers target the poor areas or countries of the Muslim World and even those countries where Muslims are in minority.


Where is the unity ordained by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whereby the said that Islam and the Muslims should be one body. We are all in the ship of Islam; we all are like one family, one body. When one member suffers, the whole body feels the pain.


The Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) should have been united and stand up for the oppressed and poor Muslim countries, those who are facing hardships and killing. Their wealth and properties [their homes, lands, etc.] are being snatched from them. All their riches have been robbed from them.


So, where are the rich and empowered Muslim Arab countries? (They should have come to the rescue of their fellow brothers!)

Fatal Deviance from the Path

See! When the Muslims have begun to interpret Islam as per their own limited understanding and ideas/ opinions and put aside the revelations from God Almighty (found in the Holy Quran), they thus did such deeds which were against the divine teachings. They thus trampled the teachings of Islam when they closed the door of prophethood, of the advent of prophets, the door of divine revelations. Had they truly believed that the door of prophethood and divine revelations is open, then the non-Muslims would not have got the upper hand on them. But they closed that door believing that the actual Jesus (as) of the Bani [Children of] Israel will come and is still alive in the Heavens – despite centuries have gone by – while the greatest of all prophets is dead. That is one of the greatest errors which made the Muslim Ummah deviate from the right path. That is indeed an enormous error/ misconception.


But it is clear from the Holy Quran that Jesus came only for the Children of Israel; he came to fulfil [and not abolish] the laws of Moses (as) and he died like all humans.


What is the use of saying that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the greatest of all prophets, believing that he is the last prophets – indeed last in law-bearing teachings only – but then believe that the previous Messiah (who came before him) will come after him [the same Jesus in flesh and blood]?


Now see what Israel – the Children of Israel – are doing! They have become the enemies of Islam. They are stealing all the riches of the Muslims. And which is happening in Palestine – Palestine was one whole but then came to be divided…Remember the anecdote of the camel that I usually relate to you. In the cold night, it asks permission to put only its foot in the tent of the Bedouin, then little by little it enters the tent and it is the Bedouin who finds himself without shelter. This is the depiction of what Satan does in the life of the True Believer in God Almighty. And now, without being proprietors, but through coercion, killing and thefts, they got hold on a larger part of Palestine, and even establishing their own country within it, called Israel. And they have the guts to claim the Al-Aqsa Mosque as their own (forming part of Israel)!


Why did they do this? There is a well-established plan behind all this. Their aim is to destroy Islam. But I challenge them that they will not be successful in their plans. The earth can tilt and the trees become upside down, but despite killing Muslims in thousands, despite spreading the blood of the Muslims but they will not be able to finish Islam! This is because Islam is such a seed planted by Allah Himself. It is Allah Who has honoured and perfected this religion. But, O you “Muslims” who have deviated from the teachings of Allah! Beware! Allah will raise a tsunami and wipe you out. Others will come to replace you whereby they will give their lives, time and honour to Islam and it is then that Islam will flourish and reach the peak of its glory and victory.


That is why this Surah/ verses have been revealed: Izaa jaa’a nasrullahi wal-Fath… Don’t worry, this victory is coming. These verses have been revealed long back, and Insha-Allah, Islam will be victorious throughout the world.]


The main culprit who is behind this strategy and imprisonment are the United States of America who have invested their time, money and power to try to disintegrate the power and rights of the Muslims. The fear that Islam will one day again overpower them has made them to take the forwarding steps to restrict that grand victory of the pure Deen of Allah. Powerful as they may be, but they know deep within of the capabilities of Islam and the Muslims. [That is why they are spending lots of time, energy and resources to finish Islam and the Muslims by creating divisions among us. They will furnish arms to the Muslims to destroy their own brothers while they remain behind the scenes [behind the veil] and mastermind the whole operation. They act like angels whereas they are the devils. For how long do they think they will be successful? A day shall come – and that day has already started! I tell them “Prepare yourselves but you will not be successful in your attempts!” Those who plan against Islam, they will not be able to stop the deluge which will overcome them. Allah gave those people and superpowers shocks upon shocks through the various viruses like Covid-19 and those threats are on-going [more viruses to come…]. They take themselves as the gods of this world. 

The Prophecy on “Zalzala Azim”

Like the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) prophesised in his poem about the “Zalzala Azim”, calling out to the people to wake up and listen to the call of the Messenger and the divine revelations being received about the great calamity whereby everything will come upside down “Zerr” will become “Zabar” [Letters of the Urdu Alphabets]. And you will see those prophecies and calamities [Zalzala] in the times of the AZIM whom Allah has raised in this era.


Many Ahmadi Muslims have not understood this prophecy to its full extent (they have become blind). Yes, there shall be many calamities which will happen, but those will manifest in the era of AZIM. That is why Allah has revealed to this humble servant: BUILD THE ARK OF AZIM.


See the great calamities happening in this era, known and unknown calamities, in all forms; several types of “Zalzala” in the era of AZIM and indeed in the very era whereby Allah has given the instructions to this AZIM to build the Ark of Azim. Insha-Allah Ta’ala Al-Aziz, this Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam like in the times of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) whereby Allah made him prophecy about the Kishti-Nuh [Ark of Noah] will witness the accomplishment of this prophecy, initially made by him - the Promised Messiah [Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)] – and that prophecy of Zalzala Azim and the Ark of Azim will also be fulfilled. The prophecy means that the greatest Zalzala will be found in the era of AZIM and it is in the era of AZIM that there will be the Ark of Azim. Masha-Allah, Allahu Akbar, Laa-Ilaaha Illallah, Subhan-Allah, Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah, Allahu Akbar! 

[The Khalifatullah thanked Allah for having inspired and revealed to him these explanations about the Ark of Azim during the present sermon 18 November 2022 – A beautiful Divine Manifestation! Allah does whatever He pleases. The Khalifatullah (atba) advised his disciples not to take this as an ordinary occurrence but it is such a matter which should be noted down and spread so that the Ahmadis also can understand because they also have become blind. Their Khalifa has put a blindfold over their eyes. They have not understood the prophecy “Zalzala Azim”. When the Promised Messiah (as) appealed to ALL the Muslims and humanity to wake up from their long sleep and to take heed of what he was seeing and telling them, this is in perfect coordination with the this present-day revelation: ARISE & CREATE A NEW WORLD]

Tell them, tell all those people [who are against Islam, and even those who are against the Divine Manifestation of this era] – those who take themselves are all-powerful – that we will fight them. It is in this era of AZIM that we will fight the pharaohs of this era. They fear Islam [the power of Islam]. Now these people/ superpowers and even the Ummah will reflect that Islam is divided and sub-divided in several groups, and there is only one: SAHIH AL ISLAM, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam which will bring back the true teachings of the Noble Prophet [Nabi Kareem] Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha (pbuh) and will get the upper hand on those superpowers. That is what these entities fear. So, the fear that Islam will get the upper hand over them and invade them one day has pushed them to take measures [just like the pharaoh who learnt about the promised messenger and decided to kill all newborns] to put a stop to the great victory of the pure Deen of Allah.

American Plans 


In the midst of all this, Palestine has not remained quiet. It has tried in all ways possible to free the country from the invaders, but to no avail. There is bloodshed on a daily basis. The Jews and the Muslims are on a constant fight not because of a will to fight but because now the Israelites who were the first invaders and strangers went on to snatch the rights and properties of the Palestinian people to claim it their own. The people of Palestine have repeatedly shown a united and resistant group against their oppressors.


And such Palestinian popular uprisings have inspired solidarity marches across the Arab world. Some of the young people, who cut their teeth in those protests after the second intifada, went on to lead the demonstrations of the Arab Spring a decade later.


Long unable to express their grievances against their rulers, the Arabs have projected their dreams and aspirations onto Palestine. Time and again the so-called Arab streets have risen in solidarity with occupied Palestine and in reaction to their own internal occupation.


It is no coincidence that today, when Arab unity is in disarray, and Arab regimes are at their most repressive stage, they are also most eager to appease the US. It is also no coincidence that those who stood against the Arab Spring are rushing to normalize relations with Israel.


As America’s administration exploits general fatigue in Arab capitals in order to dissolve the Palestinian cause once and for all, it may well reunite Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims against its Middle East policies and lackeys. They plan but Allah’s plan is better and ensuring. It is only question of time for US decision makers to regret their reckless policy towards Palestine.


The America administration held an international conference in Bahrain on 25-26 June 2019 to launch the Middle East peace plan with a view to encouraging investment and economic promises in the Palestinian territory. The Bahrain conference, which was in reality an economic workshop, aimed at bringing together government and business leaders from different countries, is the first part of US president of America regional peace plan, the so-called “Deal of the century”.


Ever since part of the plan was made public, the reception [amidst the Arab world] had not been good. While the proposed deal focused on aid and infrastructure, it is silent on the most contentious political issues. And for all intents and purposes, the long-proposed two-state solution appeared to be dead. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, includes not only economic but also religious, cultural, political and strategic dimensions, and therefore, cannot be solved through economic means. All other aspects of the conflict must be taken into consideration.


There is a deficit of trust and confidence in America’s stand and initiative. Palestinian officials and the public believe that the US efforts are heavily biased in favour of the Israeli state and that the USA’s administration ignores Palestinian needs. Palestinians claim that the USA’s administration – i.e. the one under the ex-President Donald Trump – who unilaterally declared the united Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, cut aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and recognized the Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.


Thus, despite changing hands since, yet with the same mentality and hand at work, that is to say, being die-hard enemies of Islam and advocators of a false justice, thus the USA cannot be a mediator or power broker anymore. From recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital to closing the office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Washington, to cutting aid to UNRWA- the UN agency for Palestinian refugees- and encouraging Israel to annex more occupied Palestinian territories, the America administration is doing all it can to bestow international legitimacy on the Israeli occupation of Palestine.


The plan spoke of the importance of private property rights without mentioning the Israeli authorities’ methodical theft of thousands of hectares of privately owned Palestinian land in the West Bank to build settlements, which are illegal under international humanitarian law, or their illegal exploitation of natural resources for their own benefit while imposing severe restrictions on how Palestinian can use those resources. With such restrictions in place, proposed projects are bound to fail, no matter how much money is thrown at them.

The “Deal of the Century” is spearheaded by the USA’s ex-adviser Jared Kushner, son-in-law of Donald Trump. It is a multi-billion dollars “peace to prosperity” proposal to boost Palestinian and neighbouring Arab states’ economy is part of a Middle East peace plan. Under the initiative, donor nations and investors have been invited to contribute about $50 billion to the region, with $28 billion going to the Israel-occupied West Bank and the Gaza strip. About $7.5billion would go to Jordan, $9 billion to Egypt and $6 billion to Lebanon. The proposed funding would mainly be from Persian Gulf countries through grants and private equity sources. Kushner did not confirm whether the US will provide any funding, saying only that America would “be interested in looking at opportunities” but only “if there is a deal”. Thus the Trump administration’s negotiation team wanted to persuade regional actors through economic promises.

However, the conference was destined to fail for several reasons. First, Palestinians boycotted the gathering. All major Palestinians actors, including the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas, were strongly against the conference at that time (i.e. in 2019).  Second, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s failure to establish a coalition government had led to political instability in Israel. There was the apprehension and anxiety to have them be re-elected in the next general elections at that time. Furthermore, since Bahrain still does not recognize Israel, Israeli officials did not attend the conference. Only some Israeli business leaders participated as representatives of their country.

Third, the conference was only another one of the USA’s unilateral initiative. Many regional actors and global powers are against USA’s perspective on the region. On a regional level, Iran and Turkey, two strong regional powers and two game changers in the Middle East, remained insistently against the unilateral USA’s attempts in the region.


For decades, Arab regimes have exploited the Palestinian issue for domestic consumption and for their own political legitimacy. In the past, authoritarian Arab regimes were afraid of their people, and therefore tried to pay lip-service to the Palestinian. However, recently, there has been a shift in the exploitation of the Palestinian issue in most Arab regimes and thus nowadays they are afraid of external powers, namely Israel and the USA. The Saudi, Emirati and Bahraini leaders enthusiastically supported the US deal in order to clear all hurdles to a trilateral strategic Gulf alliance with the US and Israel against Iran. Others, like Jordan and Egypt, were unable to say no to their USA patron for fear of isolation or retribution, especially, like I said last week, when America administration is offering financial rewards. Many Arab countries were reluctant to participate in the conference. For instance, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman were unwilling to participate. Iraq and Lebanon pulled out of Bahrain’s ‘suspicious’ deal of the century summit, saying they do not want to take part in compromising Palestine. Some even termed it as the “Fraud of the Century”.


Tunisians believed the US-backed compromise plan between Israel and Palestine would fail due to widespread popular rejections in Arab and Muslim countries. The Moroccans protested against the deal in Rabat; nonetheless the Morocco’s foreign ministry sent a staff member to attend the conference and at the same time underscored that the kingdom remains attached to the two-state solution.


There is also a strong opposition and unwillingness on a global level. The European Union still supports a two-states solution. Russian and China continue to strongly oppose America projections for the region. There is a widespread belief that the US administration is constantly seeking to buy off Palestinians and deprive them of an independent state. While Trump and his administration at that time wanted to create a Palestine State, but it clearly was to be a repressed and tiny portion of the historical Palestine which was whole and fully attributed to Palestine before the invasion of the USA and the creation of an Israeli State. By labelling Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital is the clear image how the Palestinian Cause and Rights were and still are crushed under the feet of the USA and Israel. Even some Arab countries prefer not to involve themselves for fear of economical boycott.


Others believe that the conference was just a window show to create an opportunity to improve the Gulf States and Israeli state relation and to bolster the anti-Iranian coalition in the region.


Unsurprisingly, the Palestinians have rejected what they deem as the Slap of the century’ and refused to participate in any meeting that is meant to facilitate its implementation. Ultimately, Israel wants the Palestinians gone entirely, squeezed out into neighbouring Arab states, such as Egypt and Jordan. Arab rulers may be willing to sell out Palestine, but the Arab people are not and they will not forgive the traitors.


Thus, looking back at the proposal plan and the time it was pushed forward, we see that when such plans were made against Palestine and the Arab world, Allah came up with His own plans and capsized the whole world economy with the SARS/ COVID crisis. The kings of this world were rendered powerless vis-à-vis a tiny virus, invisible to the naked eye. While the plan for the pro-Israel and anti-Muslim causes is still being implemented in both an official and unofficial way, and while the Arab world leaders are making candy faces to Israel, the common Arab people are against such hypocrisy.


The time will come when the treaties of the Arab and non-Arab world won’t impact the consciousness of the Muslim world negatively. A time will come when the Muslims will rise once again for their Deen, and Insha-Allah, I pray that when that time comes, the glory and supremacy of Islam be felt in the four corners of this world and in the whole creation of Allah, known and unknown to us. May Allah capsize all evil plans against Islam, protect the Muslims and awaken the weak ones and make them stand up for their Deen before the world eat them alive whereby nothing of Islam will remain in them. Such people though Muslim in name cannot be called truly Muslims. Only those who fear Allah and keep fast to the rope of Allah, i.e. the Holy Quran and the Messenger of their time will prosper. May Allah help His true servants and enable us all to contribute to this ultimate success of Islam, Sahih al Islam. Insha-Allah, Ameen.