Sunday, November 6, 2022

Faith: 'Muslims under Trial'


In his Friday Sermon of 04 November 2022 ~09 Rabi’ul Aakhir 1444 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius calls attention to a very sobering lesson for all true believers in every era: the future and good fortune of a people is linked to their piety and righteousness in life. Likewise, according to sacred spiritual wisdom preserved in the Holy Qur'an, when a people become lawbreakers and deviates from Divine teachings, the quagmire of misguidance, misfortune and enslavement would engulf them in a cycle of never-ending despair and disaster. 

According to the profound wisdom and prescient assessment of the Holy Prophet (sa), fatal flaws can encircle a people under trial when they let go of the true spirit of Faith, embrace materialism and splinter into different sects and political groupings. When they drown in immorality and injustice; worship money and ease; neglect the poor, and oppress the defenceless; become enamoured of other cultures even at the price of one's Faith and corrode the strength of its values through frequent disputes, schism and factional feuds; they themselves will be complicit in external intervention in internal affairs, perpetuating the vicious cycle of degradation of faith and moral fibre and consequent national decadence. Pointing to a sacred tradition of the Holy Prophet (sa) on the aforesaid theme, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) observes in this discourse that each one of the signs of decadence is discernible in the dire state of our world today, especially in the predicament of the Arab nation.        


Reflecting on the continuing Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories- including East Jerusalem [the land of the holiest Masjid Al Aqsa]- without any fair deal for the people under subjugation for over half a century, and the recent events involving Arab leaders facilitating Israel's integration into the regional rivalry against Iran, in the backdrop of US- scheming in the region; Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) notes the searing reality that despite their public statements, the Arab leaders in the ring show no real commitment to the cause of the Oppressed, as they are more concerned about their own narrow interests of power and pelf. The agony and misfortune of foreign occupation and the humiliation of subjugation today is a grim reminder of the ways in which Divine vengeance engulfs a people under trial, observes Hazrat Saheb (aba) in the discourse.

Read the Friday Sermon Below:  

The Oppression of Today’s Leaders


Today, unfortunately, we are seeing the plight of the Muslims deteriorating further by those who proclaim to be the guardians of the faith. Like I told you before, while many non-Muslims are now integrating the fold of Islam in large numbers but the crucial questions remain: What Islam should they follow? Are they getting the right example from the original Muslim believers or will they just follow the trends of today’s Muslims’ Islam which dictate them to follow the customs of the West and mingling those customs with those of Islam? While many of the new reverts to Islam are getting the right message after having been directly guided by Allah through the messages of the Holy Quran, dreams and visions, but there are others who are also being attracted to Islam while thinking that Islam permits the woman to wear Hijab [Head Scarf] while at the same time remaining morally unclothed by wearing jeans and shirt [blouse] like the men. So, there are two facets to what attracts people to Islam. But the truth is that Islam does not allow its pure teachings to be mingled with the soiled trends of today’s world. While it is good to move with time and to get accustomed to the valid and useful trends, but Muslims should bear in mind that they must do so without going beyond the limits of Islam.


When looking at the present sad state of the world, I am reminded of this very important Hadith which acts as a prophecy for our times. So, it was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) turned to us and said: ‘O Muhajirun [emigrants from Mecca to Medina], there are five things with which you will be tested, and I seek refuge with Allah lest you live to see them: Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, but plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them. They do not cheat in weights and measures but they will be stricken with famine, severe calamity and the oppression of their rulers. They do not withhold the Zakah of their wealth, but rain will be withheld from the sky, and were it not for the animals, no rain would fall on them. They do not break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger, but Allah will enable their enemies to overpower them and take some of what is in their hands. Unless their leaders rule according to the Book of Allah and seek all good from that which Allah has revealed, Allah will cause them to fight one another.’” (Ibn Majah)


All that our beloved master and prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has prophesised has been fulfilled. It feels that he is talking about our present times where immorality in large numbers have spread to such a point that man and man as well as woman and woman are getting legally married. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has rightly said that when we will witness such times of immorality, then bear in mind that Allah shall afflict the people with the appearance of new diseases and plague which will cause great distress and even death to the people.


We are now the witnesses of that portion of existence and prophecy. And Allah through His numerous revelations in this era has indicated that these are indeed the times of great calamity for humanity. Few years back, we saw the rise of the many types of viruses which have seized not only the human world, but as well as the animal and plant worlds. After the Aids Virus, we saw the rise of the bubonic plague and now in this era, in our present times, we have seen death in millions worldwide caused by the Coronavirus and its variants since December 2019.


When the people cheat in weight and measure, they will be visited by calamity, famine and the oppression of their leaders.


Arab rulers may be willing to sell out Palestine and the other Arab territories, but the Arab people are not. But unfortunately, the leaders at the head of the Islamic countries are more than willing to follow the satanic trends rather than behaving in the Islamic way. Today, they are merrily celebrating the Halloween and partaking in the immoral practices of the West as well as lending a major helping hand in the construction of idols and participating in the idol-worship activities of the idolaters, all in the name of 'modernisation' and freedom. They think that they have the free pass to the game of life, taking this life truly only as a mere game.


While the Arab countries are forsaking their Islam for a paltry price, and they are lending a friendly handshake to the masters of Islamophobia, all that remains for the true Muslims is their faith and prayer. But such non-Islamic states and countries have no intention whatsoever to restore world peace and more particularly the needed peace between Israel and Palestine and the rest of the Muslim world. Their mediatorship is an eye-wash that leaves no doubt about their intentions to humiliate the Palestinians and the Arabs into submission.


One of the fiercest enemies of Islam despite their repeated claims to innocence, i.e. the United States of America stands on a firm stand to annihilate the existence of Islam little by little, like “serum-like” (i.e. poison) drips into a weak body. That weak body is now Islam, and their concerted efforts to demean Islam have been escalated to the degree that they are doing everything in their power so that Israel be bestowed the international legitimacy on the Israeli occupation of Palestine.


Unsurprisingly, the Palestinians have rejected what they deem as the “slap of the century” and refuse to participate in any meeting that is meant to facilitate its implementation. But why are so many Arab governments - who have repeatedly voiced their support for Palestinian national rights in a state of their own - facilitating, participating and supporting workshops to plan and finance the implementation of a sinister deal which they haven’t seen, and whose architects reject Palestinian self-determination to act rightfully on their own terms to re-establish its authority on Palestine?


Since the last Arab League summit in 2019, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan have agreed to normalise diplomatic relations with Israel.


The official Arab order has failed miserably. It is now dealing with Israel since its foundation as a “Jewish state” on the ruin of the Palestinian homeland around seven decades ago. They initially tried but failed to impose a solution by force, losing one war after another. Then they tried to reach a diplomatic resolution of the Palestinian question with Israel and failed again.


For over a quarter of a century, they entrusted the United States, Israel’s closest ally, with managing the “peace process”, and continued betting on Washington’s goodwill despite its dishonest management and utter failure to bring peace.


And today, as fanatic Zionists spearhead the America administration’s diplomacy and boast about their total and complete acceptance of Israel’s most radical policies in Palestine, all the while refusing to share the details of their plan. Arab regimes are jumping on America against the advice and pleas of their Palestinian brethren. In other words, having failed at solving or resolving the Palestinian issue, a number of Arab regimes are today willing, grudgingly or not, to eliminate the Palestinian cause once and for all.


But why would they betray Palestinian freedom so flagrantly, so cheaply, so humiliatingly?


Well, some like the Saudi, Emirati and Bahraini leaders are enthusiastically supporting the US deal in order to clear all hurdles to a trilateral strategic Gulf alliance (against) Iran. Others, like Jordan and Egypt, are unable to say 'no' to their US patron for fear of isolation or retribution [economic and other boycotts], especially, when America administration is offering financial rewards.


But mostly, it is because the predominantly undemocratic Arab regimes are primarily motivated by self-preservation [i.e. they are greedy and prefer to cater after their personal needs and to accumulate their own riches], not national unity, security and interest. Palestine is a constant reminder of their utter failure. Having lost all popular legitimacy, national credibility and regional clout, these regimes are turning to the US for support and protection. And that comes with a hefty price tag.  Thankfully, the people of the Arab world share a different sentiment and different loyalty, but alas they cannot do anything to remedy the situation except through prayers and their trust in Allah and a better future for the oppressed in Islam.


So such meeting of the Arabs define the problem but despite their power, they dare not do anything serious to promote the goodwill of the Palestinian. They sympathize but do not do anything concrete to cement and secure the future of the Arab countries and people.


While many Arab leaders have been cunning or opportunistic in their approach to the Palestinian cause, the Arab masses have been unequivocally and unconditionally behind it. Most Arabs, including Palestinians, may have never set foot in Palestine or its capital Jerusalem for the obvious reason, i.e., the Israeli occupation. But the cause of Palestine and Jerusalem transcends geography and geopolitics; it transcends even the Palestinians as a people and Palestine as a homeland.


For decades, Palestine has stood as a symbol of resistance against foreign hegemony and domination, be it British, French, or American.


In the more than 100 years between Britain promising a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, when Jews comprised less than 10 percent of the population, and the US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the “Jewish State”, the Arab and Muslim worlds have always associated Israel’s expansion at the expense of Palestine with Western domination, and resented the West for it.


This has always been a source of endless antagonism against Western powers as well as unity. Whether it is the Saudis and Iranians, Afghans and Pakistanis or Islamists and liberals - no matter what Muslims might disagree about politically or ideologically, they are certain to unite behind Palestine, which constitutes a certain degree of threat against US (and other Western) interest in the region.


But the question here, despite the unity of the Arab behind the Palestinian cause, or any oppressed cause, what has been prophesised long before has been fulfilled. The further the degradation in the faith and morality of the people, especially the Muslims, the further the impact of the divine revenge will be felt when the Muslims will be forced to deal with the cruelty of their oppressing leaders.


As this subject is very vast and needs more extensive explanations about what we are currently living in this world today and on the prophecies of the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) as well as the prophecies vouchsafed to me from Allah in this era, I will Insha-Allah come back on the subject next week in my sermon. May Allah enable the Muslims and especially my disciples to learn a lesson from all this and not fall prey to the same thirst for power and wealth as the fake leaders of today. May Allah protect Islam, the true Islam [Sahih al Islam] in its pristine form through the concerted efforts of my true and sincere disciples and may Islam thrive through the unity of all true Muslims towards its restoration as the universal faith of all people. Insha-Allah, Ameen.