In the Islamic mystical tradition, Kashf [unveiling] is a spiritual concept dealing with the Divinely-bestowed knowledge of the Illumined Heart. Kashf describes the state of experiencing a personal Divine revelation after ascending through spiritual struggles, and uncovering the spiritual faculty of heart in order to allow Divine truths to pour into it. Kashf is etymologically related to mukashafa ‘Divine disclosure’. It connotes the purified heart ‘gaining familiarity with things Unseen behind the veils. For those who have purified their hearts, and who come to know the Divine Names and Attributes to the fullest of their individual capacities, the veils in front of the purely spiritual realms are opened slightly, and they begin to gain familiarity with the Unseen. Indeed, the Divine mysteries become readily apparent to the sincere seeker through the light of knowledge of God. This is called ‘Tajalli-at-Ilaahi’ [Divine manifestation’].
The holy men
and women [saints] of Islam, who lived in the centuries after the Holy Prophet
(sa), became guiding poles of the religion as they preserved the living spirit
of the Faith by renewing his spiritual model and example. Through fervent
remembrance of God, prayer and invocations, they sought to clean their
hearts for Divine Mercy and special illumination. It is through the Divine Manifestations vouchsafed to such purified individuals that the
rejuvenation of Islam took place in dark times. In our times, Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim
(aba), the Holy Founder of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya
Al Muslemeen of Mauritius, and the supreme head of the Jamaat-Ul
Sahih Al Islam International, is
such a purified soul who is graced with Divine Mercy and is bestowed with many
mystical experiences of Divine illuminations over the last two decades. By the
immense grace of Allah, the revelations, spiritual visions and Bashaarat being
bestowed on Hazrat Saheb (aba) directly point to the enduring light of the
Qur'an, Subhaan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar!
Reproduced Below is a Kashf (spiritual vision) experienced by the revered Imam (aba) on Friday 11 November 2022 after Jummah prayer:
Jummah, l felt tired and took some rest. I went very deep in a Kashf. I found
a long paper in front of me written as follows:
Beware of the Sword of Muhammad (saw).
When it comes, it does not spare anyone.
The Sword of Muhammad (saw) will bring the truth,
falsehood till its very root.
The Truth of Allah will come very very soon.
The Truth will come certainly;
Believe it or not, the truth of Allah needs no money.
The Muhyiuddin Al-Khalifatullah Qamaram Munira has come,
The light of Allah has come
to unite everyone to the religion of one God,
To bring the Unicity of Allah all over the universe.
The Muhyiuddin Al-Khalifatullah Qamaram Munira has come
to turn an associated world to a Universal world,
O People! O Humanity!
Divine guidance has come which is totally from Allah.
The pious preacher who preaches the Truth has come
He is the guidance of 'Irshad' and the guidance of 'Taufiq'.
He is totally from Your Rab, from Me (ALLAH).
Believe in him:
I (ALLAH) will open one's heart to receive the Truth and Divine
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.
All the disciples of the Muhyiuddin Al-Khalifatullah Qamaram Munira must say:
Labbaika Wa Sa'daika.
respond to Your call and l am obedient to Your Orders.
When the Kashf ended, there was a great manifestation of perfume, Masha-Allah, Allah O Akbar.
Come and join the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al lslam,
the true and Sahih (real) Jamaat.
Come join Allah's Khalifa, the Khalifatullah
and take Bai'at in his HAND
and work very hard together with MY KHALIFA
to spread the Divine Message around the world,
and come very quickly before its too late
and join the Word of Allah
and let the
Truth be apparent.