Friday, May 31, 2024

The Sheikh on Life Lessons- 2

'Allah it hurts; it hurts a lot. 

know You see me struggle day in and day out.

No love is greater than Your love. 

I shall be patient for Your sake. 

Fix my heart, comfort my soul, Ya Rab...! 

‘O my Rab,

from the bottom of my heart,

I want to thank You for loving me,

forgiving me, healing me,

and never leaving me’.


When Allah likes a person, then the condition of His liking is that He puts a lot of trials on that person. Allah tests that person again and again, because Allah wants to be close to him; Allah just wants to see how much patience and faith His servant has in his Rab.   

God's plan is always the best. Sometimes the Process is painful and hard. But don't forget that when God is silent, He's doing something for you.

When someone speaks against you, speak well of them. When you are mistreated, treat them well. Repay Evil with Good, and God will fight your battles, Insha Allah.

4.  Promise yourself no matter how bad people treat you; [you will] never become a bad person to take revenge; still be kind. Allah knows the beauty of your heart.

5.   May Allah remove all your pain and worries, and bring you happiness, Ameen.

6.  May Allah grant every sick person, a complete ‘Shifa’, expiate their sins for every moment of suffering and grant them a quick recovery, Ameen.  

7.     Seek Divine Forgiveness through this Duah:


‘Astaghfirullah allazi La ilaaha illa Huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu wa atubu ilaihi’--- [I seek the forgiveness of Allah, there is no true god except Allah, the Ever-Living, the Self Subsisting and I turn to Him in repentance].

8.     ‘Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoomu Birahmatika Astagheesu’.---[‘O Ever-Living One, O Everlasting One, by Your mercy I seek help’].

9.  'Allahumma inni as'aluka Taubatan qablal maut. Wa raahatan indal maut. Wa Rahmatan ba'adal maut. Wal afwaa indal hisaab.---[O Allah, I seek Your guidance to turn repentant unto You before death; freedom from pain at the time of death; mercy and protection after death].

10.  'Allahhuma Rabba Muhammad, ighfir fi dhambi wa adh-hib ghayza qalbi, wa a idhni min mudillati-l-fitan.'---[‘O Allah, Lord of Muhammad: forgive my sins, remove the anger of my heart, and protect me from misleading trials’].

Being a good Muslim is not just about Praying, Fasting and giving Charity. Being a good Muslim is also about being a good person: so, keep a clean heart; have good manners. Don’t judge others, and always strive to be the best human being you can be: may Allah guide us all to be better people and better Muslims, Ameen!

[Adapted from 'Tarbiyyat' lessons shared by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius with his disciples and followers in a recent series of communications. To see the first part, click here].