Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Message of 19 May 2024


In a message to disciples and followers in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in India, on the occasion of a special Tarbiyyat meeting organized by the Delhi Jamaat in association with the Tamil Nadu and Kerala Jamaats on Sunday, 19 May 2024;  Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius reflects profoundly on his spiritual mission of the last two decades and more, emphasizing the need for all believers to rise up to their individual duties and collective responsibilities, and to meet the inevitable and unavoidable trials of Faith and related challenges in everyday life- with Taqwah, refined appreciation of Islamic teachings on what is right and wrong, absolute trust and reliance on Allah (swt) while striving hard to implement and establish Tawheed in their own settings so as to attract Divine mercy and pleasure, both in this world and in the world to come, Insha Allah, Aameen.   

Read the special message Below:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

My dear disciples,

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.


After 16 blessed years of His Divine Caliphate, Allah has given each of you the opportunity to accede to His nearness through your hard works in His cause.

The times of a Messenger of Allah is a unique one, and you are most fortunate that you are witnessing such times. These times are not just a time of divine blessings but also of great trials. As we are all witnessing, the world has been seized by a deep convulsion, where disasters of all kinds, divinely-sent ones as well as man-made ones are destroying the world cubit by cubit. The lives of the Muslim believers are endangered.


I advise my sincere disciples to always remain on the right path, to be ever courageous in times of difficulties, to be strong to fight all injustices on earth through valid arguments from the Holy Quran and Sunnah of our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).

Bear in mind that you will constantly face trials in your livelihood, your works and overall daily lives. You should not despair in such times. Think of all those who are deprived of their basic necessities of life, and you will see and be content with the divine favours bestowed upon you. The times is of the revigoration of Islam, and Islam is each of you. When the world looks at you, they should see Islam reflected in you.


Don't follow foolish people who think that they know Islam, but who does things contrary to Islam. Maintain your Pardah, men and women alike, and be respectful of the tenets of Islam.


Bear in mind that a Messenger of Allah is above the common Muslims and he receives from Allah certain permissions which the common Muslims do not receive. Allah in the Holy Quran addresses this subject in a beautiful way:


'It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in plain error.' (Al-Ahzab, 33: 37)


Furthermore, Allah says:  '... ˹this is˺ exclusively for you, not for the rest of the believers...' (Al-Ahzab, 33:51)


You should know that Allah tries His believing servants in various ways. You should remain ever grateful to Allah that out of the billions of people in this world, you are that group of people whom He has chosen to believe and help His Messenger for the lasting victory of Islam. The seed of Islam has been planted by the Hand of Allah Himself ever since He created the creations, as well as man so that he may devote himself to Him (Allah), and to pray and seek Him exclusively.


That seed has transformed into a solid tree with solid roots, and Allah beautified that tree of Islam by giving it its true name and identity - after centuries of being blackened by the devils. This identity was perfected with the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and his follower-prophets, like this humble self has been endowed with the task and mission from Allah to strive in returning the pristine glory of Islam in the world.


That is why, it is an absolute must that you all realise the great responsibilities which lie on your shoulders. Don't look at what others are doing negatively and following them. Be firm on your Islam. Do not let the Satan and his armies beguile you and remove you far from the blessings of Allah and His Paradise. Let Allah be your driving-force in life. Think about your future, not in this life, but in the afterlife when you will have to account for all your deeds and thoughts before Allah.


Never become the enemy of Allah and His Khalifatullah. Do not feed your souls hypocrisy, nor look at the Khalifatullah with hypocritical eyes. Bear in mind that hypocrites are bereft of divine blessings. I have come as a Spiritual Father for all believers, not for hypocrites; nor the disbelievers.


Let me tell you that Allah will try you in so many ways till it becomes clear who among you are truly sincere. See the examples of those who said they believed but afterwards left the Divine Manifestation, being frustrated and abased. Be it the then members of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen or even of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam; those who leave Allah's choicest favours in this era will be bound to go to their lost. Blessed and happy are those who realized their errors, offered their repentance to Allah and reformed their conduct and lives in the best way. How fortunate of them that after slipping away, they got a grip on themselves, fought the satans within themselves and have become better Muslims!


Be always on the alert against the ploys of the Satan which seek to remove you from the blessings of Allah and His pleasure. Be for Allah, and Allah shall be for you. Keep treading on the right path and bear in mind that come what may, you should not lose your way. Keep yourselves in the remembrance of Allah, and serve the cause of His present Divine Manifestation in the best way you can.


Those who take Bai'at and integrate the true Islam - Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, bear in mind that you should leave behind all your past sins and dishonourable works. When integrating the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, you are like a newborn with an empty deed count. While your past good deeds remain, but Allah erases all your evil past deeds. Now, do not put on statuses on social media such deeds of yours which were dishonourable in the sight of Allah. Be a model of virtue and keep yourselves and your families away from a non-Islamic life and deeds. Do not endanger yourselves and your families on social media. Allah has enabled this means in this era to use it in a positive and blessed way for the propagation of Islam in the world. Use it wisely. Do not use it foolishly.


Alhamdulillah, 23 years of Divine Manifestation has enriched this humble self in a wonderful way as my Rab, my Allah has, like He promised, ever remained with me, anointing me and my mission with success. 24 years of Divine Revelations (since the year 2000). A new millennium for the global community and a new Hijri era for the global Muslim community. Allah has given you a Khalifatullah, the Mesiah and Imam Mahdi of this era to guide you all to His pleasure, to abandon the Wrong ways and to keep fast to the Righteous way.

My dream, hope and prayer is that I see you all my dear disciples, and others who will come and be a part of the family of the Divine Manifestation of this era, as sincere and devoted servants of Allah who work relentlessly for the cause of Allah, and that the Dogma of the Unicity of Allah (Tawheed) be implemented. Blessed are those who remain on the Straight Path despite the many hurdles on the way. I pray that I may see you all pious, sincere and true. May Allah keep His Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam as a Jamaat of the Righteous and rid all hypocrisy and hypocrites from it. Ameen.


Wassalaamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu,

Fi-Aman Allah,


Munir A. Azim

The Messenger of Allah

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam

19 May 2024