Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Truth about 'Isra-Miraj'

'Isra wa Miraj' is one of the most celebrated events in the Muslim cultural consciousness, and every year on the 27th of Rajab in the Hijri calendar, Muslims mark one of the greatest mystical experiences the Prophet Muhammad (sa) have had in his eternally-blessed life. Whereas 'Isra' points to the Night Journey from Makka to Jerusalem undertaken by the Holy Prophet (sa) in the space of a single night; 'Miraj' denotes the Heavenly Ascension where the Holy Prophet(sa) encountered several Judeo-Christian prophets and finally came into the Divine presence: within two-bows'length of God Himself or nearer (53:10). The spiritual journeys of the Holy Prophet(sa) are significant for the deep connection it establishes between Divine messages of the past and the present- between Islam and the Prophetic heritage of old, with the ancient religions with Jerusalem as their spiritual home. Likewise, it was during the Miraj that the ritual prayer of Islam- the Salat- recieved its present form and shape.

Although rooted in events indicated in the Qur'an, with a range of details described also in scores of sacred traditions attributed to the Holy Prophet (sa); there is, however, much confusion and misunderstanding prevails among the masses concerning the true nature and meaning of the 'Isra-Miraj' journeys. Whether both the Night Journey and the Heavenly Ascension were physical occurrences? Where these journeys point to one incident with two different names, or, are, in reality, two entirely-different incidents, or were they two-stages of one mystic experience? What is the meaning and significance of the 'Isra-Miraj' journeys for devout Muslims- those who aspire to the Divine Presence in the fashion of the blessed Prophet of Islam? On the occasion of the Miraj Shareef- Saturday, 21 March 2020~ 27 Rajab 1441 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius made a well-rounded speech after the Salat-ul-Esha to explain concerning the 'Miraj and Isra'.

Here is the Text of the Speech:

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Legacy of Massih Maoud

On the occasion of Massih Maoud Day 2020, Imam Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius addressed members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International through a special Address at night on 23 March 2020 ~ 29 Rajab 1441 AH. The discourse of the Khalifatullah reflects on the blessed life and spiritual practices of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908), the man who made the claim of being the Massih Maoud of the previous era. The Divine revelations and special messages of God left behind by this great saintly figure of modern Islam continue to water the blessed, spiritual garden of this religion with the advent of a Divinely- elected Khalifatullah among the progeny of the Promised Messiah (as), Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.    

Read the Special Sermon Below: 


Today is exactly 131 years since the first oath of allegiance by divine order taken by the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of his followers.

The Promised Messiah (as) said, “This is an order from God: For the purpose of learning what true faith, true purity, love for the Lord, abandoning a life of iniquity, carelessness and unfaithfulness are, the seekers of truth must take before me the oath of allegiance (Bai’ah).

Let those who feel able to join me, I will share their pain and strive to lighten their burdens. Through my prayers and thoughtful care, God will bless them, provided they wholeheartedly conform to the conditions of the Pact of Allegiance which are divinely inspired.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Khalifatullah’s Book on ‘Jihad’

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International has just published a new book, entitled ‘Jihad: Reflections on Islam in the Times of Terror’. The spiritual treatise, compiled and curated by Fazil Jamal, brings together a number of Friday sermons and other special discourses given by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim (atba) of Mauritius over the last decade on this vital subject. The discourses of Imam Azim (atba), originally made in response to contemporary international political developments- including terror attacks in the name of ‘Jihad’ perpetrated in numerous countries by radicalised Muslim youths-, throw searching light on the doctrine and practice of ‘Jihad’ in Islam, especially on the basis of relevant Qur’anic framework and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (sa).  

In his discourse on ‘Jihad’, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) agrees that widespread misconceptions exist around this important Islamic obligation among both Muslim youths and the non-Muslims. Hadhrat Saheb (atba) insists that whoever looks at ‘Jihad’ as nothing but indiscriminate violence against ‘infidels’ do not fully comprehend the real teachings of Islam. He points out that the Qur’an does not promote ‘Jihad’ as the ideology of coercive religiosity, nor does it stand for senseless violence. Likewise, ‘Jihad’ is not a weapon of aggression against other peace-loving people. In Islam, ‘Jihad’ is a resistance tool against oppression when recourse to the use of force becomes inevitable against recalcitrant enemies who take up sword to destroy the whole community of believers. Except in such rare circumstances of self-preservation and existential threat, Islam rejects the instrumental role of violence. Ideas being propagated in the name of Islam contrary to the above by some Ulema, as well as others, including anti-Muslim propagandists, miss the real point about Islamic teachings on Jihad, points out Hadhrat Saheb(atba). 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Reality of Divine Wrath

The Signs of Allah- II

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, while I was praying for Divine Guidance on the present subject, Allah directed my attention to a revealed text which He taught me in February 2006 on what is happening around the world and about His Divine punishment, and the fact that I have come as the Reviver of Faith of this era.

The Holy Quran and the other Divine scriptures disclose that the ruin and destruction imposed in this life on people as punishment are not afflicted because those people follow a wrong doctrine, for instance, because they worship idols, planets or fire, or some other created things or person.

So no one is punished in this life merely on account of doctrinal errors or beliefs. Indeed this world is a paradise for the disbelievers and it is mostly the believers who suffer pain and torment in this world. There is a saying, which is a great lesson for us: “This world is the paradise of the disbelievers and the prison of the believers.”