Wednesday, September 28, 2011
ABORTION: Crime against Humanity
Monday, September 26, 2011
A “Severe Warning” to an Ahmadi Maulana
For the Mubahala Challenge, see:
Friday, September 23, 2011
‘He who knows his self knows his Lord’
The second category of “people of the truth” always love God, and are consumed by the love of God and the knowledge of God in His essential unity, and they know their self and they destroy it (their ego) and affirm the unity of their self and God, they retain their self, and they are destroyed in their self, and they remain in their self and they hate what occurs outside their self, and love the hidden interiority of their self, and they despise their self because the Messenger of Allah (sa) said: “He who knows his self knows his Lord” ["Ma’n ara’ a nafsahu faqad ara’fa rab’bahu"].
Monday, August 29, 2011
Are We Really Muslims?
As the name itself suggests, the part-time Muslim is
one who practices Islam only at specific times or at certain places and this is
increasing extensively. Some examples are the Mussalli who
prays five times a day but in his daily business dealings, he cheats his
customers by giving them defect articles. Or there is the sister who
wears Hijab (veil) only when going to a Mayyat (funeral)
but dresses exactly like the Bollywood actresses during a wedding.
Where are we going, O Muslims? Is this the true notion of Islam – complete
submission to Allah’s commands whatever the circumstance as Allah (swt) says in
the following verses:
'O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islam and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Verily! He is to you a plain enemy.' (2:209)