Showing posts with label amity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amity. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Objections against Animal Sacrifice


We, human beings, share this world with so many other breathing beings. Animals and birds are communities like us, reminds the Holy Qur’an. It is our duty to live responsibly, in fairness and justice, recognizing the interests of collective life and common good on earth, for the natural environment and living beings are among the favours and signs of God on earth. Indeed, Islam teaches Muslims to treat all living beings with kindness and compassion, and not to cause harm, nor inflict pain on animals and birds unnecessarily. Even for slaughtering them as rites of sacrifice, a believer has to abide by rules and regulations, means and methods of Islam that reduce the pain and suffering of the animal concerned. 

While the Holy Qur’an and the teachings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) as well as his practical guidance on the prescriptions relating to animal slaughter are rooted in wider concern for the fair treatment of these breathing beings, the reality of everyday life show that these foundational rules are frequently violated as not fully implemented, resulting in cruel treatment to animals and birds during the transportation and handling of the animals at various stages and levels of the cattle-transportation and meat market practices. Many people who believe in fair treatment of animals, criticise and object to the ‘Muslim’ practice of animal slaughter as they see it- without understanding the Islamic teachings and guidance on the pertinent issue. 

Reproduced below are two related questions- objections on Islamic ways of slaughtering animals and on meat eating in general- put forward to Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius and the prescient observations made therein by Hazrat Saheb (aba) on the wisdom of Islamic procedures of slaughtering animals as well as the need for respecting the life-balance in this ecosystem by catering to needs while avoiding excesses on all sides of the debate.  

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Peace and Unity among Ahmadis

The world of Islam today is splintered on denominational and sectarian lines. The lineages of the great divide among the Muslims go far back into history, originating in the disputes over obedience to authority and the sharing of power in the times after the Holy Prophet (sa) and his rightly-guided successors, the pious Caliphs. It’s a searing fact of history that after that first century of Islam, the Muslims had never been united as a single spiritual and political order. With the great schism among the believers leading to the formation of sectarian identity among them; the lofty identity of Islam receded to the backdrop and the Muslims were reduced to be either Sunnis or Shiites and in course of time, with the entrenchment of deep divisions over questions of Islamic law, new groups emerged among them on sectarian lines.

Indeed, there is no monolithic/single/unified ‘Islam’ in our times; there are many ‘Islams’ as the proliferation of religious groupings among the nearly two billion Muslims around the world so clearly demonstrate. This is unfortunately true as well, even in the relatively humble and small world of Ahmadiyya Islam- the community of Muslims assembled originally by the Promised Massih Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian in the previous century. Today, despite all that the Promised Massih (as) had taught about the unity of all religions in Islam, the Ahmadis or the people who claim themselves to be the followers of that great saint of Islam, themselves are splintered into numerous sects and groupings. For instance, the different Ahmadi sects include the following: Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Qadian, Anjuman Ahmadiyya Lahore, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Al Muslemun, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Islah Pasand, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam and the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Haquiqui.

No one can deny that the Holy Qur’an had indeed warned the Muslims about the lessons of human history. Whereas unity and cohesion leads to progress and blessings, disagreement and splintering leads to decline and fall. The Divine Book says, “This community of yours is one single community, and I am your Lord. So fear Me. But they are divided into sects, each sect rejoicing in its belief.” (23: 53-54)“And if your Lord had willed, He could have made mankind one community. Yet they continue to disagree (among them) except those upon whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy. This is why He created them ...” (11: 119-120). 

It is possible to look at the diversity of situations and the plurality of opinions among Ahmadis as the existential condition of the times we are living in. In dealing with questions where we differ among ourselves, however, it is important to keep the big picture in mind all the time- including the obligations of brotherhood left behind by the Holy Prophet (sa) when he stated: “A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. Do not hate each other and do not be jealous of each other and do not desert each other, O worshipers of Allah! Be brothers! And whoever meets the needs of his brother, Allah will meet his needs”. Indeed, the Ahmadi believers have a duty to respect the integrity and religious choices of our fellow humans found in different sects of Islam. Rather than seeking to project narrow interests, group-based prejudices and sectarian mindsets; engage with the brethren in faith in a spirit of solidarity and kindness in furthering the shared ideals of Islam

An Appeal to All 

In October 2008, in the seventh year of the present Divine Manifestation, Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius made a fervent, Divinely-inspired Appeal to all mankind, especially to his Ahmadi brothers found in various sects of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya to improve the quality of their spiritual engagements and public debates and to rise above their sectarian perspectives so as to truly embrace the purpose of a spiritual life. 

Read the Document Below:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Islamophobia: Change Perceptions

If we define Islam correctly like it should be defined, we shall be able to grate Islamophobia from the mindset of people of the different cultures and races around the world. Islamophobia has taken root deep into sections of the world population. To avert this deep fear of Islam itself as a way of life, as a religion, we, Muslims must portray the correct teachings of God Almighty (Allah), of His Holy Book (the Quran) and His Holy Prophet (Our Master Muhammad) – peace be upon him.

Islam is in no way a threat to world peace, but in fact invites to world peace, just like - or even more so than - the rest of the grand religions of the world: Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity etc. Now, we can hardly say that every Christian or every Hindu is a terrorist despite the fact that we know that there are terrorists throughout the world who claim to be Christians, or Hindus while committing heinous acts against humanity. Now, why blame Islam for the heinous actions of some people who claim to be Muslims whilst doing unislamic acts and using Islamic slogans to commit such acts?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

'Love One Another & Live in Harmony'

Islam & the Unity of Mankind

The Holy Messenger and transmitter of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and all his divinely-sent deputies in his Ummah till the Day of Judgement have the sacred duty to guide humanity as a whole towards Tawheed, i.e. Unity of Allah (Almighty God) and for that, human brotherhood is vital. If the body of the Ummah (i.e. the Muhammadan Ummah); nay, not only that, if the human body as a whole is divided, then that division will always cause fissures in faith and shall not be produce the excellent reunification of all souls on earth for the worship of one sole God, the Creator of the heavens and earth, the very Source of all life.

Human brotherhood in Islam is that which sees to it that Islam is not biased in base sectarianism, pre-judicial superiority or wilfully divisive. It should crystal-clear that semantically Islam means peace. Islam connotes surrender to the Will of Almighty Allah, peace with the Almighty, peace with one’s self, peace with other’s self, peace with humanity at large.

There exists presently a deliberately machiavelic distortion of the true and holy significance of Islam. It results from second or third rate if not hearsay knowledge and it stems also from wrongdoings committed in the name of Islam. Western ideology has purposely fabricated its own image of Islam and is diffusing that image worldwide, thus creating a psychosis (a disrupted and deep fear) about Islam and Muslims. This perverted image of Islam has unfortunately been corroborated by ‘extremists’; term coined by the same western prejudice to tarnish the sound image of Islam.

Our world today forgoes peace because it is obsessed with superiority complex, ethnic manipulations, materialistic quest, pantheism, territorial claims, and egoistic tendencies.

Humanistic Teachings 

Islam teaches us to practice humanitarianism. We are all human beings who belong to only one class and one group. We belong essentially to the family of human beings without any discrimination whatsoever.