Showing posts with label unfair practices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unfair practices. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Objections against Animal Sacrifice


We, human beings, share this world with so many other breathing beings. Animals and birds are communities like us, reminds the Holy Qur’an. It is our duty to live responsibly, in fairness and justice, recognizing the interests of collective life and common good on earth, for the natural environment and living beings are among the favours and signs of God on earth. Indeed, Islam teaches Muslims to treat all living beings with kindness and compassion, and not to cause harm, nor inflict pain on animals and birds unnecessarily. Even for slaughtering them as rites of sacrifice, a believer has to abide by rules and regulations, means and methods of Islam that reduce the pain and suffering of the animal concerned. 

While the Holy Qur’an and the teachings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) as well as his practical guidance on the prescriptions relating to animal slaughter are rooted in wider concern for the fair treatment of these breathing beings, the reality of everyday life show that these foundational rules are frequently violated as not fully implemented, resulting in cruel treatment to animals and birds during the transportation and handling of the animals at various stages and levels of the cattle-transportation and meat market practices. Many people who believe in fair treatment of animals, criticise and object to the ‘Muslim’ practice of animal slaughter as they see it- without understanding the Islamic teachings and guidance on the pertinent issue. 

Reproduced below are two related questions- objections on Islamic ways of slaughtering animals and on meat eating in general- put forward to Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius and the prescient observations made therein by Hazrat Saheb (aba) on the wisdom of Islamic procedures of slaughtering animals as well as the need for respecting the life-balance in this ecosystem by catering to needs while avoiding excesses on all sides of the debate.  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

'Riba': Unjust Enrichment is Illegal

“O you who believe! 
Do not consume usury, 
doubled and multiplied, 
but fear Allah 
that you may be successful.” 
 --(Al-Imran, 3: 131).

“Those who consume interest 
cannot stand (on the Day of Resurrection)
except as one stands 
who is being beaten by Satan
into insanity.” 
  --(Al-Baqara 2: 276).

Interest or more precisely, interest rate is defined as the price of money, the price at which money can be borrowed and determined like other prices by the collusion of the forces of supply and demand. Originally usury was any premium we had to pay against the use of currency. Nowadays, usury also means the practice of asking for a very high interest premium through borrowing as well.

The verses which I recited consist of an injunction for mankind – especially Muslims – that represents and severely condemns the practice of usury or interest. Thus any transaction relating to usury (i.e. Riba) is illegal, as well as all transactions acquired by illegal means; Transactions such as: bribes, fraudulent transactions, gambling, bank interest, etc.