'Spring is here again: Once again, God's Word is fulfilled’- a Divine revelation received by
the Promised Messiah (as).
For perceptive minds, Islam is the enduring path and faith of ‘Tawheed’; the religion taught by all prophets from the dawn
of history, and perfected by the holy Prophet Muhammad (sa); a pure path that
remains alive through a chain of saints and reformers who follow in the
footsteps of the holy Prophet (sa) till the Day of Judgement, Insha Allah. Most certainly, the appearance of heavenly-imbued souls
in every era of Islam takes place through the Will and Grace of Allah (swt)- a
moment of spiritual rejuvenation and celebration for the spiritual seekers, Subhaan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar!
Summa Alhamdulillah, 07 March 2025
marks an important day in the spiritual life and Divine mission of Hazrat Imam
Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, the holy
founder of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam
International. For, it was on this day and month in the year 2000 that an
important, mystical dream was experienced by Hazrat Munir Saheb, a dream that
foretold, in its own unique settings, the commencement of a special Divine Manifestation
in the present era; the emergence of a ‘luminous moon’ [Qamaram Munira] in the darkened heavens of Islamic spirituality.
By the grace of Allah, a narration of Hazrat Munir’s
spiritual dreams and visions of March 2000 is publicly available through the
writings of an important direct witness-participant, Zafrullah Domun Saheb. In
an official declaration dated 23 November 2005, Domun Saheb also wrote about
other, related spiritual experiences reflecting on the nature of the mystical experiences
and the early shaping of the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius. Anyone who is interested in understanding spiritual
phenomena would profit by paying attention to this extract from the Declaration below: