Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- India organized its annual spiritual
conferences recently in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, providing a special opportunity
for members to come together and partake of the rich spiritual foods on offer- thanks to the living presence of a Divinely-raised soul among us in the person
of our beloved Imam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba)
of Mauritius, Alhamdulillah. Indeed, the Jalsa Salana discourses remind us about the larger purpose of life in this
world. To learn about the ways of achieving nearness to Allah the Almighty; to purify the self of its
'longings'; spiritual seekers have a long way to go. Elects of God are the exemplars of the spiritual path, capable of leading souls on the enlightened way of the Prophets and the saints. By striving to follow various Divine commandments that
enjoin goodness, the seeker struggles against the temptations of evil in all
its diverse settings in contemporary world, focussing exclusively on soulful
worship of the Divine while serving humanity. When a community of such devote Muslims assemble together for spiritual benefit and solidarity, they resemble the Jalsa of the Sahihis, Summa
Below is the Text of the Speech:
dear disciples of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Kerala, Tamilnadu – India and around
the world,
Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.
As the
Khalifatullah [Caliph of Allah], and having been raised by none but Allah for
the reformation of Islam and humanity, and being given the responsibility of
His blessed Jamaat, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, it is a real pleasure for me
to address a special message to all my disciples in Kerala, Tamilnadu and whole
India for your Jalsa Salana Gathering at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid and Siraj’um
Munir Masjid respectively.
Ul Sahih Al Islam is, what we might call, the Muhyiuddin’s or Khalifatullah’s
Jamaat (Community), or we can even say the Messiah’s Jamaat, and a very close,
profound and essential part of the overall Islamic Community. We can even say
that Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, since its inception has and always will be the
true representation of Islam in terms of its revelation which is through none
but a Caliph and Messenger of Allah for the revival of Islam.
time Islam suffers decadence and needs reformation, Allah sends His special
envoys to bring back the lost glory of Islam and to revive the innate and
dormant Islamic nature of individuals to the Tawheed (Unity of Allah).
when Islam suffers decline, Allah sends a Muhyiuddin or Khalifatullah or
Messiah who comes within the Islamic community, i.e. amidst those who qualify
and refer themselves as Muslims, as an awakener, waking you all with the cold
bath of realization. That realization is that of your mistakes and deviation
from the right path.
the time of decadence becomes clearly in view and is lived by humanity, and the
world feels like a prison for the believers but like a paradise for those
attracted to the ways of the evil whisperers, therefore Allah prior to His
sending His elect, opens the hearts of the sincere to wish for the realization
of the prophecies concerning the advent of the Saviour, who is viewed and comes
as a fulfillment of the prayers of those sincere ones, afflicted by
persecutions for the manifestation of a new dawn of victory for the true
religion of Allah, i.e. Islam.
We can
say that since the last two millennia, the signs of the Last Days have been
manifesting more and more clearly. As those signs of the Last Days appeared in
abundance, many believed that humanity was nearing a critical point in its
history. This belief wasn’t random. Whether it was through analyzing history or
interpreting prophetic visions, it seemed clear to people at the time that a
significant change was inevitable. We can’t, and don’t need to, decide whether
this impending crisis was due to historical events, divine intervention, or a
combination of both.
traditional religious circles, there was a common belief that the new era of
intellectual, social, and political changes came with a decline in moral and
spiritual values. With mundane progress, spirituality also declines. The new
age of industry and science although having its advantages, but unfortunately
to a greater extent demanded that people shift their focus from transcendent
spiritual relationships to more worldly concerns of wealth and national pride.
secularization spread, the religious impulse faced resistance on many fronts to
preserve its influence in guiding the lives of human beings in society. It
fought valiantly to maintain its ground on the ever-changing global community.
This battle happens to preserve the establishment of the Divine Laws among men,
but the rise of inter-human communication and commerce began to overshadow the
purposeful dialogue with God (Allah).
For a
long time, ongoing trends were driving civilizations and cultures toward an
inevitable critical juncture, where efforts to conserve and preserve the
authentic religious and traditional values would cease to be effective. As this
new age emerged, there loomed the question: would this era witness a world
devoid of divinity, where devotion and piety had been sacrificed at the altar
of material progress and rationality? For many, such a possibility was
it was not a negative disposition that inspired this humble self (the
Khalifatullah of this era) to deliver my messages. Nor was it merely a critical
assessment of worldly events that led me to declare myself as the Mahdi of this
era. This humble self has responded to divine revelation. I am by the immense
grace of Allah, with the guarantee from Allah, a man of deep piety. It is
Allah, the Ever-Living God Who has raised me and my messages and utterances are
the expressions of a soul in communion with such a perfect, overpowering and
unique God.
self-perception and my sincere followers’ views are very clear. Our assessment
of the decline in Muslim piety and belief isn’t just an observation of current
conditions. My claims of being a prophet in these latter days are not mere
psychological peculiarities. I deeply feel and know that I am very close to my
Creator, Almighty Allah. This self-awareness is based on revelatory
experiences. My firm belief in the authenticity of these revelations has always
been the foundation of the strength of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam and the source
of the hostility from the so-called Mullahs of Jamaat Ahmadiyya and orthodox
It was clearly revealed to me through divine revelations that I am the Messiah and Mahdi promised to the Muslims. I – the divinely-raised guide – was meant to appear during the decline of Islam and the spread of error.
Guided directly by Allah, and Allah showed me many things also. I cannot say, in this gathering- a special gathering (Jalsa Salana)- that Allah is not showing me many things; many things in the Jamaat, around the world, all! But (see) how Allah has guided His Khalifatullah, His Messiah, His Mahdi to tackle all these problems, to do His work and continue to spread the Divine Revelations around the world, and by the grace of Allah, in the four corners of the world...the Divine Message is going in the four corners of the world.
In this era, Allah has made this special; in this era, the technology has been very special for the Khalifatullah to spread His (Allah's) message around the world. So, those who are in the Ship (Ark) of Azim, you are very lucky in this era because you are with the prophet of Allah and the prophet of Allah is receiving Divine revelation, Divine Guidance.
So, guided directly by Allah (this humble self is guided directly by Allah), I invite people around the world (all of humanity: I am not the Massih (Messiah), the Mahdi (The Guided One) or the Muhyiuddin (Reviver of Faith) only for the Muslims! Allah has raised me for all of humanity around the world)- I invite people to share in the divine message. The Holy Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) foretold my coming over thirteen hundred years ago.
revelations which I have been receiving are so clear and frequent that they
leave no room for doubt. They include grand prophecies that have been fulfilled
clearly and remarkably. The frequency and miraculous nature of these
revelations lead me to confirm that they are the words of the One God, as found
in the Holy Quran.
order to win the pleasure of Allah, I hereby inform you all of the important
fact that Almighty Allah has, at the beginning of this century, appointed me
from Himself for the revival and support of the true faith of Islam. He willed
the advent of His Caliph, with the Holy Spirit [divine revelations] to bring
back the true teachings of Islam to the peak of glory. The question which now
remains is: Who is the Imam of the age today who must, under Divine Command, be
obeyed by all Muslims, the pious, the recipients of revelations and dreams? I
have no hesitation in affirming that I am the Imam of the age!
Allah have mercy on all of you and bless you with a life filled with His mercy
and obedience to Him. May you be among those who work for the expansion of
Islam and not its decline in the world. Ameen, Summa Ameen.'