In the
last week of December 2024, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- India held its annual
conferences in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International
Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius
addressed the gatherings of his disciples and followers in India on 29 December
2024. In this special discourse, Hazrat Saheb (aba) addresses himself on how Islamic values promote tranquility and
happiness in all realms of human relationships.
Read the Text of the Speech Below:
dear disciples of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Tamilnadu, Kerala – India and around
the world,
Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkaatuhu.
At the closing session of your Jalsa Salana which had been rich in
knowledge and learning, today I come with a very important question, such a
question which should keep each of you alert and diligent in your works: Is Islam, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam capable of resolving the
world’s numerous conflicts and complex issues to create a peaceful world?
this we should know the true definition of “peace”. With the advent of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and ultimately this humble self in this era, this question
should cause each one of you to stop and ponder on how to carry the heavy works
and responsibilities which have been placed on your shoulders today as the
followers and believers in Allah and the Khalifatullah al-Mahdi of this age,
and to call the people to peace, which is basically the meaning itself of
Islam, and represents one of the most important attribute of God Almighty “As-Salam”
(The Peace or Source of Peace).
in the context of life on earth, “peace” broadly refers to not only peace
between nations, which is crucial but also as peace in economic, social,
political, and personal spheres. It should be borne in mind that just because a
country isn’t at war doesn’t mean it’s at peace. Consider the Western society
which has over time introduced new beliefs and demands, such as abortion on
demand. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in divorce rates,
births of illegitimate children, crime, murder, suicides, alcoholism, gambling, and corruption, etc.
Mauritius, a small island with just over a million people, suffers from various
crimes: murders, suicides, corruption, and rising drug trafficking and
consumption. The rates of these social issues, including alcohol addiction,
continue to increase. Thus, peace is much more than tranquility between
nations. True peace includes peace of mind, peace between individuals, and
peace among communities and races.
Allah has endowed humanity with brilliant minds, this intellect alone cannot
bring peace. Leaders in science, industry, technology, and politics have failed
to provide true happiness. Humanity has the power to shape its future, either
rising to great heights or falling to the lowest depths. It is our choice to
travel whichever path we choose.
‘There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book. By
it, Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the ways of peace, leads them
out of darkness into the light by His will, and guides them to a straight path.’
(Al-Maida, 5: 16-17)
true peace and happiness can only be achieved through faith in Allah and Islam.
Let’s see how Islam seeks to achieve peace. A significant source
of societal conflict, causing much suffering and unrest, is the clash between
the proletariat (i.e. the Working Class or Common people) and the capitalists
(i.e. the wealthy people). Islam aims to eliminate this discord through its
income redistribution system, evident in Zakat (i.e. the
Purification Tax), almsgiving or charity, inheritance laws, and its stance on
Zakat is compulsory for all members of society, intended not only to
support the poor and promote economic welfare but also to tax the rich, to
purify and to prevent wealth accumulation. Lending on interest is prohibited as
it exploits individuals and simply multiplies itself.
'O you who believe, do not consume interest, multiplying it many
times over; and be mindful of Allah so that you may prosper.' (Ali
‘Imran, 3: 131)
Islam, owners should not seek to maximize profits at the expense of their
workers but should provide fair wages for their labour. The wealth disparity
between capital owners and the working class does not reflect Allah’s favour or
displeasure. Each and every person is on trial, judged by their honourable
conduct rather than their wealth.
this spirit permeates modern thinking, class conflict and the concentration of
wealth in a small segment of the population will end. Instead, peace and
happiness will prevail, with the rich and poor seeking to help rather than
exploit one another.
Today’s world faces a moral crisis, leading to growing unhappiness
and restlessness that threaten society’s moral fabric. Yet peace is attainable
through the teachings of the Holy Quran, which outlines how society can return
to a peaceful state. Allah says in the Holy Quran: 'If they incline towards peace, then incline towards it also,
and put your trust in Allah...' (Al-Anfal, 8: 61)
symptom of this moral crisis is the ‘generation gap,’ with young people’s
lifestyles, values, and beliefs differing vastly from those of the older
generation. This lack of respect and reluctance to learn from parents is common
in many countries. Children often emulate their parents’ behaviour during their
formative years, but I must say, there are many parents also who set a poor
example through lying, cheating, committing adultery, and addicted to alcohol;
these are but a few issues. How can we expect youth to practice ideal social
behaviour when their elders contradict it daily?
instances of society’s moral decline include youth’s immoral behaviours where
they engage in casual sexual relationships. There is also the adultery of the
older generations, nudity in media, and pervasive lying, cheating, and
people work towards any specific goal, lacking sound moral or spiritual
principles. However, by accepting Islam, all relationships become rooted in
love rather than restlessness. The Holy Quran provides a comprehensive moral
code that, if followed, leads to a more fulfilling life and happiness in the
eyes of Allah, which is true peace.
I pray that all my true and sincere disciples acquire this true peace and invite others to this peace. Peace must pervade your lives so that the roots of Islam can infiltrate your hearts and those of others. Insha-Allah Ta'ala Al Aziz.
So, Jazak Allah to all of you who have attended the Jalsa Salana in India- Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Three days during which you have made big sacrifices, but your reward also will be great, and think about death...that tomorrow we must leave this world. So, try to prepare and practice Divine commandments, and turn to Allah.
Only Allah, the Creator Who has created you, and Who has created me. So, we should all hand in hand spread the Divine message around the world to give this peace (Islam). Islam is the religion of peace; you must send this peace around the world and bring many lost souls, thousands of lost souls into the fold of Islam, in the unity (of the brotherhood of Islam). Insha Allah, Ameen, Summa Aameen Ya Rabb'il Aalameen.'