Friday, June 10, 2022

Illnesses of the 'Ummah'- 1


In his Friday Sermon of 03 June 2022~ 02 Dhul Qaddah 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius profoundly examines the spiritual health of the Muslim Ummah today. Whereas early Islam produced men and women of outstanding ability, extraordinary drive and exemplary personal initiative, willing to sacrifice their all for the progress of their deeply held convictions, in the service of their Faith and thereby brought victory, grandeur and power which lasted for many centuries altogether; the Ummah today faces pitiable fortunes and grim conditions. It appears as though  the original spirit and dynamism of the Faith is missing from the conscience and character of the Muslims that made them the world-beaters. Contrasting the Muslim grandeur of the past with its dismal fortunes in our times, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) notes in the discourse: ‘A people who had brought strength and stability, prosperity, peace and honour to the whole world, now you find them demoralized, completely asleep, empty and helpless. People who once taught moral lessons and good conduct to the whole world are themselves lacking these qualities today.’

Islam preserved and perfected in itself the true purpose of all religions which preceded it. By destroying the impurity of idolatry and restoring the sublime faith in the Lord of mankind, Islam helped to mould purified and refined humans who strived hard to reflect Divine attributes in their way of being, doing and living through the centuries. Indeed, like the communities who were bestowed Divine Law in the past, leading the world on spiritual purification was the heavy responsibility cast on the shoulders of the Muslim Ummah by the Creator of the Universe through His best Prophet, the Holy Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (sa). Muslims who walked in the path of God became beneficiaries of Divine bounties as they were helped and assisted by God and His angels in their strivings. Indeed, the preservation of the true Faith and real spirituality is a Divine Promise engraved upon the Holy Qur’an by Allah the Almighty Himself.


At a time when severe misfortunes have engulfed the Ummah, and sectarian disputes and violence destroy social peace in several lands, Muslims ought to recognize the extraordinary magnitude of the task in front of them in the service of their noble Faith: of preserving the good legacy and fair names of the pious ancestors- by repossessing and displaying the solid Imaan (faith of the early Muslims)- in their everyday lives; by being a force for good- enjoining good and forbidding evil in their own communities wherever they are, Insha Allah, Aameen.   

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 


Around fifteen hundred years ago, when the world was plunged into the darkness of ignorance, sin and immorality, a light of true knowledge and guidance appeared on the horizon amidst the rocky mountains of Batha (i.e., the name of the small mountains around Mecca). Its rays spread in the East, West, North and South. They have enlightened every corner of the earth; in a short period [twenty-three years], this light has paved the way for man to arrive at high positions of honour which they had never attained before. It had enlightened the Muslims and created in them the deep desire to follow the true path, and guided by this light, the Muslims have achieved victory upon victory [success after success] and they have come to the highest position of honour in history.


For many centuries they ruled the world with greatness and power; no leader at the time had the courage to resist; and if ever any ruler dared to do so, he risked being utterly annihilated. This is a historical truth that no one can ever erase. But it is very sad that nowadays this historical truth has become an ancient tradition, a “story of the past” just good to relate [but not to follow], and moreover it may seem incredible and ridiculous [in the eyes of today’s Muslims and non-Muslims alike] especially in the current context, where the action of the Muslims has become like a big black stain on the exemplary performance and outstanding achievement of the first and true soldiers of Islam.


What Illness Has Overcome the Muslims?


Until the end of the thirteenth Hijri century, history shows that Muslims alone possessed honour, dignity, power and greatness. But when we turn our eyes from the pages of history and watch today’s Muslims, we find a community that is plunged into difficulties and dishonour, a people who have no real strength, power, honour or dignity, having neither brotherhood, and nor being a true representation of Islam. We do not find any trace of the extraordinary actions which at one time were present in every Muslim. Nowadays, we can hardly find a Muslim with a pure and sincere conscience. On the contrary, Muslims have fallen into vices and sins. They have strayed so far from the path of good deeds, a path which has always guaranteed success, that the enemies of Islam today speak and discuss the weaknesses of Muslims with pleasure, mockery and hatred.


Unfortunately the problem does not stop there. The young Muslims of this new generation have been affected and influenced by so-called modern trends or even by Western fashion which take pleasure in mocking the principles of Islam and they openly criticize the Shariah (sacred code of Islam); they say that the Shariah is old-fashioned and impossible to practice. We are surprised by such behaviour! - A people who had brought strength and stability, prosperity, peace and honour to the whole world, now you find them demoralized, completely asleep, empty and helpless. People who once taught moral lessons and good conduct to the whole world are themselves lacking these qualities today.


The First Efforts to Change the Situation


For a long time, intellectuals and defenders of Islam have thought deeply about the catastrophic situation of their community and they have made a lot of effort to reform Muslims, but unfortunately, they have not been able to do their job!


The Solutions/ Decisions They Applied Worsened the Illness.


The situation is getting worse and worse and the days to come seem even darker. To sit idly by and remain satisfied under the present circumstances has become a grave sin and an unpardonable crime. But before we take a decision on what we should do, it is necessary that we look out for the very real cause that brings about such a deplorable situation.


People have found several reasons for this deterioration and have adopted several solutions to prevent the situation from deteriorating even more, but unfortunately all the efforts so far have led to even more frustration. Instead of making progress, despair and confusion have set in, especially among those who preach and as well as the Ulama. The truth is that they failed to find the real root of this disease. And as long as the true cause of this illness is not found, Muslims will not be able to prescribe any treatment even less to apply it; in such circumstances, how can we expect some cure or improvement? Any treatment that is applied without knowing the true cause of the disease will aggravate the situation and bring even more confusion and discouragement.




Islam categorically recognizes that ‘Shariah’ is a sacred code that comes directly from Allah. It guarantees us a complete way of life and gives us every possible means to move forward and progress on the path to true success and good. It clearly shows which path we should take, and tells us the methods to check and take that path.


In other words, the Shariah of Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya guarantees the material and spiritual well-being of all Muslims and their progress throughout life, in all situations, up to Qiyamah. It is clear that we could lose our time if we seek the cause and solution of this current situation which has deteriorated beyond Shariah regulations. Therefore, we must necessarily examine in depth the Quran-e-Karim which is itself the basis of the Shariah and the source of all knowledge and guidance for all mankind.


Verily the Quran is the only source of wisdom for man. We must seek the help of the Quran to find out what our difficulties are, how to remove them, if we really want to be completely cured of our disease. Once we know what we have to do, we have to grasp the solution and make a firm decision to apply it. There is no doubt that the wisdom and guidance of the Quran will never let us down, especially in the current context and in the critical situation that we are going through. Let us seek the real solution [cure] in the ‘Quran’ and ‘Sunnah’.




Allah (twt), the Creator of the whole universe has given power to rule and the Khilafat [Caliphate] on earth only to true Muslims (Mu’mineen). This is clear from this verse of the Quran: Allah has promised the ones of you who have believed and done deeds of righteousness that indeed He will definitely make them [His] Caliphs in the Earth”. (An-Nur 24: 56).


He also gives the guarantee that the true believers will always dominate the unbelievers, and that the unbelievers will remain behind without supporters or comrades as clearly stated in this verse: “And if those who disbelieve fight against you, they certainly would have turned their backs; then they would have found neither a protector nor a helper.” (Al-Fath 48: 23).


We can add that Allah (twt) Himself has taken the responsibility to give all possible help to the true Muslims and He has also promised that these people will always receive honour and glory. This is confirmed by these following verses: 


“It is Our duty to help the believers.” (Ar-Rum 30: 48) 

“Do not falter or grieve, for you will have the upper hand, if you are true in faith.” (Al-Imran 3: 140)


“And honour belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers” (Al-Munafiqun 63: 9)


These sacred declarations clearly demonstrate the path that will restore honour, greatness, glory, respect and value to Muslims, and that really is only found in a solid IMAAN (faith). If their connection with Allah and His Messenger is firm and sincere, there is no doubt that they will control and direct everything on earth. But, on the other hand, if their faith becomes weak or abandons the heart, automatically we [Muslims] will tumble and calamity will ensue. This is clear from this Quran verse:


“By the (passage of) time! Surely man is indeed in (sheer) loss, except for those who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge one another to steadfastness.” (Al-Asr 103: 2-4).


As explained before, history has proven that the early Muslims rose to the higher level in honor and glory while modern day Muslims are heading in the opposite direction. It is clear from these verses that the early Muslims attained this high position in their lives because their Iman was solid and sincere and their character was excellent. On the other hand, the situation of the Muslims has become deplorable nowadays because there is a lot of weakness in their faith and in their character, the opposite of what we find in the first Muslims. So, it is not wrong to say that today, Muslims are Muslims only in name!


In this same context, the Truthful Messenger of Allah, Rasullullah (pbuh) predicted: “A time will soon come when Islam will exist only in name, and the Quran will exist only in its writing”.


This clearly applies to Muslims today. In such a situation, it is necessary to consider these points as soon as possible:


1.   The fact that the true Islam, which is approved by Allah and His Messenger and which will bring spiritual and material progress, is no longer present anywhere, by what means, then, can we find that true Islam again?

2.      What has brought about the disappearance of this true Islam and together with this, why has the spirit (Ruh) of Islam left the lives of bane Muslims?


When we study the Quran, we will find clearly how to keep true Iman and Islam on the required level, and subsequently attaining positions of honour and glory depends on a special work which Allah (twt) in His infinite bounty bestows to the Muslims only. It is for this reason that Muslims have been given this high position in the Quran: KHAIR-UL-UMMAH (best of the peoples).


According to Deen-e-Islam, the real reason behind the creation of the Universe is to establish and prove the sacredness, uniqueness and noble existence of Allah, the Almighty and to show His infinite powers and unlimited qualities through humans. Man can be guided with the light of true knowledge but before that he must first purify himself from all impurity and immorality. It is only after this purification that man can perfect himself with good qualities, and develop an excellent character and capacity to do good. It is for this reason that Allah (twt) purified man [Insan] and developed in him the ability to do good. And the most perfect of the entire human race is the leader of all prophets, our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). It is through him that the human race has reached a higher stage in the development of mind and body until it has reached complete purification. It is then that man received good news in the following verse: “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My Favour upon you.” (Al-Maida 5: 4)


The highest purpose in man's creation is finally accomplished [fulfilled in Islam]; Good and Evil are clearly to be separated; a complete way of life has been revealed; and most important is that the chain of prophecy, and prophethood [Nabuwwah] - the Nabuwwah which is law-bearer has ended, but Allah has reserved for the survival of Islam and Muslims - an Islamic Nabuwwat, which comes from the breath of the Quran and Nabi Kareem Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to accomplish the work of reforming Muslims across the world. Now, in the presence of such a prophet-reformer, Islam regains its life, but in his absence, when such a reformer has not yet appeared, then there is the collective responsibility of the Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya (the Muslim community in its entirety) to safeguard Islam.


This responsibility has been clearly emphasized in the following Quranic verses: “You [i.e. the followers of Muhammad (pbuh)] are the best community ever raised for humanity—you encourage good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah.” (Al-Imran 3: 111).


“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: Such are they who are successful.” (Al-Imran 3: 105)


In the first verse, Allah (twt) has mentioned why the Muslims were called ‘Khair-ul-Ummah’ (best among the peoples). This is because they encourage good and prevent evil. In the second verse, Allah (twt) has made it clear that only those who fulfil this obligation will succeed and receive honour in this life [on earth]. This command does not stop here. It has been mentioned in another place that if we do not do this necessary work, then curse and calamity shall fall upon us. We can find this conclusion in this verse: “Those of the Children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress. They used not to forbid one another any malfeasance that they performed. Miserable indeed was whatever they were performing!” (Al-Maida 5: 79-80).


The Hadiths of Rasullullah (pbuh) explains this in detail as well and makes these verses of the Quran even clearer.


Insha-Allah, I will come with these Hadiths in my Khutba next week and I will continue to explain about this problem affecting the Ummah and what one needs to do to remove these problems and enable [once again] the revival of Islam. Insha-Allah, Ameen.


May Allah save Islam and Muslims from all misfortunes! May Allah allow Muslims to wake up from their sleep where Satan has tried in every way to divide us, and to sow trouble and Kufr [disbelief] among us! May Allah remove this veil once and for all and make Muslims stop following anti-Islamic teachings and move towards Islam with faith and fear of Allah, Insha-Allah, Ameen.