Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Signs of 'Qiyamah'- 7

The Signs of the End of Times 

The signs of Qiyamat, both predicted by the founder of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and also by way of divine revelations when I was preparing this sermon, are such words and happenings which, as per the revelations of Allah, despite already existed and known from before, yet their intensity will be much more grievous, much worse in this era than in the previous eras. People will take the Maal-e-Ghaneemat [spoils of war] and Amanat [trust] which are not theirs [i.e. they will take the wealth and properties of others] as their own. Some will consider the Zakaat as tax; others will learn religion only for this temporal world [only for grandeur and to benefit from the contributions of people who are contributing for religion] and they will take religion as a marketplace, as business for their own gain and to fill in their pockets. Now, we all know that this is what is exactly happening in the case of most politicians, those who make politics to garner grandeur, honour, to fill in their pockets – to spend away [waste] the money of the people – and all this is also happening in the realm of religion as well. 

Broken Values

There will be also men who will obey their wives and disobey their parents – talking rudely to, and insulting, them. There are those who beat their parents or drive them out of the house and put them in old age homes. These kinds of people are attracted more to their peers/ friends and drift away far from their parents. 

There shall be no respect for the places of prayer; they will attend the mosques and talk and laugh loudly; they will talk of worldly affairs as if they are in a marketplace or on the streets. The prayer houses [mosques] are sacred places and thus each person should pray with sincerity, praise God and seek His forgiveness. 

Also, the signs of Qiyamat are: The most wretched among the people will become their chief [leader]; such a person [i.e. the leader] will be a good-for-nothing. Someone will acquire honour only for fear of his mischief [that is, that person will fear that leader so much that he will obey him and thus acquire honour from that leader because of that fear he has for him]. More and more people will be in entertainment – singing, dancing, drinking alcoholic drinks, and consuming [and selling drugs]. They will consume lots of wine, and drugs and the future generations will send curses on the previous generations. Then, when this happens, a red tempest, as well as earthquakes, landslides, disfiguration [of this world], rain of stones, and fire will cause havoc. Hectares of land [i.e. a big extent of land], as well as forests, and the house of people will be consumed [by fires]. Everyone will try to save himself – his own life – and it will not be easy to extinguish that fire which will be divinely-sent [sent by Allah (twt)] and those signs have already appeared and it is will much worse than before, one after the other like pearls which fall from a broken chain.

The sin of same-sex relations 

There are also such signs of Qiyamah which will manifest whereby the head/s of some communities shall be crush by the stars as these communities will practice homosexuality – legalising it, that is, two men can marry each other. This indeed is a grievous sin; this is the sin which the people of Lut (as) used to indulge in. 

When you read the Quran, you will understand this subject very well, for when you read the Quran, you will see how Allah (twt) had completely destroy(ed) those places [of sin] by sending rain of stones, and striking the earth from beneath them to absorb them completely. And our beloved prophet (pbuh) already warned that if someone think or perceive these kinds of evil deeds – i.e. sodomy and homosexuality – as permissible, he will bear the same consequences as that of the people of Lut (as). 

When Allah (twt) has created women for you [the men] and whereby He even mentioned in the Holy Quran that the one who has the means and capacity, then Allah permits him to marry two, three or four wives, but it is nowhere mentioned that Allah has permitted same-sex marriage [Allah has in no way ordained a man to marry another man or a woman to marry another woman and to be intimate with their same-sex partner]. This makes me recall a Hadith of our beloved prophet (pbuh) whereby he said: “May Allah curse him who does what Lut's people did.” (Tirmidhi). 

This Hadith clearly stipulates that it is not for a believer, a Muslim to commit such a deed which is against the nature with which Allah has created him. The one who has sexual relations in the back, in the anus of a woman or man, he has indeed committed a heinous act in the eyes of Allah, and it is such a shameful and dirty deed that he will not be spared from divine punishment. 

It was narrated in another Hadith concerning those who do the action of the people of Lut [describing their punishment]: “Stone the upper and the lower, stone them both.” (Ibn Majah) 

Did you know that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) had a wall fall down on those who committed such heinous and evil acts, because such deeds make man become lower than an animal! And as for Hazrat Ali (ra), he did not stop at meeting out punishment by stoning for a man who committed such satanic act with another man, but according to some narrators, he used to burn these kinds of men in fire. 

Even animals know their limit and can distinguish between the male and the female from among them. Allah (twt) has forbidden such an immoral act to such a degree that such kinds of evil deeds shall definitively call for the curse of Allah [on those who commit them]. I am trying to make you understand all these – i.e. the signs of the end of the world. So, all of us – each one of us must take all these into consideration. 

Do not let the society [of this world] go to its destruction, and prevent evil from spreading. And never support laws which are passed in the country [any country] in favour of same-sex marriage which is against the decree of God and the nature with which He has created man and which He has sanctified. Do not go beyond the limits prescribed by God. This world has turned upside down and it is through the evil acts of man that all kinds of illnesses, viruses have and are being manifested. My call to you all – all humanity, fear that which is coming, and especially all those – the countries – who have passed such kinds of laws, there shall be a destruction which shall befall them worse than in the times of Hazrat Lut (as). Seek the one whom Allah (twt) has created for you, seek the one who is legitimate/ permitted and not one who is illegitimate/ forbidden.


And there shall be a great war which will be waged and there shall be much bloodshed. Few people will survive with whom to share inheritance. That war will saddened the soldiers so much that they will not rejoice in the booties they will receive. Thus Qiyamah will not come till an inheritance cannot be distributed and people will not rejoice upon receipt of their booties. The army of the enemy shall assemble to fight the Muslims in Syria. The Muslims also shall assemble to fight against them [i.e. the Romans]. It will be such a war wherein the Muslims will prepare themselves [as an army] to go to war with the intention of either to be victorious or to die. They will fight will the darkness of the night makes them stop. A war shall happen in Syria and these signs shall appear when Qiyamah shall be very much near and that war will happen in the times of Imam Mahdi (as). They will witness the descent of divine revelations from the heavens – such knowledge which Allah teaches His Khalifatullah – the Imam Mahdi – from the knowledge of the unseen. There will also be an Abyssinian of Jewish origin who has two short legs will be destroyed, and from what I understand from the [divine] messages that I have received, the enemies shall try to destroy the Holy Ka’aba and that event – planned by the infidels – shall be one of the signs of Qiyamah, showing how close the Qiyamah is, and these people shall re-establish idols and idol-worship to pray to them night and day. History will be repeated like in the times of ignorance [pre-Islamic era] whereby the people used to pray two big idols: Laat and Uzza.


The Ummah [of Islam] should be alert and take this into great consideration as from now on, and the Quranic verses in the times of a Messenger of Allah shall be manifested and revived like it was revealed and manifested in the times of our beloved prophet (pbuh) [and by the way, all the chapters and verses of the Quran shall remain alive till Qiyamah], and in this era as well, those verses shall testify to his grandeur and worth [i.e. those of the Messenger of Allah] whereby Allah (twt) says in the Holy Quran: 

“He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, making it prevail over all others, even to the dismay of the polytheists.” (Al-Tauba 9: 33).


From this verse, Allah (twt) wants to make us understand that He will send a sweet and perfumed scent and through this, the people who will get faith (Iman) – even as little as a mustard seed – will die and those who will be left on earth will be empty of goodness [will be good-for-nothing] and shall return to the religion of their forefathers who were Mushrikeen. They will become polytheists. There will be the apparition of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as). With his advent, there shall be many signs and the prophecies of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) – especially when Imam Mahdi comes – shall be fulfilled. With his advent, there shall be lots of happenings and the world shall be in a pitiable state [upside down], and it is through his advent that the world shall be filled with justice and equity. Likewise, the world has been filled with injustice, tyranny, corruption and evildoers, and with his manifestation, the world will be another world. The infidels shall seek to finish Islam completely, and they will attack Syria and occupy it and shall reign till Khaibar, found near Medina Shariff.


All these are signs of Qiyamah whereby Kufr shall spread in the whole world except Mecca and Medina. Lots of Awliya and Abdaal from all corners of the world shall leave their places and go to Mecca and Medina and while doing the Tawaaf [circumbulation] of the Holy Ka’aba, they shall recognize Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) in the crowd who is also doing the Tawaaf accompanied by his very devoted and sincere disciples, and he shall be in a place between Rukne Yamani [Yemenite Corner] and Maqaam-e-Ibrahim [Station of Abraham], and they will seek to take the Bai’at with him [on his hands], but he will refuse. A voice shall be suddenly heard which will resound very loud in the sky which will say: He is the Mahdi, the Caliph of Allah, listen to him and obey him” and therefore, all the people present at that moment and place shall hear this voice and they shall take the oath of allegiance in his blessed hand, and he will be called the Khalifat-ul-Mumineen [the Caliph of the Believers] and all the people will come to know that Hazrat Imam Mahdi has already come and this news shall be spread around the world. The armies of Medina will come in Mecca, and also those who are found in Iraq, Yemen, and Syria will rejoice immensely and they will come in great number to stay and take the oath of allegiance with him. They will stay in his company. When the infidels will get the news about the gathering of the troops of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as), there shall be great fear in their hearts and they will gather and stay firmly together and reunite in Syria to face him [Mahdi (as)].


From Mecca Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) shall do the Ziarat of the tomb of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), and afterwards all the people will follow him and they will enter Syria, and there, along with his army, he will face the infidels [especially the Christians (Nasara)] at Damascus. That army which will follow Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) will be divided into three groups/ categories. 

The first group shall desert [abandon] the army for fear of war; Allah (twt) will not accept their repentance. All the soldiers in the second group shall be Shahid (martyred). Allah (twt) will give the third group victory upon the Christians [Nasara] and the other infidels and afterwards Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) and his army will conquer Constantinople. There shall be many other wars between the Muslims and the infidels. 

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) shall replace injustice and oppression in this world with equality and justice and he shall do all this under divine instructions and there shall be another kind of administration; it will be a divine, pure and clean administration, whereby the people shall themselves see that with the advent of Imam Mahdi (as) a new world has been created – he will make all people arise and create that new world and there shall be the great judgement where the people will be rewarded – a true and just reward – according to the deeds they did in this temporal world. 

May Allah help you all to understand these sermons on the end of times [end of the world], and may all believers prepare themselves mentally, physically and spiritually to wage this battle, firstly against their own selves so as to enable them to become true Muslims, so that the divine essence may pierce its way in their souls and they become true lights which will spread the light of the unicity of Allah before the great judgement strikes. May Allah purify you, protect you against hypocrisy and disbelief and may you stay firm on the right path. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

---Friday Sermon of 05 November 2021~29 Rabi’ul Awwal 1443 AH delivered by Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius.