Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Signs of 'Khalifatullah Al Mahdi'- 2

Reproduced Below is the extracts from an important Jamaat communication concerning the descent of Divine revelations on Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius on Saturday, 31 July 2021. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, the revelatory message contains the glad news about the continued Divine support for the wider, global spiritual mission of the Khalifatullah Al Mahdi of this era, and also indicates the vital signs for truth seekers to identify and understand the Divine Plan for our times, Subhaan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar:

Very Important Messages from Huzoor

'At around 21.00 to 22.30 onwards...It's very cold today in Mauritius, yet he is sweating as if rain is pouring down on his clothes and his body is very, very painful.

This message is so important that he himself will come forward to announce it to everyone when Allah will give him instructions to do so. Briefly, I can tell you that those who are sincere with the Divine Manifestation and with the Khalifatullah working day and night for the propagation of Unicity of Allah, Allah will raise them to the status/ degree of Awliyahs and Abraars.

But, those who are hypocrites and creating disorders in their own house, in their neighbourhood and in the Jamaat; Allah Himself will throw them out and will replace them with other sincere ones.

There are men who don't like to see their wives working hard for Deen-e-Islam and there are ladies also who manifest their anger and jealousy to their husbands who are sacrificing their life for the cause of Allah. So BE CAREFUL AND REPENT ON TIME. Otherwise, you will be the most unfortunate ones.

Huzoor has just got the message that he is the IMAAM MEHDI of this era. You believe it or not, he is the one whom all Muslims are awaiting. If you have any doubts he requested to all members to ask him questions. Do not hesitate.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Signs of ‘Khalifatullah Al-Mahdi’


Human history is replete with the rise and fall of nations in the ebb and flow of time. Man’s religious history also testifies to the cyclical working of this norm of progress and decadence in society. Communities rise and progress with the advent of Prophets and other holy men of God among them, whereas they decline and fall when they follow their own whims and desires- ignoring, and deviating from the ethical teachings of God’s messengers. To help people everywhere to know and recognize the true path to God for all times, the Creator in His infinite Mercy sent the Holy Prophet (sa) with sublime guidance and the religion of Truth, i.e., Islam. As the religion of God, Islam encapsulates the fine aspects of all teachings revealed through Prophets in various nations all through history. Indeed, Islam recognizes and validates the universality of the religious experience, and provides a clear benchmark for true faith in God, while rejecting every manifestations of idolatry. In the grand plan of Allah (swt) for the world of religions, the predominance of Islamic monotheism over all other ideological systems is Divinely-guaranteed.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Signs of 'Al Abrar'- II


Divine Revelations of 24 July 2021

Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmed Azim (aba) of Mauritius received this Revelation from ALLAH Almighty around 6:10am, on Saturday, 24 July 2021 (after his Tahajjud with long Duah and then Fajr prayer, Duah and Dhikr felt a pain over his neck and then closed his eyes then he heard this voice):

"And you gave food, for the love of Allah, to the poor, to the orphans and to the prisoners."

"We gave you food simply to see the Face of Allah. We never seek from you neither reward nor thanks."

"We fear, from our Master, that Day when people will come frowned and very nervous."

"So Allah will protect them against all misfortune on that Day and will shower an illuminous light and joy upon you"

"And to reward you for your patience with paradise and silk garments."

"Allah's Shadow will descend very low upon them and also His fruits will be  at their reach."

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Signs of ‘Al Abrar’


Rituals of prayer and rites of sacrifice are a part of every Faith. Indeed, those aspects of Faith are its unique markings and as such representative of the very distinct identity of a community- like the anthems and flags of a nation proud in its independent existence. For Islam, the external forms of ‘identity-markers’ of a Muslim includes: performing ‘Namaz’, fasting on Ramadan; feasting on Eid, etc. Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) stated: ‘Whoever prays like us and faces our Qibla and eats our slaughtered animals is a Muslim.’ 

Yet, Faith is much more than just doing religious ceremonies in a mechanical fashion. In Islam, mere physical compliance to rites and rituals does not meet the requirements of piety. Even while explaining God’s sacred rites of animal sacrifice on the occasion of the great pilgrimage, the Qur’an states: It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches God but your piety’. (22:37). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) said, “God does not look at your bodies or at your forms, but looks at your hearts”.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

'Sham': The Holy Land

Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah, today is the third day of Eid [in the context of the Eid’-ul Adha] and an Eid’-ul Jummah. The sacrifice of Abraham and his son will remain forever engraved in the history of mankind, because let us all remember that Abraham (as) as mentioned in the Qu’ran was the father of two nations: The Ishmaelites [that is, the biological as well as spiritual children of Isma’il (as), i.e., the Muslims] and the children of Issac, and consequently those of Israel [i.e., Jacob (as) who are better known as Jews as well as Christians]. 

In these dark times of history, we see the descendants and followers of the two prophets: Ishmael and Issac, fighting among them to dispute a land which since the dawn of time has been a holy land. Although this land came under the responsibility of Muslims, but other countries have widened the chasm of hatred and strife to make this sacred land a land of war and dread.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Eid-ul-Adha Retreat 2021


In the clear light of Divine revelations ahead of the Eid-ul-Adha this year, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius recently instructed his disciples /Jamaat members to converge at their area-Masjids and other designated places of prayer for five days and “celebrate the three days of Eid-ul-Adha together and partake of this golden and blessed opportunity to stay as one congregation, as one family and maximize not only the spiritual food [in terms of the Eid-ul-Adha Khutba, the spiritual programmes and Zikrullah], but also partake of your daily food together [breakfast, lunch and dinner]. And on the day of Eid [and for the Sacrifice of Ibrahim (as)], like Allah has instructed me, there will be the Zaba [Sacrifice] of an animal and all of you join together for the Eid prayer and animal sacrifice [Qurbani/ Udhiya]…and you enjoy this exceptional and blessed moment together as one blessed spiritual family and you all sit together and eat from the sacrificed animal [Qurbani]. 

In obedience to Allah and His Khalifatullah’s instructions, the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte, and India recently came together to partake of the Divine blessings in the company of fellow brothers and sisters, in their own respective places. In India alone, Eid-ul-Adha Retreats were organized at the Siraj-um-Munir Masjid in Tamil Nadu, as well as at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid at Mathra, Kerala. Likewise, members of the Jamaat in distant places within the country organized programmes of devotional worship and remembrance of the Divine with family and friends in their own local settings in these Holy and Blessed Days of Dhul Hijjah, experiencing the joy of togetherness and spiritual upliftment, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Israel: A Racist Bully


Israel & U.S under Fire 

Israel’s attempt to justify its recent brutal assault on Gaza rings hollow to anybody familiar with events in Israel, where the government of Israel, backed by anti-Arab racists, has systematically, cruelly, and persistently violated the basic human rights of the Arab population. Like I told you last week in my sermon, Human Rights Watch, a global NGO with many Jewish leaders, has condemned Israel for crimes against humanity. 

Israel behaviour puts US President Joe Biden’s administration, which professes a foreign policy based on human rights, under the spotlight. If that commitment is genuine, the administration should support an independent UN investigation of Israeli human rights violations against the Arab population and suspend military aid to Israel until the inquiry is completed and the human rights of the Palestinians are secured.