Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tears of the Muslim Ummah- 4


Alhamdulillah, Today I continue my sermon on the fate of Muslims throughout the world. 

The persecution of Muslims is very tangible, visible and real. And the war in Palestine with the outlaw Israelites is becoming more and more serious. It’s a merciless war and the tyrants who have self-proclaimed Palestine as theirs by changing its name to Israel, well, I tell you most certainly that Allah will soon turn them upside down and reduce them to ashes.


Recently (early April), Israel carried out a deadly raid on the Iranian consulate in Syria (in Damascus) which ignited the anger of Iranians who now support Palestine and denounce the cruelty of Israel and the United States of America towards the Palestinians, particularly those of the Muslim faith.


So, thousands of Iranians demonstrated en masse against Israel by paying tribute to the seven soldiers killed in Damascus. They shouted loudly: “death to Israel”, “death to America”. This rally coincided with “Jerusalem Day (Al-Quds)” celebrated in the region in support of the Palestinians.

Protesters brandished Iranian, Palestinian and Lebanese Hezbollah flags while shouting traditional anti-Israel slogans. They posted a poster with this message: “We will make the vicious Zionist regime regret having committed this crime.”


As for the Iranian government, its head of state promised that Israel, the sworn enemy of the Islamic Republic, would be “slapped” for the attack on Damascus, which left a total of 16 dead [including the seven soldiers] according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


In Syria, Palestinian organizations present in Damascus, including Islamic Jihad, organized a parade in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp. Rallies also took place in several regions of Bahrain, notably on the outskirts of the capital, Manama, and in Bani Jamra, in the north, where tear gas was deployed by the police.


In Yemen, thousands of Houthi supporters gathered in Al Sabeen Square in the capital Sana, shouting slogans against Israel and the United States, its ally.


Also in Baghdad, a rally organized by pro-Iran factions attracted around 2,000 people, where a large Israeli flag was drawn to the ground to be trampled. The demonstrators shouted: “Yes to resistance, Yes to Palestine”.


In this struggle between truth and falsehood, between justice and injustice, between victims and real oppressors, many have died on both sides, but many more on the side of the innocent Palestinians who have lived nightmare after nightmare ever since the Jews came to their country to steal it.


Only now have protests taken place that indicate a state of “enough is enough”! I hope that Muslims and all those who are for the truth, and who recognize the rights of Palestinian Muslims to their country, come together for the revitalization of Palestine. Surely, the All-Seeing Almighty God will do His justice in due time. This ordeal must bring Muslims together as a strong body, and it is my prayer that the seekers of truth see the truth of Islam through this unjust persecution and also taste Islam. Insha-Allah, their integration into Islam will bring much good to the Deen of Allah, because this Deen is for all humanity, for all those who recognize the Supremacy and Oneness of God [Allah].


Unfortunate are those who act as traitors against Islam, where money and power have blinded them. The world is in the grip of major convulsions and other disasters that leave enormous damage in their wake. Earthquakes, storms, floods, and drought among others have disfigured hundreds of countries, even those that considered themselves superpowers.


Following the misfortunes of Muslims around the world, and the injustice inflicted on them, the world witnessed how God the Almighty had restricted the comings and goings of people by confining them to their homes. Here we have the image of the large open prison from which the Royingya Muslims, Uyghurs, and Palestinians of Gaza suffered. Many people suffered from this two-year quarantine, being confined to their homes. Many even committed suicide. Imagine then the ordeal of Muslims throughout the world who are hundreds of thousands who do not enjoy any freedom while non-Muslims who consider themselves superpowers with the collaboration of so-called Muslim countries live their lives easily, in opulence without any consideration of the injustices and murders perpetrated against Muslim minorities around the world, whether in Muslim or non-Muslim countries! Imagine their afflictions, their sorrow, their fear, their hope of near help! Look how despite the ordeals they go through every day, they keep their faith, because they trust in this Powerful God Who promised them Paradise in exchange for their suffering. They keep the faith, they preserve it, but what do rich Muslim leaders, like the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, etc. do? They sell their faith at a low price!


Bear witness to the calamities that befall so-called powerful countries, such calamities that leave in their wake destruction, death and loss of wealth by the thousands. We saw what happened to Dubai, the so-called most democratized Arab city in the Arab world, with its skyscrapers but with its spiritual degradation. They market Islam. They even build temples for the worship of idols tolerating this Shirk in a so-called Muslim country, while the Indians in India destroy a large Mosque dating back several centuries to build a temple for the worship of idols. A mosque is crushed to build a temple of idols, and they too (the materialist Arabs) build casinos, cinemas, pubs with the sale of alcoholic drinks to please non-Muslims instead of pleasing Allah! What baseness have they fallen into? Really very low! They sold their faith cheaply in exchange for the goods of this world. How sad! Do you think then that Allah will sit idly by? They are the ones whom Allah shakes first so that they realize their mistakes, but do they really realize their mistakes?


Insha-Allah, it is the hope and the duahs (supplications) that I make so that all those at the head of Muslim countries reform before it is too late. They must fear divine repercussion. I tell you clearly that Allah has ordered me to give them warnings and invite them even in Mubahila (prayer duel). I pray that Allah changes their hearts for the better, that these hearts become soft to the plight of Muslims around the world. All of us Muslims must unite to resound the sound of the Oneness of Allah and Divine Victory throughout the world. Insha-Allah.

----Friday Sermon of 03 May 2024~23 Shawwal 1445 AH delivered by Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.