Friday, September 28, 2012

Anti-Islam Film: A Challenge for Crossing Swords

Evil elements in society seek to extinguish the light of Allah and trample upon the fair name and basic teachings of the true religion, the Sahih Al Islam and to revile the father of Muslims. The inflammatory anti-Islam film in the United States-- entitled "Innocence of Muslims" on its 14-minuteYouTube trailer -- was such an attempt. The film was produced by a religious group called Media for Christ.  Sam Bacile, the man apparently behind the film is a US-based Egyptian Copt and fraudster who may also have violated his parole. And the film was reportedly directed by a pornographer Alan Roberts.

The soldier of Islam of our times Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius, has now decided to confront these elements in a duel of prayers [Mubahila] through a special speech made on September 17, 2012. Instead of hiding behind the facade of fraudulent methods and virtual space, let these elements,- if they have any spine, that is- come to the open space and battle it with the ‘sword’ of Muhammad (sa)- the armament of prayers and supplication to the Lord Almighty. [Inset:  Zulfiqar - the bifurcated sword of Prophet Muhammad (sa). Hadhrat Ali (ra) who inherited it from the Holy Prophet (sa), went on to become the Fourth Khalifa of Islam and the sword is famous in Islamic history as the Sword of Ali].

Read the Extracts from the Invitation for Duel of Prayer:    

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful


As God Almighty said in the Holy Quran (Al-Imran Chapter 3 Verse 62):

“If anyone argues with you, despite the knowledge you have received, then say, “Let us summon our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us invoke Allah’s curse upon the liars.”

MUNIR AHMAD AZIM of Mauritius challenges Media for Christ, Pastor Terry Jones, Steve Klein, Alan Roberts and  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (alias “Sam Bacile”), and all the hidden people who are behind the production of the Anti-Islam film entitled “The Innocence of Muslims”, and therefore tarnished the honour and image of Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anti-Islam Film is ‘Hate Speech’

For the Western Orientalists and their intellectual progenies, in the post- Communist era, Islam is the quintessential ‘Other’- the evil enemy that does not share their values of ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’. The ‘West’, in this narrative, represents all that is ‘liberal’, ‘progressive’ and ‘modern’, in that order. Correspondingly, Islam is deemed the negation of all that ‘civilization’ and ‘culture’ stands for. Under this skewed logic and perverted reading of history and blatant distortion of the lived experiences of people, a political and cultural climate is created that incites the lampooning of the sacred symbols of Islam.

Thus,anyone who abuses the religion of Islam or vilifies the father of Muslims automatically and instantaneously becomes a champion of free speech and liberty! Muslims who oppose such characterizations and resist these representations would be branded intolerant and worse. In short, anti-Islam hate speech and the vilification of Holy Prophet (sa) would be mere expressions of freedom of speech and intellectual liberty and those who oppose such elements are projected the real trouble-makers! [Inset: A protest march in Cairo against the recent anti-Islam Film].

In a special speech on September 17, 2012, the Messenger of Allah and Khalifa of Islam Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius took note of the disturbingly, deviant social trends in the western world which incites the vilification of the noble character of the Holy Prophet (sa). The Khalifatullah (atba) took serious note of these contemporary trends where Muslims and their sacred symbols are treated as rub their dirty feet... and warned the anti-Islam elements and hate-mongers against what they are sowing. 

 Read the Extracts from the Speech:

And if Allah were to punish people for what they do, He would not leave upon the earth any creature; but He grants them respite until an appointed term. And when their time comes, then Allah has all His servants ever under (His) sight. (Fatir 35: 46)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Prophethood: A Divine Favour

Islam, as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), validates the universality of spiritual experience and recognizes the fact that all communities in the past were recipients of Divine favour through the raising of spiritually awakened souls among them. Reflecting upon the profound impact of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) on the history of spirituality, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius, in his Friday Sermon of 21 September 2012, spoke about the extraordinary spiritual revolution brought about by the arrival of Islam in a world of pagan rituals and animistic practices. The Khalifatullah describes the raising of prophets as a special Divine blessing for the human kind, for such spiritually-aware souls provide a living, practical example for the common folks to emulate in their own individual, spiritual lives.  

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:

“Certainly Allah has conferred a favour upon the believers by raising among them a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His revelations and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.” (3: 165).

The expression, by “by raising among them a Messenger from among themselves”, is intended to awaken in the hearts of Muslims a desire to follow the example of the Holy Prophet (sa) who was like them and one of them. The prophet was not only a man like them but was actually one of them. If he could rise to such spiritual heights, why could they not?

Muhammad (sa) and the Seal of Prophethood

In his Friday Sermon of 14 September 2012, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius explained the concept of Prophethood in Islam. By focussing on the Qur’anic title of the Holy Prophet of Islam Muhammad (sa)- Khataman-Nabiyyeen- the Khalifatullah points to the colossal mistakes that have crept into the mainstream belief  through the ebb and flow of centuries and the serious consequences it entailed for the fortunes of the Muslim Ummah. By closing the door of revelation in the Ummah, Muslims have cut at the “root of all spiritual and temporal understanding” and deprived itself of the  great blessing of Divine Guidance, points out the Messenger of Allah of our times.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:   

Almighty God appointed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) the holder of the seal. This degree of excellence was barred to all other prophets since the beginning of time. One, who meticulously follows his footsteps, can be awarded the attributes of prophethood. But the Holy Prophet (sa) is gifted with much more than this. A spiritual and intimate linkage with him can elevate an “Ummati” to the exalted status of a prophet.

It was thus that thousands of the followers of the Holy Prophet were converted by his grace into saints of a high order. But there was to be others among the Ummah who would be wrapped in the silver linings of a prophet. One was the Mahdi and the Promised Messiah of the last century and for this century it refers to this humble self, the Muhyi-ud-din Khalifatullah. We are that person whom the Holy Prophet (sa) had himself described as prophet on four occasions (Sahih Muslim).