Members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam from
across the State of Kerala (India) assembled at the historic Noor’ul Islam Masjid,
Mathra between 15-17 May 2015. Brothers, sisters and children of the Jamaat came
for the Special Get Together Programme with the broader objective of shared
learning, mutual discussions and to perform collective prayers and to develop
spiritual solidarity in an atmosphere of informal cordiality within the
fraternity. Brothers and sisters from Palakkad, Alappuzha, Kochi (Ernakulum),
Kodungallur and Kaliyikkavila, and also from Delhi, reached Mathra to join our Sahih Al Islam families in the place,
ahead of the scheduled commencement of the Three-day programme.
On Friday, the 15th May 2015, all
members assembled together at the Masjid for the Jum’ah Prayers. In the
second-half of the Jum’ah Qutubah, the Amir Jamaat, Mukarram R. Jamaluddin
Saheb formally declared the commencement of the Programme. The Three-Day
Programme had a different format altogether:
Brothers were routinely encouraged
to recite the Holy Qur’an in Arabic along with the Translation of the verses in
Malayalam and the meeting speeches were held in close proximity with prayer
timings so as to allow all our women members (who were otherwise busy also to
prepare food for the gathering) also to take part and listen to the special
Speeches being made at the Mosque.
In his remarks, the Amir Saheb viewed the
Programme as an occassion to come, stay and pray together in an atmosphere of
brotherly affection and friendly discussion about various spiritual matters and
religious questions. Strengthening our faith and beliefs in solidarity with
like-minded people becomes possible through our active and informed
participation in such spiritual proceedings, he noted.
In the second session after Namaz-e-Aser, all members listened with
rapt attention to the special Speech from Mauritius delivered by the
Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) on the occasion. Hazrat Mukarram
Fazil Jamal Sahib provided the Malayalam translation of, and supplementary notes
on, the Speech for the benefit of our members present. As the speech of the
Khalifatullah (atba) touched upon a critical issue at the heart of our very
spiritual life, the gathering sought to absorb the message in full measure- obedience
to Allah and His Messenger leads to unity and solidarity within the community,
testifying to right personal beliefs and integrity of practice.