Showing posts with label Bridge of Sirat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridge of Sirat. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2021

Destiny on the ‘Bridge of Sirat’

All through history, Prophets and Sages appeared among nations calling people to the one and only God promising felicity in this life and the Gardens of Paradise in the world to come when they die and face God with the record of their deeds. “Every person’s deeds have We fastened firmly to his neck, and on the Day of Judgement We shall bring out for him a book which he will find wide open” (17:14).

Invariably, the Divine messengers also cautioned humanity against the trappings of the Satan- following in his footsteps without any moral restraints for mundane gains and glory will only invite the Fires of Hell in this world and on the Day of Reckoning: “Mutual rivalry in seeking worldly increase diverts you from God. Till you reach the graves. Nay! You will soon come to know. Nay again! You will soon come to know. Nay! If you only knew with certain knowledge, You will surely see Hell in this very life. Aye, you will surely see it with the eye of certainty. Then, on that day you shall be called to account about the worldly favours (102: 2 - 9)    

Indeed, on the Day of Judgement, every human will face his deeds on the ground of gathering, Arz Al Mahshar.  When records speak and accounts settled on the basis of evidence by none other than Allah (swt), man will pass on the Bridge of Sirat to meet his awaited destiny. True believers, walking in the light of their pious good deeds, will become the dwellers of Paradise: “And think of the day when you will see the believing men and the believing women, their light running before them and on their right hands” (57:13)

On the other hand, the wrongdoers will have no Protective Friend, nor any help of light in that dungeon of darkness, in the way to the Valley of Hell: Like the Qur’an says: ‘On that Day, We shall seal their mouths. Their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will bear witness to that which they used to earn. And had We willed, We would have blotted out their eyes. Then they would race to Al -Sirat, yet how would they see?’ (36: 66- 67)