On the 'Mahdi'
Bear in mind that “Mahdi” is derived from the
word, “Haadi”, which means “to guide” and “Massih” means “the
Anointed One”. Now, the term “anointed” refers to the ritual act of pouring or
rubbing oil on a person as a sign of sanctification. In a broader sense, it
signifies being chosen or set apart for a special purpose or role. We use “anointed”
not just for prophets but for kings as well when they are chosen to rule over
their kingdom.
When we study the information on Mahdi, we notice that he is not directly and clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran as well as the two most authentic Books of Hadiths in Islam, i.e. Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim. There are many narrations on Mahdi, the larger part of them being qualified as weak (Da’if) or not so authentic by the Muslim Ummah. But then, if Mahdi is not plainly mentioned in Quran and both Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim have avoided mentioning him in their respective Sahihs, how then to be sure that one Hadith which the Muslim Ummah regards as weak (Da’if) can actually be powerfully true and be fulfilled in this era?
We have many such Hadiths, even those saying
about the ability of the Mahdi to produce forth wealth. I mention another Hadith
narrated by Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) where he states that the Messenger of
Allah (pbuh) said: “If only one day remained of this world, God would send a
man from my family who would fill it with justice as it was filled with
injustice.” (Abu Dawud)
Likewise in different other Hadiths, the Mahdi
is qualified as being of the family or Ummah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh). For example, in another version, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) mentions “a
man from us”. The Hadith is as thus: Hajjaj said: ‘I heard Ali (ra) say:
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Even if only a day remained of this
world, Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, would send a man from us who would fill
it with justice as it was filled with injustice.”’ (Musnad Ahmad)
We find here that the Mahdi is someone who
fights, and stresses on justice as well as fairness. And his duty includes
rectifying the injustices in the Ummah. The Mahdi’s role is mainly as the
Saviour of the Muslim Ummah.
Some Hadiths gives precision that he is a
descendant of Fatima, the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh); some others are
more specific. For example, Abu Dawud mentions a saying of Ali Ibn Abu Talib
(ra) in which he says that Al-Hassan is the one through whose loins the Mahdi
will be born; whereas the Mahdi will resemble the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in
character, but he will not resemble him in appearance. Yet, there is another
Hadith which goes as thus: “Al-Mahdi is one of us, the clan of the Prophet
(pbuh). Allah will reform him in one night.” (Ibn Majah)
Mahdi is the Guided One from Allah upon whom
Allah bestows Wahy (Divine Revelations). With his advent, Wahy
(Revelation) is needed for him to guide the people, i.e. to enable the reform
of Islam and Muslims and to enable the victory of Islam in the world. Without Wahy,
i.e. a direct guidance from Allah to him (but without any new Law-bearing Book),
it would be difficult to convince the masses that he is the Mahdi.
Now, some may say, that he will be a simple
man; he could have made many mistakes in life, and then like the Hadith states,
Allah will rectify him in one night only, reform him so that he may reform the
world. Now, that also is plausible and can happen. The Mahdi is a common man,
like everyone but he is the light of the Allah and the Deliverer of the Muslims
from the hardships of the non-Muslims.
But rectification in that one night my
brothers, sisters and children of Islam pinpoints to the “Laila-tul-Qadr”,
i.e. the time of darkness where Allah ordains the descent of His Quran, and in
respect of the Last Days, that Quran – that Walking Quran – is none but a
Messenger from Him to bring back the light of truth and clear away the darkness
of untruth. That one night is his whole lifetime, O those endowed with
intelligence! That one night is tantamount to the prophetic saying that the
Mahdi will live for five, seven or nine years, which interprets to him either
dying in his fifties, seventies or nineties of age. Remember the one thousand
months of blessing of the God-given “Laila-tul-Qadr” (Night of Decree).
That blessing is that of the presence of a Messenger of Allah, the Mahdi, who
is referred to by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as: Khalifatullah (Caliph of
Allah). If he is a Caliph of Allah, he is directly linked to Allah, and he
receives divine revelations from Allah and His inspirations to rectify not just
himself but the whole Ummah and Humanity on the right path. He is not chosen
per say by men but verily by Allah for it is Allah who sends him, and that man
is none but this humble one in this era.
I am not the first Mahdi to come. Allah is
never unjust to His servants. When the eras of the Hour draws near and people
of Islam as well as humanity suffer from decadence, Allah sends the Promised
Deliverer for that specific time to the world. In Islamic terms, we may refer it
also to the second or third or fourth coming of the Messiah, the Isa Ibn Maryam
of our time. In this time of darkness, Allah sends someone to save you from
afflictions and dishonour and teach you to hold firm to Allah and not to
deviate and be lured by the Satans of this world.
In a Hadith reported by Anas bin Malik (ra),
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is quoted to have said: “The matter will
only become more severe, the world will only decline, people will only become greedier,
the Hour will only come upon the worst of people, and the Mahdi will be none
other than Isa Ibn Maryam.” (Ibn Majah)
We are living this time of decline my brothers,
sisters and children. Like I told you, Allah vouchsafed me both the roles and
titles of Massih and Mahdi. The Mahdi of this era, like for the past era (for
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)) is none but the Isa Ibn Maryam who was to come;
an Isa Ibn Maryam who hails from the Ummah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
forming one with him. When the Massih is the Mahdi, the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) pinpoints to the Messiah being one of his own, either his direct family
line or from his devoted followers, from his own Ummah!
And the only true wealth is “Al-Islam”
(i.e. Submission to Allah). By submitting to Allah, you guarantee for
yourselves protection from Allah. When you open yourselves to the truth and
accept the Messenger of Allah of your time, such a Messengership or
prophethood which does not break the law-bearing prophethood of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), then you guarantee for yourselves a life filled with
Allah’s mercy, help, generosity, and despite the trials from Allah to test your
mettle, to test your faith, Allah will surely grant victory to those of you who
are sincerely and firm on His path and believe in His Messenger, i.e. the Mahdi
and Messiah of your era.
Don’t you trust Allah my dear brothers, sisters
and children that Allah will not disrupt the calamities lurch on you by the
enemies by sending His angels in thousands to dismantle the enemy troops?
O those who suffer from the persecutions of the
tyrants, who strive to protect your lives and properties and land as well as
the Sacred Mosques of Allah, don’t despair from Allah. The true treasure of the
Mahdi is prayer, which is the sharpest sword which has the ability to
annihilate any enemy. And by following Allah’s Caliph, you will be enlightened
and be guided to act in ways which will guarantee for you security in the
hereafter. Insha-Allah.
“Salaam Ya Mahdi”
It greatly moves my heart when the people of
Palestine as well as the rest of Muslims around the world, like Africa, France
and others are praying for the advent of the Mahdi, i.e. the Promised Deliverer
at the end of days. You all call out for the Mahdi. The Mahdi is among you. Don’t
you feel in your inner heart that I am the Mahdi? Is your connection and faith
in Allah strong enough to perceive my truthfulness? I feel your pain and you
are in my prayers. Even if you don’t believe in me, yet you are in my prayers.
I cannot see you suffer. You are that part of me which is not separate from me,
even if you deny me. You denying me don’t make me false. It only fuels your own
miseries my dear brothers, sisters and children. Never judge before the truth
becomes clear. When someone says he comes from Allah, believe. You will not be
condemned for it. If I am a liar, I will pay for it before Allah whereas you
will not be condemned, but if (and I know that) I am true and you reject me,
and curse me and give me titles of liar, madman etc., then bear in mind that
despite Allah having heard your prayers and sending me to you, but when you
turn on your backs, Allah also will turn His back to you. Never reject the boon
and light of Allah. The light of guidance is here, and that guidance, Allah’s
Khalifatullah al-Mahdi prays for you. You are pleading and sending Salaam on me
“Salaam Ya Mahdi”, yet denying me. Never do that!
Instead, join me in prayer and recite behind me
as ONE UNITED UMMAH, an Ummah founded
on Tawheed, on Yaqeen (Certainty) on Allah the All-Powerful:
الحمد لله رب العالمين،
الرحمن الرحيم؛ أدعوك يا الله أن ترسل أفضل بركاتك وزياداتك على أشرف وخاتمان النبيين
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى أسرته وأصحابه وكذلك على أمته المؤمنة حقاً. يا الله
الحبيب! نؤمن بموعودك المهدي من عصرنا، الذي اخترته خصيصًا لإرساله إلينا لتخفيف آلامنا
ولإنقاذنا من أعدائنا. يا الله، جماعة الدجال وكذلك يأجوج ومأجوج وكل أنواع الشر تطوف
على الأرض تحاول أن تدوس دينك الطاهر، يا الله. لقد أرسلت لنا مهدينا يا الله لتخفيف
آلامنا، لتجعلنا أقوى في الإيمان لمساعدة دينك. اجعلنا من خلال صلاتنا الموحدة حقاً
منتصرين، واقبل صلواتنا نيابةً عن الإسلام وعظمته ولأجل توحيدك، مثل أشد الأسلحة فتكاً
لقتل أعدائنا. نحن عاجزون يا الله. أنت القوي القهار.
أنشئ الرعب في معسكرات
الأعداء، ودمرهم بطرق تعرفها أنت بأنها فعالة ودائمة. أو اجعلهم يتوبون بطريقة لا يترك
فيها أي أثر للشر عليهم، مما يجعلهم عبيدًا جديرين بالثناء لله، ينكرون الطرق الشيطانية
ويسمحون بهالة مسيحك المهدي من خلال كرمك بتحويل قلوبهم نحو الإسلام الحقيقي، وتغذية
أرواحهم بالرحمة واللطف للمسلمين والإنسانية.
إذا رفضوا الالتزام
بقوانين الله، تلك القوانين التي توجد منذ فجر الزمان، بحكمتك الكاملة، يا الله، أنشئ
مثل هذه الظروف لخليفة الله الحق والمتواضع المهدي منير أحمد عظيم مع الصلوات الصادقة
لأمة المسلمين حتى يتم تعطيل هؤلاء الأعداء بشدة وقطعهم من هذا العالم حتى يمكن أن
يولد جيل جديد خاضع لك ويُربى في الإسلام.
اقبل دعاءنا يا الله.
هذه ليست فقط دعاء رجل واحد، بل دعاء جميع عبيدك المخلصين الذين يقبلونك ورجلك المختار
لنصر الإسلام في هذا العالم. آمين
Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen,
Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem; Adu’uka ya Allah an tursila afdal barakaatika wa
ziyaadatik ‘alaa ashrafi wa khaataman Nabiyyin Muhammadin (salla Allahu ‘alayhi
wa sallam) wa ‘alaa ahlihi wa ashaabihi wa kathalik ‘ala ummatihi al-mu’minati
haqqa. Ya Allahul Habiib! Nu’minu bi-Maw’udika al-Mahdi min ‘asrina, alladhi
ikhtartahu khasatan li’irsalihi ilayna litakhfifi a’laamina wa li’inkaadhina
min ‘a’da’ina. Ya Allah, jama’atud Dajjal wa kathalika Ya’juj wa Ma’juj wa
kullu anwaa’ as-sharr tutuufu ‘ala al-ardh tuhaawilu ‘an tadoosa dinaka
at-taahir, ya Allah. Qad arsalt lana Mahdiyaka ya Allah litakhfif ‘a’laamina,
litaj’alana aqwaf fil-eemani limasa’addati dinik. Ij’alna min khilal salatina
al-muwahhada haqqan muntasireena, waqbal salatanaa niyaabatan ‘anil Islam wa ‘azamatihi
wal aji twaheedik, mithla ashad al-aslihati fatkan liqatli ‘a’da’ina. Nahnu ‘aajizuna
ya Allah. Anta al-Qawi al-Qahhar.
Anshi’ ar-ru’ba fi ma’askarat
al-a’da’, wa dammarhum bi-turuq ta’rifuha anta annaha fa’ala wa daa’ima. Au
ajil hum yatubun bi-tariqa la yatruk fiha ayy athar lilsharr ‘alayhim, ma yaj’alhum
‘ubadan mustahiqqan lilthana’ lillah, yunkirun al-turuq al-shaytaaniyyah wa
yasmahoon bi-Hala-Masiihika al-Mahdi min khilaal karamika bi-tahweel qulubihim
nahwa al-Islam al-haqeeqi, wa taghdhi arwaahihim bi-rahma wal-lutf
lil-muslimeen wal-insaniyyah.
Idhaa rafadhu al-iltizaam
biqawaaneen Allah, tilka al-qawaaneen allati tajuud mundhu fajr az-zaman,
bihikmatika at-taamma, ya Allah, anshi’ mithl hadhihi ad-dhuroof li-Khalifatika
al-haqq wal-mutaawa’ Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim maa salawaati ummat al-muslimeen
assidqiyya hatta tamma’ at-tilka al-’a’da’ bishidda wa inqata’uhum min hadhihi
ad-dunya hatta yukoon jaail jadeed khadhia’an laka wa yurabbath fi al-Islam.
Iqbal du’aa’naa ya Allah. Hadhihi
laysat faqat du’aa rajulin wahidin, bal du’aa jami’ ‘ubadika al-mukhlisin
alladhina yaqbaluunaka wa rajulaka al-mukhtar li-nasr al-Islam fi hadha
al-aalam. Ameen.
“All praise be to Allah, the Rabb of all the
worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful; I call upon You, O Allah to send Your
choicest Blessings and Abundance upon the Noblest and Seal of all prophets
Muhammad (pbuh) and his family and companions as well as His whole truly
Believing Ummah. O Beloved Allah! We believe in Your Promised Mahdi of our era,
the one You chose specifically to send to us to alleviate our pains and to save
us from our enemies. O Allah, the congregation of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) as
well as the Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog) and all kinds of evil roam free
on earth attempting to trample your pure Deen, O Allah. You have sent Your
Mahdi to us O Allah to mitigate our pain, to render us stronger in faith to
help your Deen. Enable us through our united prayer to be truly victorious, and
accept our prayers on behalf of Islam and its glory and for the sake of Your
Tawheed, like the most poignant of all armaments to kill our enemies through
it. We are helpless, O Allah. It is You the All-Powerful.
Create panic in the enemies’ camps, and
dismantle them in ways which is best known to You to be effective and lasting. Or
cause them to repent in such a way that no trace of evil is left on them,
making them praiseworthy servants of Allah, denying the Satanic ways and
letting the Messianic Aura of your Mahdi through Your Benevolence to turn their
hearts towards the true Islam, feeding their souls with Mercy and Kindness to
the Muslims and Humanity.
If they refuse to abide to the Laws of Allah,
such laws which exist since the dawn of time, by Your Perfect Time, O Allah,
create such circumstances for our True and Humble Khalifatullah al-Mahdi Munir
Ahmad Azim along with the sincere prayers of the Muslim Ummah that those
enemies be severely handicapped and cut from this world so that a new
generation submitted to You may be born and raised in Islam.
Accept our Prayer O Allah. This is not just the
prayer of one man, but that of all Your devoted souls and servants who accept You
and Your Chosen Man for the victory of Islam in this world. Ameen.”
---Friday Sermon of 13 December 2024~ 11 Jamadi'ul Aakhir 1446 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.