Supplicating (to Allah) * Making 'Duah'
In affairs in which physical and material means and agencies have no role to play; one should in entirety resort to only duah, e.g. rainfall [protection against rainfall in case of too much rainfall causing floods etc. & prayers for rainfall in case of drought], protection against plagues, the Satan and the deception of the Nafs, protection from the oppression of cruel persons, etc.
Duah does
not mean the mere recitation of some words and the ritual reiteration of words
after Salat. The nature of duah
consists of petitioning in the court of Allah (twt). The earnestness and
concern which people have when making appeals in the courts of the world should
at least be adopted when making duah
in the court of Allah (twt). When making duah,
one’s mind and body have to be concentrated and directed into the purpose of duah. One should never lose hope in the
event of fulfilment of the duah being
delayed or if fulfilment is not discerned. One has to submit to the Will of
Allah (twt). Duah is an appeal of His
servants. We have no right to become disillusioned and despondent if we cannot
discern acceptance of our duah.
The times of duah are not restricted to the time of Salat.
Duah should be made at any time,
whenever one requires something although the time during and after Salat
is very efficacious for acceptance of the duah.
Whenever and whatever one is in need of, immediately make duah with the heart as well as with the tongue. This then is the
reality and nature of duah.
Now when supplicating,
do so according to the reality and nature of duah as has been described. If you do so, you will discern the
efficacy and blessings of duah. Blessings
of duah do not necessarily mean that
whatever you ask for will be granted. At times the very object sought for, is
obtained, e.g. something in regard to the Hereafter, because a favour or bounty
of the Hereafter is pure goodness for the servant. For the attainment of the
fortunes of the Aakhirat (hereafter), Imaan (faith) and Itaa’at
(obedience) are conditions. Without these conditions, the blessings of Aakhirat
are not attainable. Sometimes, the object asked for is not obtained, e.g. an
object or requirement of the world. This is so because sometimes the worldly object
supplicated for is harmful and sometimes beneficial. If it is beneficial in the
Wisdom of Allah (twt), he grants it to the servant and when it is harmful, he
withholds it from the servant just as a father will deny his child an object
which is detrimental to his interests.
The meaning of Barakat
in this context is that the attention of Allah (twt) is directed to the
servant. Thus, if due to some reason known to Allah (twt), the object asked for
is not granted, thus in this situation also the person should be content with
whatever Allah has decided for him. He is not overcome with frustration and
weakness. This spiritual strength with which the heart is imbued is the effect
of the special attention of Allah (twt) as a result of duah made by the servant. This special attention of Allah (twt) is
indeed a great treasure. All other treasures pale into insignificance in its
presence. This special attention is in fact man’s original capital which he has
to strive for. It is the possession of this treasure which will bring him
comfort and peace in this world and in the Hereafter. The limitless bounties of
the Hereafter are obtainable as a result of this special attention which Allah (twt)
focuses on His servants. There is, therefore, never the slightest fear of being
deprived. The one who makes duah is
never deprived because of this inherent Barakat of duah.
I will now present
before you some ahadith pertaining to the significance of duah.
Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra)
narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said; “The servant’s duah is
accepted as long as he neither ask for something sinful nor for something
unkind for his relatives; and, as long as he is not impatient.”
It was asked: “O
Messenger of Allah! What is the meaning of being impatient?” The reply came
as: “It means to say: ‘I have asked duah time and again, but it has not been
answered’. So saying, one gives up asking duah”. (Muslim)
This Hadith stresses
the continuous making of duah even if
the duah seemingly is not accepted.
Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra)
narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Nothing is more
appreciable to Allah than duah”. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)
Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra)
narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Duah is beneficial in
everything; it is efficacious in warding off misfortunes which have already
descended as well as misfortunes which are about to descend. Therefore, the
servants of Allah should be steadfast in making duah”. (Tirmidhi, Ahmad)
Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra)
narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Allah becomes angry will
one who refrains from duah”.
Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra)
narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “You should continuously
engage in duah and firmly believe that Allah is accepting your duah. Allah (twt)
does not accept the duah of one whose heart is careless”. (Tirmidhi)
Duah must
be made with earnestness and concentration of mind and body while at the same
time believing that the duah is
definitely being accepted by Allah (twt). Non-attainment of the object of the duah should not be misconstrued as
non-acceptance. The duah is most
certainly accepted, but for one to obtain the object sought after, is subject
to the Wisdom of Allah (twt).
Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri
(ra) narrates that The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
“Any Muslim who makes a
duah and his does not contain a request for anything regarding the severance of
family ties, Allah (twt) grants him one of three things most assuredly, viz.,
he has asked is granted immediately, or
he has asked is saved for him as a treasure in the hereafter, or
wards away some calamity from him in lieu of the object asked for.”
The Sahaba then said
that they will resort to duah in
abundance. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) replied that by Allah (twt) everything
is in abundance. Thus, no duah is
returned empty.
Hazrat Anas (ra)
narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Everyone should petition his
Creator for all his needs”.
In the narration of Hazrat
Thabit (ra) it is said: “Everyone should ask his Creator for all his needs
be it even salt or be it a shoe-lace when his breaks.” (Tirmidhi)
One should not consider
it improper to make duah for
insignificant items because by Allah (twt) even such things which are
significant, great and valuable by us, are insignificant in His Gaze. So, every
duah, as long as it is licit in the eyes of Allah and approved by Him, is
very valuable, even for the smallest thing. We should always rely on Allah and
seek His help to acquire only what He wants us to acquire with His approval and
pleasure. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
----Friday Sermon of 29 July 2022 ~29 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius.