Thursday, August 18, 2022

'People, Strive with Humility'

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Kerala organized a Two-Day Spiritual Retreat Programme at the historic Noor'ul Islam Masjid- Mathra, on 13-14 August 2022, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. Mukarram Amir- Jamaat R. Jamaluddin Raother Saheb; Nai'b Amir Mukarram Sulfikar Ali Saheb of Kaliyikkavila; Secretary- Tabligh Mukarram Sadiq Ali Saheb; Secretary-Tarbiyat Mukarram Muhammad Sabir Saheb; Secretary-Finance Mukarram DA Zainul Abdeen Saheb;  Sahib Al Faraj Zachariah Ibn Zain, etc. led the Programme. Women members of the Jamaat, led by Sadr- Siraj Makin Djawaharat-ul-Kamal Fauzia Jamal-Zain Saheba, also took part in the Retreat Programme. Collective prayers, including Tahajjud Namaz, Zikr-e-Ilaahi; Duahs; recitations of the Holy Qur'an; discussions around Ahadith, and also on the explanations of vital spiritual teachings by the Promised Messiah (as) and Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba); singing of  Nazm, etc. characterized the time our members spent together at the premises of the Masjid, Masha Allah.  A meeting of the Central Working Committee (Majlis-e-Aamila) of the Jamaat also took place on the occasion, to take stock of the progress achieved so far, and to plan and strategies for future.  

By the immense Grace and Blessings of Allah, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius addressed the members of the Jamaat gathered on the occasion, on 14 August 2022 (8 Muharram 1444 AH). In his special discourse, Hazrat Imam (aba) exhorted members to keep aside all our human weaknesses and mutual differences and to focus on the Divine expectations and to pursue the path of Divine approval through imbibing true values of life: humility; respect for other people's rights; cultivating empathy and understanding for other's predicaments. Humility elevates ranks and conquers hearts- a quality that testifies to the true faith in God of the believers and a sign of great leaders- notes Hazrat Saheb (aba) in this discourse.

At a time when true Faith is facing various dangers, Hazrat Saheb (aba) points out that to restore the vigour and spirit of Islamic teachings, believers today have the duty to keep firmly in mind the big picture of Divine Mission in our times: we need to recognize the wisdom of a balanced approach: while pursuing personal reform, we also ought to engage in public exhortation of the right path for social transformation. We need to do sincere striving in our own surroundings, among our peoples; we need to make sacrifices; display true commitment by being generous contributors in the cause of God with the absolute trust in Divine Mercy and rewards in this world, and in the world to come, Insha Allah, Aameen.  

Read the Special Discourse Below:

The Importance of Humility, Unity & the Work of Dawa/ Tabligh

My dear disciples of the Kerala Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam,

Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.

Today, it gives me immense pleasure to address you few words for your spiritual programme held since yesterday 13 August 2022, and which I hope and pray will bring a new spiritual reinvigoration in you. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, you are the pioneers of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in India. Since the beginning of the Divine Manifestation, Allah guided other Muslims to His Divine Manifestation but after some years, they shrink in their faith and went their ways. When Allah manifested His might again and showed His power and help for His Khalifatullah by raising me with the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Allah manifested a sweet fragrance of hope and faith in the people of Kerala, India. Though, the first in Kerala to have asked me questions about the Divine Manifestation, but he did not come to accept while others came and the message of Allah was spread like a fiery light in Kerala.


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, it is my fervent prayer that the first group of believers who strived hard for the propagation of the Deen-e-Islam, Sahih al Islam in Kerala remain ever strong in faith and do not shrink in their vigour and faith. Allah has tried you all many times, over and over again. While some stumbled but then got back on their feet, some others among you have remained staunched in faith and did not let the oppressors, enemies of the Divine Manifestation of this era to harm your faith in any way. On the contrary, you stood firm despite the trials, despite the highs and the lows and you continue to strive. This is what is called true striving for the cause of Allah, and it is my prayer, that even despite old age reaches you, you continue to persevere in this blessed way, for your reward both in this world and the hereafter will be great, Insha-Allah Ta’ala Al-Aziz.


Besides true faith, what makes great leaders is humility. Allah says in the Holy Quran:


“The servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say words of peace.” (Al-Furqan 25: 64)


Humility banishes arrogance, pride and vanity. Humility carries within it the perfume of submission to the Will of Allah. It is a mark of humility to bow oneself before Allah and prostrate before Him and showing oneself unworthy before the All-Powerful Master. If all of you, if all of us submit to Allah, submit to His will, then while doing so, we should be humble. Submission walks hand in hand with humility. And humility brings peace to the summit of its perfection.


In a Hadith reported by Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) [and in another version by Hazrat ‘Iyad bin Himar (ra)] states that the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has said: Allah has revealed to me that you should be humble towards one another and should not wrong one another.” [And in the version reported by Hazrat Iyad bin Himar (ra), it is mentioned “Allah has revealed to me that you should be humble towards one another so that none of you boasts to another.”] (Ibn Majah)


In another Hadith reported by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra), the Messenger of Allah Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is quoted to have said: “ who displays humbleness towards another seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah exalts him in ranks.” (Muslim)


So, besides the degree of faith you hold in your heart for Allah and for all in that in which He has commanded you to believe and act, there is humility, through which Allah will elevate your ranks.


Remember, leaders, advisers, scholars, as well as the preachers of Islam, those who invite to Islam, Sahih al Islam, they should always display great humility, for Islam is conquered not by force but by humility. I am not saying that we should always let the enemies of Islam, Sahih al Islam fall upon us to dismantle our unity, or if they use force against us, we remain quiet. As Muslims, Allah has given us the right to defend ourselves and to strive to spread His message to all people of all the religions of the world.


Remember that the work of Dawat-e-Illallah involve concentrating a great deal of your time to invite others to the Tawheed of Allah [Unicity of Allah], inviting them to turn to Allah alone, and no one else, and along with the Tawheed of Allah, to guide them to the true understanding of Islam, the same Islam which was preached by all the prophets of Allah since the dawn of time and which was perfected and named officially by Allah in the Holy Quran, to show the world for all times to come that Islam is not only for a group of people, but it pervades all people. They only need to realise that truth and to surrender to it. This understanding will make them truly Muslim when their hearts are convinced by it.


That is why, the Kerala Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam today, as well as all my disciples around the world should strive with humility, and true faith, as well as trust in Allah, trusting that He will guide you to the right persons to give His message so that in turn they also, they get the blessing of faith like you received. So, each of you, men, women and even children of the age of understanding should strive to invite others to Allah and to the Good News that you are all receiving today in this age through the many tools of message spreading which are available to you today through personal contact, phone calls and even the social media. This should become compulsory for each of you to participate in the work of Dawat-e-Illallah. For example, you are encouraged to spread the divine revelations received, as well as the Friday Sermons and the other discourses and the Questions and Answers being made to enrich the knowledge of all people, and Insha-Allah, at international level, you will be involved in the Dawa Academy works.


By the immense grace of Allah, such an example of the spreading of the divine message and spreading the Good News of the advent of the Khalifatullah among you is our Azim Ahmad Sahib from India who strived to spread the message of Allah, the message of the Divine Manifestation of this age to Saleem Sahib of Tamil Nadu, and through that simple approach and spreading the message of the Divine Manifestation, inviting to the truth, Saleem Sahib in turn turned to Allah for guidance and Allah guided him.


And through his relentless striving, many men, women and children integrated the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam after being convinced of the truth and many of whom received blessed dreams and signs as well. Alhamdulillah. This is one example. 

Some others like Fazil Jamal Sahib of Kerala used his writings skills as Dawa tool, to inspire not only the people of India to the truth, but the whole world through the official blog which he manages. And in this World Wide Web world, there is also the inspiring contribution of our dynamic young man, Sahib-al-Faraj Zakariyya, who has made great progress in this field, both for website/ blog as well as the YouTube Channel in Malayalam. 

Others like the Amir Jamaluddin Sahib made great contributions for the progress of the Jamaat in Kerala, not only through financial means but also through his translations works in which he gets great help from the Siraj Makin Djawharat-ul-Kamal as well. 

In such blessed works of Dawa/ Tabligh, there is the contribution of Hariz Sahib, Dr. Thahir Sahib [who since the formation of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam contributed a lot in this field], P.K Shamsuddin Sahib, K.P Shamsuddin Sahib, Zainul Abedeen Sahib of Wayanad and many others. The list is very long. May Allah bless you all, and reward you for your selfless sacrifices and forgive you for your weaknesses in His way and enable you to break all barriers, to be always one for His sake.


Remember that no one is alike in this world. Many of us have great differences of opinions, but in the Divine Manifestation of this age, in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam under the leadership of the Khalifatullah, you should all bear in mind that the guidance which you are receiving is none but an extensive explanation of the Holy Quran and the Hadiths and Sunnah of our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). Even the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) came as a Reviver of Faith. He only revived Islam, not created another religion. The Khalifatullah of this era also has not come to bring another religion, but only to teach you the true teachings of Islam. That is why Allah has distinguished you from the others by naming you Muslims under the banner of Islam, Sahih al Islam because while today’s Muslims, many of them say that they belong to Islam, but they have distanced themselves from its teachings where only Islam remains in name, as well as being called Muslims is by mere habit. People say that they are Muslims, they are born Muslims or have accepted Islam but they let the attractions of this world to distance themselves from the true divine commandments contained in the Holy Quran. That is why you, the Muslims of the true Islam, Sahih al Islam, you should make the Muslims, not only a section of the Muslims, like the Ahmadi Muslims, but all Muslims, as well as the people of all the religions of the world know what true faith, what is, what the true Islam entails.


Like I told you in my sermons on the subject of Dawat-e-Illallah (i.e. Invitation to Allah), it is very important that you make a positive reform occur in you, but you should not wait for a whole and perfect reform because this reform will take time to be perfected in you. There should be a balance in you. You should not say that you are not pure enough or not in a position to advise others while you are not putting into practice a commandment of Allah. On the contrary, you should encourage others to follow Islam with a true heart, and through your striving, Allah will remove all the obstacles which were handicapping you in your faith and getting access to Him, and in your striving, in your humility, He will open for you a whole new world of comprehension. Remember what Allah told none other than our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh):


“It is out of Allah’s mercy that you (O Prophet) have been lenient with them. Had you been cruel or hard-hearted, they would have certainly abandoned you.” (Al-Imran 3: 160)


Now, it is for you to continue to strive in the cause of Allah with a balanced spirituality, between reform and striving for the cause of Allah. This balance is very essential. A person must neither remain without any positive reform, nor wait to be completely reformed to do Dawa/ Tabligh.


You, the believers of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Kerala should strive to double and treble your efforts in meeting up among yourselves, to enrich your teachings of Islam, of the Holy Quran, especially in this era where Allah is blessing you with the commentaries of the Holy Quran – entitled Al-Azim-Tafsir-ul-Quran, so that you spread these teachings which are gems for this era, for the nourishment of your souls, and to teach you the correct way of leading your lives and understanding the verses of the Holy Quran and applying them in your daily lives.


Alhamdulillah, many previous commentaries exist, but you are fortunate that Allah is inspiring His Khalifatullah to bring a new understanding in the matters of His verses, so that these serve as a guideline for you in directing your lives in the correct way, and to teach others the way of life as ordained by Allah, i.e. Islam – the true Islam.


It is my hope and prayer that the Kerala Jamaat stands true and foremost to its initial promises for the representation of Islam, Sahih al Islam in India. Be ever tools, humble tools. I say this because we are all instruments in the Hands of Allah. We are all tools which He uses so that the Divine Work in the Great Divine Plan gets accomplished. We are all tools, or pawns which should always show great levels of humility so that the true face of Islam be reflected in us.


You are the forerunners of Islam, Sahih al Islam in India. Continue to strive in Allah’s cause to retain that position in His eyes. Never lag behind in this competition for good works. Continue to strive because Allah loves those who strive for His cause in all ways possible, through their wealth, their time, and all means they possess to make Islam shine in the world. Our true Deen, Islam is in danger. We, Muslims (all Muslims) are attacked from everywhere. If we don’t unite, if we let the enemies of Islam separate us, then how can we ever bring back that same vigour which was present in the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and His companions in the first era of Islam?


So, you are very fortunate in this era to have recognised and believed in the Khalifatullah [Caliph of Allah] of your age. It is up to you, each of you to strive to make yourselves be inspirations and models for others to follow. Be role models of Islam; do not imitate others who have let go of the thread of Islam. Do not waste your time in vain things. Concentrate your focus on Allah and helping His cause and care for your family members as well. And hold your brothers and sisters in faith in great esteem as well and never shut your heart or the doors of your houses or the doors of the mosques of Allah to them. Be models of virtue and shun all vices, all evils. And never hesitate to spend your wealth and money, even if it be little in the way of Allah. Allah will multiply your rewards and grant you more than you have contributed for His cause. Don’t say or think that you will become poorer. Think of your eternal forthcoming life in the hereafter. Think of the wealth of His love and affection which Allah has kept in store for you. Do not ever be miserly. Be kind-hearted and generous in the way of Allah. Even if you have to work hard, and spend this money or part of this money for the cause of Allah, do it for the sake of Allah. Your sacrifice for the cause of Allah will never go in vain. Allah will never let you empty-handed. Allah judges your intentions and the purity of your thoughts and what your hearts contain. Despite all trials that may fall upon you – as tests of faith from Allah – keep strong and be sincere to Him and your Islam, for in that Islam will spring the humility which in turn will beautify your faith in extraordinary ways. Insha-Allah.


This is my advice to all of you today. To be humble, to be united and to strive in the way of Allah as one united body to invite others to Him and His commandments, despite the trials that may come your way. Be good, do good and strive for goodness and shun all evil which distance you away from Allah. May my advices touch the cords of the hearts of each of you and may Allah always bless you with good, happiness and prosperity in this life and the hereafter. Insha-Allah, Ameen, Summa Ameen, Ya Rabb’ul Aalameen.


Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu

Thank you for your kind attention to my message. 

Jazak-Allah, Jazak-Allah Khair.