Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Virtue of Selfless Service

Siraj Makin, the women’s collective of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, organized a One-Day Ta’lim Majlis (Divinity Study Programme) at the historic Noor'ul Islam Masjid Mathra, South Kerala, India on Wednesday, 11 September 2019~ 10 Muharram 1441 AH. The Ta’lim Majlis essentially sought to build upon the earlier initiatives of the Kerala Siraj Makin- the programmes of 09 February 2019, 19-20 April 2019 & 23 June 2019- for the benefit of its members so as to keep them aware of the Deeni Ta’lim, and to provide them an opportunity for collective learning. 

Addressing the ladies of the Jamaat in Kerala on the occasion, International Sadr of the Siraj Makin Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Fazli Amena Varsally Saheba of Mauritius spoke on the virtues of a true believer.  In this amazingly succinct message, Hazrat Saheba defines and illustrates the qualities and obligations of spiritual humans. Rooted firmly in God-consciousness and recognizing the inherent dignity of all fellow beings as God’s creatures, a true believer is to render public service benefiting one and all. Equally important is the ‘spirit’ in which such service is performed: “with a smiling face and a smiling heart, always humble and sincere, and very dedicated in what you do, all for the sake of Allah”, reminds Hazrat Saheba.  

Read the Text of the Speech Below: 

My dear daughters,
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu.

Alhamdulillah, on the occasion of your special Ta’alim Meeting, I would like to address you few words on the importance of Khidmat-e-Khalq, i.e. Service to Humanity, and some of our important duties as a believer.

Indeed, serving others selflessly is a great virtue. The pious female servants of Allah since the dawn of time have sacrificed a lot to help humanity. Indeed, we should follow their examples, and inculcate this virtue in our children so that they may follow the right path and follow these precepts.

We should never neglect our Muslim sisters, and always have good thoughts about them, and always think positive on them, and communicate with them in the best way which is pleasing to Allah.

I know that the women and girls of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam has a lot to offer, in terms of their time, religious works and dedication to the cause of Allah by helping the poor and needy, and to bridge the gap of distance between sisters of the same faith.

I have faith in you that you will show yourselves exemplary in the field of Khidmat-e-Khalq, and you will fulfill your duties as sisters by visiting your fellow sisters who are ill, those who need your help and assistance, and those who just need the comfort of your presence by their sides. A smile is precious. It is a dear form of charity. A smile, and a good word can resolve many issues in life. Indeed when there is a diamond in the heart, it shines on the face. This I firmly believe.

The life of a Muslim is filled with many ups and down, but he or she must trust in Allah so much so that nothing comes in his or her way towards the Lord of the Heavens and Earth. Your mission is to serve mankind, and serve the people of our own Jamaat and the rest of humanity, and you should do it, Insha-Allah with a smiling face and a smiling heart, always humble and sincere, and very dedicated in what you do, all for the sake of Allah.

I trust you that you shall portrait yourselves internally as well as exteriorly as good examples to follow, so that Allah may be pleased with you, and enable you to leave your marks on this earth as pious souls who deserve to be remembered and followed for all times to come, Insha-Allah.

I wish you all the best for your meeting. May Allah pour down upon you His blessings and enable you to carry on your duties with humility, cheerfulness and the great positive desire to please Allah by helping the people of this world, in your country, in every nation, in Islam and even in your own Jamaat, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Kerala.

I trust that humility shall rule your heart and acts and make you flourish in piety and goodwill under the gaze of Allah for all times to come. Congratulations for your good initiatives for the cause of Allah.


Fazli Amena Varsally
Hazrat Ummul Mumineen Sadr Sahiba International
Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam 

11 September 2019