Saturday, September 23, 2017
'Seek Refuge in God from All Evils'
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Rohingya Crisis: Special Message

Directly addressing the Myanmar leadership responsible for the 'ethnic cleansing'/genocidal crimes against the Rohingya people, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) delivers a note of caution and warning: Governments and leaders who preside over the egregious violation of fundamental human rights and oppress the poor in God's earth shall be condemned and pursued by the long arm of Divine Justice.
Friday, September 15, 2017
'Surah An- Nasr': A Commentary
This beautiful chapter was the last to be revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It was revealed approximately some months before his demise. The revelation of this Quranic chapter happened either in Mecca when he went to accomplish his last Hajj or in Medina when he returned. Victory is the result of the accomplishment of a supreme and final duty and it is also a result of our foremost duty to Allah, and thus we need to ever take it seriously. All victory can ever become possible only with the mighty help of Allah.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Virtuous Progeny: A Divine Blessing
Marriage and Family: A Divine Favour
Several verses of the Qur’an allude to the many phenomenon of nature and the creation of the human beings in a variety of settings: races, languages, religions, cultures and nations. Indeed the Qur’an cites the creation of the humans, from the humble ‘dust’ and the modest ‘clay’, as a fascinating sign of the complete Power and Lordship of Allah (swt) over all things in all the worlds. The plurality of the humans is described as a Divine Sign: 'One of His signs is that He created you from dust and- lo and behold! -you became human and scattered far and wide'. (30: 22).
Across cultures and peoples, the institution of family is a foundational element of the social order. The relations of family and affinity between men and women through marriage and children are a blessing of this world. The Qur’an says: “And it is Allah who has given you spouses from amongst yourselves, and through them He has given you children and grandchildren and provided you with good things”. (16:73)
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Surah Al-Ma'un: A Commentary
This chapter deals with the meaning and
real way of praying Allah. We need to have a firm conviction and attention during
our prayer; we need to have a practical mind and a sincere will by helping
others. It is with an absolute sincerity and not with an arrogant mind as a way
to show-off that all Muslims need to demonstrate whenever they are
accomplishing their devotions and charities. All devotions/ acts of worship
shall be rendered vain if we do not put all our heart, soul and conscience
towards their fulfilment. We have to perform our prayer with sincerity,
understanding and a spotless (clear) concentration.
Verses 2 &3:
Ara aytallazii yukazzibu bid Diin. Fa zaalikallazii yadu-‘ul yatiim -
Have you seen him who denies the Judgment (to come)?
Then such is the one who repulses the orphan (with harshness);
The word “Diin” here
means: (1) Judgement Day, taking responsibility in the moral and spiritual
worlds, for all deeds which men accomplish, or (2) Faith, religion, the
principles of good and evil in spiritual matters which are very often in
conflict with egoistic desires and personal preferences (of people).
It is those who reject faith or the subsequent responsibility who treat the weak ones with contempt and it is them who lead their lives with egoism and arrogance. Allah loves us all. Why should we then have contempt for the weak and poor?
Saturday, September 9, 2017
'Eid-ul-Adha': Celebrate the Spirit of Sacrifice