the Ramadan, the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam have elevated their
level of prayers (Salat/Namaz) as well as getting up early to partake of the
Sehri to start their fast. Likewise, this practice must continue, whereby we
get up early for the Tahajjud, perform the Salat-ul-Fajr on time and delve in
the recitation of the Holy Quran in the morning which is specially rewarding in
terms of blessings.
for those still alive and have got the opportunity to live this blessed month,
but who have not reaped any profit/benefit and have not received any divine
blessing, then let them bear in mind that their lives have gone to waste when they
do not observe that blessed month as it should be done. Furthermore, how can
they be happy today, Eid Day when they have let these exceptional days slip out
of their hands? When the fast is neglected for no valid reason, this is verily
a serious matter (a failure on the part of Muslims). How can these people be
happy today when they have not established all the acts of worship in Ramadan
like it should have been?
each person who says that he believes (in Allah and all tenets of Islam), that
he is a believer, therefore he must put into practice all good intentions that
he holds, and he must absolutely not miss to seek the divine blessings during
the month of Ramadan. To this end he must supplicate Allah in such a way that
all in heavens can hear also, and whereby the angels diffuse these supplications
throughout the entire world.
Day is for those who have spent a month in the obedience of Allah; they have shunned
all that was not permissible for them; they left all, showing their love, and
obedience only to Allah. For those who have submitted totally to Him, and have
spent the month in sacrifice for the sake of Allah, then Almighty Allah gives
them an Eid Day; a day of joy for those who spent the blessed month in the
obedience of Allah the Almighty.