Yaaa-’ayyu-hallaziina ‘aamanuu kutiba
‘alay-kumus-Siyaamu kamaa kutiba ‘alal lazina min qablikum la-’alla-kum
“O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for
you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become righteous.” (2: 184).
When you learn to understand this verse of the Quran
(the above-mentioned verse) and you reflect on it, you shall see (deduce) that
all the good deeds done in this blessed month (Ramadan) are all acts of worship
which a believer does and he does it sincerely for Allah alone. He (the believer)
accepts to abstain from all things which were usually licit for him during the
previous eleven months and which are made (temporary) illicit for him from
before sunrise till after sunset.
When you read the Quran, in the chapter
Al-Baqara, Allah Himself makes us understand that it was during the month of
Ramadan that the Perfect Book (that is, the Holy Quran) was revealed as
guidance for humanity and not only for a people/nation, and these revelations
were sent down in clear verses, and from this we get to know that the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) and Islam also was a universal prophet and religion
respectively. Its teachings and commandments also are universal for whole
mankind. When you read the Holy Quran, especially the chapter
Al-Baqara, you shall see how Allah (swt) loves His creatures (mankind) and how
He, Allah (swt) has planned to guide man and especially the believers to
observe fasting and what rules they are to follow. If a believer follows these
divine commandments and understand the importance of fasting, therefore, he
shall amply benefit from its observance.
I have heard several times this Hadith of the Noble
Prophet (pbuh) reported by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra), especially during the month
of Ramadan, and which is found in Bukhari Shariff that “Fasting is a
Shield”. A shield is something which protects from anything which causes
harm. Therefore fasting is a shield for the believer to protect him from all
evils and blunders. He therefore obtains from it training, for one month which
shall help him throughout the remaining eleven months to ward off evils and
errors which Allah (swt) has forbidden him. This assures him protection
throughout the year and it also enables him to understand the sufferings and
miseries of the poor who are deprived of food and drink for several days. When
you have tasted this suffering, you shall be ready to spend the money which
Allah (swt) has provided you with on these people, to help them out of their
sufferings. At the same time, this enables you to do good deeds to please Allah
(swt) and therefore the rewards which Allah has reserved for you shall be
doubled, more than that.
There is a Hadith narrated by Hazrat Umar (ra) which
reports the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) as saying: “The reward
of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward
according to what he has intended.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
How then does someone intent to fast? When he wakes up
in the morning to take his pre-dawn meal (Sehri), or before he goes to sleep at
night after having the firm intention to wake up to fast the next day. He
therefore reads the following formula in his heart: “Wa bi-sawmi
ghadim nawaytu min shahri Ramazwana” - I have the
intention to observe fasting during the month of Ramadan. He thus
affirms his intention during the night or before waking up to take his pre-dawn
meal (Sehri). Allah (swt) has made it clear from the verses of the
Quran revealed to His Prophet (pbuh) during the month of Ramadan and also
through the sayings and behaviour of our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh). An
A Hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) reported
that the prophet of Allah has said: “If one does not eschew lies and
false conduct, Allah has no need that he should abstain from his food and his
drink.” (Bukhari).
There are deeds which someone does when fasting, and
it happens that he goes beyond the prescribed limit and has sexual relations
while in the state of fasting. That person needs to replace his fast, but at
the same time he has an expiation to do, and if he cannot, he has to free a
slave, and he is unable to do so, he needs to observe fasting for 60
consecutive days, and that also is not possible, he needs to feed 60 poor
people as he usually feeds his own family.
I have many times given that advice, and I repeat it
again, maximize the blessings of this blessed month, up to the limit which
Allah (swt) enables you to, when He gave you that opportunity this year
(again). Seize this opportunity, for you never know if you shall be alive again
for the next Ramadan. We need to remember Allah a lot, supplicate Allah and His
This is a golden opportunity for the believers to
recall Allah and supplicate Him, especially during the specific time when it is
more probable that these invocations be heard. Before breaking the fast, one
must invoke/supplicate Allah and ask of Him for His forgiveness. The
supplications of a faster are not rejected at these moments. Ponder over that
Hadith which is found in the Bukhari Shariff whereby Nabi Kareem (pbuh) said:
Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven
to us when the last third of the night remains, saying:
“Is there anyone to
invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so
that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so
that I may forgive him?” (Bukhari).
Therefore, before ending, let us all together during
this blessed month, ask of Allah for His forgiveness because it is Allah who is
All-Forgiving and Ever Merciful, and it is Him who gives best provisions. Tread
on the path of Allah, please Allah and verily Allah is filled with goodness for
all those who turn to Him with all sincerity. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
-Friday Sermon of July 11, 2014 delivered by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius