Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ahmadi Mosques under Attack


We all know what happened on 13 November 2015 in Paris (France) after extremists opened fire on people, out of whom 129 died and more than 350 injured. After that incident, there have been other attacks and last month itself in the USA, some hours after the Paris Attacks, some people opened fire on an Ahmadi Mosque in Meriden, Connecticut, the “Baitul Aman”. By the grace of Allah, there were no victims. But these attacks on mosques, be it those of Ahmadiyya or other mosques and Islamic centres, be it in America or elsewhere in the world, are becoming all the more frequent, especially because of the vendetta/ revenge which people are extracting against Islam. According to them, it is Islam and its teachings which are to be blamed!

Worst, nowadays in America there are some stupid people who are standing as presidential candidates of the USA, for example, Donald Trump, a Republican who has seized the opportunity of the Paris Attacks to make his political campaign against Islam whereby he has proposed that if the Americans vote him, he shall make it a must to spy on the Muslims and bar entry of Muslims in the USA. His hate speech against Islam and the Muslims has brought shame to his own political party. His own people have fallen on him for what he said for America is for the freedom of religion, people and liberty of expression. I warn him, and all those like him, that if he does not desist from his words and realise his error, if he continues in his hate speeches against Islam and Muslims, therefore Allah shall seize him in a severe punishment and humiliation. It is Allah who shall deal with him, because terrorism has no religion. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

'The Idiot Box is Truly Harmful'


By the grace of Allah, Allah (swt) in His infinite wisdom and grace has given me again the Tawfiq to continue my sermon today on the subject of: “The Harmful Effects of Television”.

Indeed the time that you lose watching TV is a time which you cannot gain back again, and verily you are in no position to know the exact remaining days which you have before you, before you leave this world. Therefore, maximize what time remains for you in the worship of Allah (Ibaadat), and the seeking of His forgiveness and mercy (Istigfaar). Spend all your time in the path of Allah by doing the works of religion and spend your money also for the propagation of the unity of Allah. Do not spend your money in useless preoccupations wherein there is no divine reward or pleasure.

Islam teaches us that despite all that which we possess (on earth), we verily have no right to use it in the way we want for all these things verily belong to Allah alone: our body, our strength, our time, our money and knowledge, etc. As for TV, it makes us waste our time and money in the disobedience of Allah and it makes us become lazy. With each second that you spend before TV you waste your existence, and verily you shall one day have to account for all that before your Creator. Your TV set plays day and night to such an extent that your electricity bill becomes enormous. It is verily wastage of your money, for apart from (national) television, you get to subscribe to other private channels and you have to pay for all that every month. 

Bear in mind that you have to account for all wealth/ money which Allah has given you before Him one day. Therefore, instead of wasting money, put the money to good use in the treasury of the Jamaat, to spend for the cause of Allah. This shall verily be a blessing for you for Allah shall put His blessings in your money and home and Insha-Allah, you shall have a great reward for it in the hereafter. What you sow in this world, you shall reap it in the hereafter. When you sow good deeds solely for the cause of Allah, therefore you shall reap an infinite reward both in this world and the hereafter. Verily the reward in the hereafter shall be much better and grand. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

TV: Impact on Islamic Life


Today, by the grace of Allah, Allah has given me the Tawfiq to continue the second part of my Khutba Jummah on The Harmful Effects of Television’.

Through TV, the Islamic dress code is disappearing, to such a point that there are some who consider the Islamic clothing as uncivilised dress code and only good for ancient times!

Islam has put great restriction concerning sexuality so that the social life of our community remains clean and far away from prostitution, homosexuality and other social maladies. As for TV, it not only removes that restriction through the means of its dirty films but it also incites young people to satisfy their carnal desires (sexual needs/ passions) in an immoral and illicit (Haram) way.

Islam is a religion which teaches Muslims men as well as women to cultivate shame (Haya) in them because shame is a quality which helps cultivate mutual respect. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has even made us know that Allah (swt) has joined shame (Haya) together with faith (Iman). As long as someone has shame in him, his faith shall be alive, but if he loses his shame, he loses also his faith, and he begins to act like an animal. Through the various obscene TV channels proposed to people, television has taken away shame from that community (the Ummah of Hadhrat Muhammad (pbuh)).