Showing posts with label personal relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal relations. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

‘Being Fair in Family Relations’


‘Truly many intimate partners/close associates transgress against one another, save those who believe and perform righteous deeds. And yet, how few are they!(Holy Qur’an, 38:25)

'The just will be on platforms of light in the presence of God; those who are just in their decisions, with their families, and with what they are in charge of.' --Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). 


The structure of a Muslim family, in general, at the minimum, involves the husband and wife, their children and their parents. Within this basic social unit, the dynamics of family/household relations can test the best of men and women, especially when mother-in law and the daughter-in law in the family do not get along well. With different temperaments and inclinations, preferences and prejudices; conditions and circumstances emerge on aspects of everyday life whereby differences of opinion lead to conflictual positions.  If not handled with care with wisdom respecting the emotions of all involved in a fair way in quick time [before the hardening of feelings among the persons concerned]; inexorably and inevitably, the issues can lead to simmering tensions, even domestic abuse and violence. And when the discord becomes irreconcilable, the very breaking up of family relations ensue- as it happens these days with so many families in our societies.

An anecdote from early Muslim history suggests that during the time of the second caliph Hazrat Umar (ra), he apparently wrote to his governors saying: ‘Tell relatives to visit one another, and not to live next to one another.’ Commenting on Hazrat ‘Umar’s words, Imam Al-Ghazzali said:  ‘He said that because living next to one another may lead to conflicts and may lead to alienation and severing of ties.’ [Ihya’ ‘Uloom al-Deen (2/216)]. According to another saintly figure in Islam, ‘If you live further away from one another you will have greater love for one another.’ 

Monday, May 27, 2024

The 'Sheikh' on Life Lessons


In times of chaos and confusion in some place in the Universe when ethics and morals decline and irreligion advances, Allah (swt) sends someone with the Rooh’il Quddus- to repair and restore the path of Truth corrupted by the hands of men. With the help of divine revelations, the chosen servant of God re-establishes Tawheed back on earth: through setting standards of just conduct and practical wisdom, and by becoming a moral exemplar for the people of the times. As per Sunnat Allah, and the great Promise contained in the sacred books of the Muslims, God Almighty raises a noble soul with the light of guidance; a high representative and true successor to the spiritual throne of the Holy Prophet (sa) is sent in every era; ‘Khalifatullah’ who preaches pure scripture and practical wisdom appears in every century of Islam. Indeed, this is the true concept of 'Divine Khilafat' in the Holy Qur'an [24:56]. 


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, the holy founder of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International, Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, is the Divinely-raised Mujaddid of the 15th century of Islam, and this great spiritual mentor of our times speaks with the help of Rooh’il Quddus. While speaking to his disciples and followers, the Sheikh-ul-Islam (aba) famously stated once: ‘I give not lectures but mixtures for your mental health and moral invigoration. So take my words as medicines necessary for your health...