Saturday, November 5, 2011

Munir Azim Sahib: Years before the Divine Call

[The series of articles on the family and spiritual background of Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius looks at his life before the Divine Call.  The previous instalments in the series were published here at the Sahih Al Islam Blog on October 24 & 26 & on November 03, 2011. While the first two parts detailed the family lineage and provided an account about the righteous parents of the Khalifatullah, the third instalment dealt with the events of his childhood days, especially his Thabligh encounters against the spiritual opponents of Ahmadiyya Islam and his enthusiasm and enterprise in spreading the message of Islam among the people as a young man. 

The current instalment chronicles the services of Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib to the Jamaat of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as). In his intrinsic quest for rendering services to Islam, he preferred to work with the organizational framework of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, rather than pursuing job opportunities elsewhere. It is highly unusual for someone who has not graduated from any Jamia to become a full-pledged missionary of the Jamaat. Yet, Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib went on to serve and become highly effective and successful in his Dawa works in Mauritius and outer Islands so much so that even the Caliph of the day was highly appreciative of his selfless services to the Jamaat. Through out this period, his devotion to the cause of Islam enabled him to transcend the pettiness and decadence he observed and witnessed among the employees of the Jamaat, including hierarchical superiors within the Ahmadiyya establishment. The article further provides extracts from a recent speech - intensely moving, retrospective reflections on those eventful years-by the Khalifatullah].

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Munir A. Azim Sahib: A Born Soldier of Islam

[This is the third article in the series- based on a recent, authorized biographical essay- on the family background of the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius. The first two parts in the series were published here at the Sahih Al Islam Blog on October 24 & 26, 2011.

The events chronicled here provide a fascinating glimpse into the growing up years of the man who would eventually be raised to the august spiritual position of Khalifatullah and Messenger of Allah.  Born into a modest and righteous family of Ahmadi Muslim lineage which had made seminal contributions to the propagation of the message of the previous Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as), little Munir Ahmad Azim was drawn to a spiritual life from very early.

As we shall see, the events narrated here bear witness that he is virtually a born soldier of Islam. For, he took to the defence of the faith and the Ahmadiyya view of Islam in his Tabligh encounters while still being a child! In spite of the many trials he faced and endured in material life, the young Azim was enthusiastic about explaining Islam to the people and derived much personal pleasure and satisfaction in the work. He went on with his spiritual work even in an environment of outright hostility and utter indifference, shutting the mouth of spiritual opponents with consummate perspectives and clinching arguments, as his Thabligh experiences across the sectarian and religious spectrum testify].

Monday, October 31, 2011

Vision of the Heart: Stages of Spiritual Progress

In his Friday Sermon of October 28, 2011 the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius reflected on the profound meaning of a Qur’anic verse relating to the ultimate reason or divine objective for the creation of man.  Man’s inner most quests for Divine communion takes him through various stages of spiritual progress.  From a desire to know God, man progresses through constant struggle against his many weaknesses and frailties. The door of repentance in its sublime form leads to the knowledge of certainty regarding the existence of God. Hadhrat Khalifatullah emphasises on the need for keeping the mirror of our souls pristine so that we may truly reflect Divine Love.   

Read the Extracts from the Sermon:

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:

مَّا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِرَجُلٍ مِّن قَلْبَيْنِ فِي جَوْفِهِ
“Allah has not made for any man two hearts within him.” (33: 5)

The Incomparable Majesty who granted us the boon of existence has placed in us only one heart so that with it we love only God and that we give up everything else and so that we devote ourselves only to Him by refraining from dividing our heart. Knowing God is the ultimate goal of man, and the reason for creation.

The Holy Prophet (sa) tells us that God has revealed that had it not been for him (the Holy Prophet) – that is to say, taken as the archetype and model of the man who has reached full spiritual stature – He (Allah) would not have created the heavens.
In another inspired word – Hadith Qudsi, Allah Most High says: “I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known, that's why I created the universe.”

God created man in His image, He breathed into him of His spirit, He has established him as His vicegerent on earth, He taught him the names of all things. When is a man freed from needs? When God shall deliver him from them? This does not take place through the efforts of man, but with the help and grace of God.