Christmas for true Christians!

It is to correct mistakes and to guide
people in the straight path of true Faith that an Elect of God appears in any era. Since
true Faith or certainty of belief comes only through Divine guidance, a Divine Messenger
speaks with the help of Holy Spirit to bring the light of revelations for the
guidance of humanity. Hence, by the Will and grace of God, at the beginning of the Third Millennium- the 21st Century of the Christian
era; a holy personage has appeared in this era as the Reformer of all Faiths for our spiritual guidance, including to comfort the believers in the historical Jesus as a holy messenger of God: Hazrat Imam Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, the Messiah of our times. It is also striking
to note in this context that for those who were looking for a spiritual Sign in the birth and times of the new Messiah; the contemporary Messiah has arrived in the cusp of a new era for humanity, and was literally born on a day associated with ‘Christmas’ in the Julian Calendar !
Reproduced below is the Friday Sermon of 27 December 2024~ 26 Jamadi’ul Aakhir 1446 AH delivered by Hazrat Saheb (aba)- explaining to a considerable detail the true antecedents of modern Christianity, and the need to move away from speculative doctrines and theological fictions to true and pure beliefs in God: