Friday, April 14, 2023

'Laila-tul-Qadr': The Night of Decree


For today’s Friday Sermon, the penultimate Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, the theme I have chosen is on the Laila-tul-Qadr, as well as the Duah that our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has taught us on this occasion.

He taught this Duah to his wife Aisha (ra) so that she and the entire Ummah could take advantage of this illustrious night in divine forgiveness, and thus imitate him in the accomplishment of this great Duah. The Duah is as follows: Allahumma Innaka Afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa fu anni. The translation of this Duah is as follows: O Allah, You are Forgiving, You love to forgive, so forgive me.


So, let us see the words that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) used to beg forgiveness from Allah, and that according to him is the greatest Duah that one can recite during the duration of this blessed night.


“‘Afuww is the soul of this blessed Duah - ‘Afuww is the name that qualifies the Creator, and also the attribute that qualifies the Holy Prophet (pbuh). The Creator granted the reflection of His Light to His beloved prophet (pbuh).


afwa includes:


1. Healing for all sickness, whether bodily or spiritual sickness.

2. The grace of prayer, and good deeds. He to whom Allah bestows the grace of accepting his prayer and good deeds is indeed blessed. The blessings during the month of Ramadan, and especially during the blessed night of Qadr, are beyond all the blessings one can imagine receiving from Allah on earth. It should be remembered that prayers said with sincerity of heart and with the fear and love of Allah are accepted. Faith can enable the believer to break through satanic barriers and grant entry into divine grace and His infinite forgiveness. Therefore, the believer must make the necessary effort to reach this position where Allah answers his prayers, and this prayer is one of the most suitable supplications to allow the servant to access his Creator.

3. [So, “afwa” includes] Divine forgiveness, for Allah’s forgiveness is beyond forgiveness. This forgiveness is perfect, illustrious and complete.

4. And when we talk about forgiveness, there is also the aspect of the purification of the heart which takes place thanks to this internal cleansing that Allah triggers in the heart and the entire soul of the believer. This purification is a cure for all spiritual sickness.


“fa’ fu anni” includes these four indications:


1. The Forgiver – Allah is the Forgiver, and He also encourages others too to manifest this attribute in them.

2. One Who Loves to Forgive

3. The practical form of forgiveness

4. That he who does not forgive, who does not love to forgive, is therefore deprived of Divine Grace.


Allah is the only One truly capable of forgiving and forgetting all of the sins of His servants provided that they turn to Him in submission and ask Him for this forgiveness which is both a clement forgiveness as well as a reforming forgiveness because any forgiveness demands that the one who asks for it [that is, who asks for forgiveness] must reform himself and not commit the same sin or the same fault. Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) was the perfect model in human form of being both the forgiver, and the repentant who asks forgiveness from the Creator. Although he did not commit any sin, apart from a few human errors as Surah Abasa tells us, he constantly asked the Creator for forgiveness, because he was afraid that God would be displeased with him in one of his actions. Although he was the Seal of the Prophets, and the favourite of Allah, as well as the perfect model for all mankind, but he always acted in humility before his Creator. This is why he effectively became the perfect model, because he is the best guide for us to reach forgiveness, mercy and closeness to Allah.


So, the greatness of the Creator and that of the Seal of the Prophets (pbuh) is that they forgive and love forgiveness. The divine greatness is such that He grants what we desire and grants much more than what we desire. He grants what is asked and what is not asked. This Creator is far more forgiving and generous than one can imagine. His attribute “‘Afuww” indicates this perfectly.


We must also keep in mind that all the prophets since the dawn of time have invoked Allah’s forgiveness, each in his own way, but the Duah of forgiveness at its peak is that of Muhammad (pbuh). The miracle of this Duah is perfection. By asking for such a Duah, it is as if one has asked for everything, whether for this world, for the future life, for religion, for the external and internal aspect. It is for this reason that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) asked to read this Duah as much as possible for the Laila-tul-Qadr, because he knows perfectly well that Allah’s forgiveness also guarantees:


1.     Divine Mercy,

2.     Protection against the satans,

3.     Protection from the pangs of hell,

4.     Inner peace which will push the believer to walk in the right way despite the trials on his way.


If a believer succeeds in having all this, he secures himself a high place in the eternal garden of Allah. And while reciting Surah Al-Fatiha and Darood Sharrif, he reassures or reaffirms his commitment to follow the commandments of Allah and His beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and he meditates on the favours Allah granted him during his life on earth, and the guidance He granted him to walk the straight path so that he could attain a high spiritual position in divine mercy.


This divine favour is accentuated during the advent of a Messenger of Allah, of which Surah Al-Fatiha and Darood Sharrif speak. When the illustrious Messenger comes, he comes in the light of Allah and His perfect prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). He shines with divine light, light that Allah grants him to bring lost souls back to the right path, light that he uses to illuminate hearts not consciously but unconsciously by his way of being, by his example and his gait or mannerism which also reflects those of his master the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).


Each of the prophets has his own station, but the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has reached the highest level, and all the Messengers who come after him are also bearers of this light of perfection that only Islam can grant them - Islam as a Way of Life, and Submission to the Creator. And so the aspect of forgiveness and the petition of the repentant to receive that forgiveness are of great importance here. The repentance of a prophet and that of another believer are not on the same level. Although both seek forgiveness from Allah, but the prophet receives a special light from Allah which qualifies him to purify others by granting them forgiveness at his level. We can then see a divine manifestation in the prophet himself [whether this humble servant or another prophet]. This forgiveness that he manifests comes from Allah. He becomes what Allah wants of him.


This is why the Night of Al-Qadr (Laila-tul-Qadr) is personified in the time of lost/ ignorance/ darkness/ the time when man goes astray; it is the chosen time when Allah sends His Messenger with the Holy Spirit to spread His light, like an illuminating sun which enlightens the world with its first manifestation at the dawn of a new day, a new century of reform.


So, whether during this blessed century of Laila-tul-Qadr or the night itself which returns every year during the last nights of the month of Ramadan, the believer is called not to neglect the Salat, the reading of the Holy Quran, and other prayers, while avoiding anything illicit. We must not think only of worldly delights, but we must also worry about the Last Day, the day when we must present ourselves before our Creator for the final account/ judgement.


This particular night is beyond what we can conceive. Al-Qadr is destiny, power, determination. Now God is also called Al-Qadir, Al-Muqtadir in the sense of the One Who has all power, the One Who is infinitely capable. The Muslim faith is based on giving no equal, no partner, no associate to God. Nothing resembles Him. So His power, His ability has nothing to compare. The night of Al-Qadr, each year, is when His orders are decreed to the angels, the fate of every human being is thus determined. The believer turns to God, the Unique, on this particular night, to invoke Him, seek His forgiveness, implore His mercy. Ask for the best in this world, but especially that of the hereafter for the final destiny of the believer is with his Creator.


It is sad that some people only know how to read Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlaas. They don’t make an effort to learn more Surahs. They would rather indulge in gossip while indulging in fruitless conversations than enjoying the rain of Divine Light.


They become followers of Satan, who tempts them to end the prayer. Respect is a primordial aspect of our life: divine respect, respect for Salat, respect for the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and for the companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and respect for our parents, among others. On the Day of Judgement, we will be accountable for our every action (Whether you, and me included).


Fasting is not abstaining from eating and drinking only; certainly fasting is to abstain from trivialities and obscenities. So, if someone insults you or acts improperly with you, then say, “Surely I am fasting; I am fasting.”


These words of the Seal of the Messengers of God, Muhammad (pbuh), invite us to discard any emotional reaction to a provocation. If someone has insulted us, and that too, a long time ago, then let us choose a time other than the month of Ramadan to react and demand reparation. Or we can also demonstrate forgiveness and leave the matter in question in the hands of Allah because it is not in vain that the night of Al-Qadr is known as ‘better than a thousand months’, an event that is beyond our material understanding of space-time. As the Duah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) indicates, Allah is “Afuww” and to see a manifestation of this divine forgiveness on us, we must also know how to forgive. Wisdom in the affairs of life and how we manage them demonstrates the presence of Allah with us.


Let us always remember that only God can change our destiny for the better. The Night of Al-Qadr originally is the night when Allah sent down the first revelations of the Quran on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He manifested Himself through the angel Gabriel who entrusted His revelations to him. The Prophet (pbuh) could neither read nor write and yet Allah chose him as the perfect model for all humanity, and as well as for all the worlds.


Previously, among the scriptures known to us, there are the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospels, in their original forms, which were sent respectively to Moses, David and Jesus (pbut). But over time their teachings have been interpolated and changed. Then the Quran came as a light that enlightened the universe in order to bring man back to the right path.


O Ummah [my Muslim brothers and sisters – as well as my disciples/ followers], enjoy this blessed month and as well as this blessed century of Divine Manifestation. The blessings of this century are worth more than a thousand months of blessings. Can you imagine living past eighty (years of age) and being so blessed every day and every second of your life? This is possible thanks to your connection with Allah and His Khalifatullah of this century. Do not deprive your souls of this blessing, for Allah has made you live in this century of Divine Manifestation. Live fully the dawn of this new day when the Holy Spirit is among you to teach you the Quran and guide you all through divine revelations. Blessed are all who take advantage of this divine light and change their lives for the better. Insha-Allah. May Allah forgive us all. Insha-Allah, Ameen. 

---[Friday Sermon of 14 April 2023~22 Ramadan 1444 AH delivered by Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius].