Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A Vision for A Just World

In his Friday Sermon of 16 December 2022 ~21 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1444 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius speaks movingly about the struggles of persecuted minorities; stateless refugees and other peoples caught up in climate change-induced migration; the deep connections between ecological disasters and armed conflicts, and also the problem of modern slavery: human trafficking across borders amidst deepening misery and despair at home in several lands.  

Speaking against the backdrop of the material conditions in Mauritius, Imam Azim (aba) urges fellow citizens to be deeply grateful to God for the available social blessings of peace, relative prosperity and global standing of the nation, and at the same time, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) gently reminds people to be conscious of long-term societal trends, and also be aware of the moral and ethical obligations the people owe to fellow beings in their midst- especially those in suffering and are vulnerable due to their difficult circumstances.  In this eloquent discourse, Hazrat Azim (aba) invites our attention to the obligations of our common humanity towards the refugees and the vulnerable migrants. Warning against the pitfalls of indifference, silence and negligence, Hazrat Saheb (aba) urges one and all to stand up for the less privileged and try to make a difference in our surroundings for our collective welfare and shared progress. Muslims especially have a duty to be the forces of good; fighting evil within and outside; standing up for justice and equity. Indeed, true faith and allegiance to Divine worship requires us to be mindful of the needs of our fellow beings and ease up their travails, and engage ourselves in the larger causes of humanity, reminds Hazrat Saheb (aba).

Read the Friday Sermon Below:     

The Fate of EmigrantsOur responsibilities to a United Mankind


Today, by the grace of Allah, I will talk about the favour that Allah has given us here in Mauritius and how we need to thank Him for this favour and think about our other brothers, sisters and children from around the world who are suffering, because one day surely, we all have to leave this temporary world.


As you know, Muslims all over the world, as well as other human beings are suffering, especially minorities like the Rohingyas, Uyghurs and others who have to leave their native countries and emigrate to other countries.

The Rohingyas perished at sea fleeing oppression in Burma; migrants attempted the impossible to reach Europe from Africa, like others who tried to reach Mayotte from other Comorian islands, where many ended up in a huge marine cemetery. Thank God there are no migrants who leave Mauritius. According to the “Global Passport Index”, we – Mauritians – can go to 145 countries without the need for a visa beforehand, including the Schengen Area, Great Britain, Russia, Switzerland or even China. This makes our passport the most powerful on the African continent, after that of the Seychelles. Since the migrants from the countries which I have just mentioned are not fortunate like us, they are ready to spend astronomical sums in order to reach their destinations clandestinely. Many are at risk of being captured, imprisoned, taken hostage, abused or even enslaved – modern-day slavery.


This is the sad fate of millions of men, women and children who are victims of the economic, political, social and even climatic catastrophe from which their countries are suffering. It is now recognized that global warming causing drought and desertification, among other things, has contributed significantly to the emergence of conflicts whether in Syria or in the Sahel.


There are many who dream of taking up residence in Mauritius. The passport and Mauritian nationality are accessible to the wealthiest, when it is not through marriage. But for the thousands of foreign workers who are essential to our economy, coming from Bangladesh, Madagascar or India, staying beyond their employment contract in Mauritius is impossible as we – Mauritians – do not have a culture of welcoming refugees. Mauritius has had few Syrians or Sri Lankans who tried to stay but we cannot say that they were received with great enthusiasm. Both the Chagossians and the Rodriguans are sometimes greeted quite coldly even though they are our compatriots. And yet, we are all here in Mauritius descendants of immigrants, whereby some of our ancestors came less than a century ago.


It could be that Mauritius is one of the last islands on the planet where men have settled. The formidable history of the settlement of human civilization finds its conclusion, in our island, a case remarkable as Mauritius is known both for its natural beauty and for the diversity of its population. Everything suggests that, without departing from our high population density, from 2030 we will experience a demographic decline. And a serious aging of the population with all that that implies. It will not be tourists or investors, and other promoters, who will drive our economy, take care of our elderly, take care of our sick, and accompany our lonely people. If we are Mauritians, nothing says that our children and grandchildren will choose to be – Mauritians – because, unlike unfortunate migrants these days, the doors of other countries are open to them. Many of them think the grass is greener elsewhere.


Let us return to the fate of migrants to remind ourselves that… they are human beings. We cannot be insensitive to what happens to them. The miscible – and all kinds of armaments – that kills 53 innocent people in Libya is manufactured, sold and financed by those who are our dear country-friends. Comorians who seek refuge in Mayotte, very often for medical care, may be among those we welcome with dignity in our hospitals. When we ponder over the fact that Bangladesh have more than 15 million climate refugees, this requires us, at a minimum, to treat with dignity the workers of this country that we welcome today [in Mauritius].


Today we are experiencing a planetary imbalance which is economic, political, social and environmental with all these dimensions closely linked to each other. But the cause is above all the fact of having forgotten that the earth, God has extended it for all living beings, all creatures without any exception - all humans, as well as the rest of creation too. We no longer recognize where we come from and we are not aware of our life, and our death escapes us [we don’t realize that day after day we come a little bit closer to our own death]. As a result, our selfishness and thus the individualistic outlook that dominates the conduct of our worldly affairs can only lead us from one crisis to another. Do we not realize that we are all migrants during our short stay here on earth?


The answer lies above all in the lethargic indifference of a large fringe of our populations, the silence of a majority too preoccupied with material gains and the passivity of those who have the capacity to resist, to propose alternatives, and to make constructive difference (i.e. to say those who have the means and abilities to bring positive changes in the world but who don’t do it – they remain inactive). Consequently, destructive forces of all kinds, even in the minority (forces), impose some kind of domination on society, the economy, and politics, and even nature suffers atrociously. In other words, indifference as well as silence and passivity brings calamity.


We know the story of those who wanted to make a hole in the hold of a ship to get a supply of sea water (instead of using the obvious means to take water from the sea, they make holes in the same ship without realizing that this will make them sink). So, if indifference, silence and passivity persist, they (i.e. the indifferent ones – those who do not take into account these problems and do not give a hand to bring solutions, make positive changes in the world and in their own country) will all perish - those in the hold as well as those on the bridge. So let us remember the words of the Messenger (pbuh): “Different peoples are about to unite against you (i.e. the Muslims) like people who eat around a dish.” One person said, “Is it that the cause of this will be that we will be few in number on that day?”


The Messenger (pbuh) said: “On that day, you will be quite numerous. But you will be like the foam of a torrent. God will remove from the hearts of your enemies the fear that they had of you and He will put in your hearts ‘wahn’.” A person said: “O Messenger of Allah! What is ‘wahn’? He said: “The love of this world and the fact that you will have an aversion (you will hate) death (you will hate to die).” 

How many holes will we leave in the hold, drawn by the love of this world and hating the fact that we will have to leave it one day? The fate of ex-President Mohamed Morsi - like I told you in my previous Khutba - reminds us how much we resigned before our responsibilities. He ended up suffering a terrible fate, but like him, there are many others who ended up suffering terrible fates. As we say, it is innocent people who pay for the broken pots. Like him, many innocent people have been imprisoned, and this was the case yesterday as it is today. Khashoggi’s assassination also hides countless cases of non-violent political opponents who are targeted, including in countries that call themselves ‘Islamic’ – Thus, in the political world, cases such as the assassination of Morsi, and Khashoggi have a hidden face, whether they are from the non-Islamic countries or even those countries that are Islamic. Whether it’s the Rohingyas in Myanmar, the Uyghurs in China or the Kashmiri in India – there are terrible plans against them. It is enough to accuse them of Islamism and terrorism in order to justify all the persecutions (that is, against them - the minority). Most people won’t say anything. The complicity of certain ‘mainstream’ media is also very clear in this affair.

But as there are some people who are stubborn and who do not understand, there are also exceptions that exist in the political world and also in the media, including those found in the West, where we must salute the courage of all those journalists and other people of dignity who finally raised their voices against injustice. For example, “Washington Post” took a position to remind that the unjust death of Morsi shows how far Egypt has regressed. “The Post” has finally written that the Sissi regime (in Egypt) is guilty by far of the worst violations of human rights in the history of modern Egypt. Another remarkable fact is that at that time, for the first time, the United Nations clearly requested that an international investigation be conducted on Morsi’s death.


There are other actions that the West has finally taken to establish justice - we can’t blame them all because of the tyrants who want to reduce Islam to zero and create a humanitarian bloodbath in order to enrich themselves. So, there are people who raise their voices against injustice. Be it from the East or the West, the Muslim and non-Muslim world, there are people who are fighting for justice and peace, and Insha-Allah, it is my duah that Allah enable those who have a pure heart among them to find the truth of Islam and submit to Allah alone. May Allah enable the pure-hearted, the good souls to prosper in Islam. Insha-Allah.


Although the fear of Islam still exists in the hearts of many people, we must keep hope in Allah that He will facilitate our task in order to bring justice to the oppressed in the world. Be it from the political side, the media and others, be it concerning the question of Palestine, the minority of Burma or even the refugees of Chagos. 

Mauritius needs to become a platform of understanding, a country that understands the misfortune of others and remains the paradise that it has always been. Be it at the political, economic, social and religious level, Mauritius must become a rainbow country that represents the entire human race in harmony and unity that is constructive towards a better future.

It is not for nothing that Allah in this century has chosen the land of Mauritius to raise His Messenger, His Khalifa - Khalifatullah. The divine revelation has been poured upon the land of Mauritius, and among all the islands, this island has been blessed. May Allah make the birth (natal) land of His humble Khalifatullah to prosper and become a model for others and not regress and lose all its value in the eyes of Allah and those of the world. Mauritius as well as all the countries of the world need to wake up and stop regressing, and return to kindness and understanding and stop hankering after the world like a dog aiming to get a bone. This world is temporary, all that wealth and power is temporary. If today we exist in human form, but tomorrow we need to leave the body here itself and return to our Creator. We will turn back into dust. And this world will also meet its end one day.


So, we need to have empathy (sympathy and generosity and understand other people’s problems). Human beings need each other, and evil and bad intentions should not spoil the humanism of the people. If evil exists, God will also give us the ability to fight against it through our prayers, because without the powerful help of Allah, without our invocations to Allah, we will not be able to achieve anything. God, with the prayer of His servants, can make everything impossible become possible, and make everything possible become impossible as well. All power is in the Hands of Allah.


I have this message for all Muslims: We need to really know who our enemies are really, because we need to remember that hatred and fear for Islam has always existed. The solution is never found in the elimination of those who oppose us. And one of our greatest enemies is our own selves, i.e. that Satan which resides in us and tries to make us deviate from the right path. It’s up to us to make that Shaytan become Muslim. And when we finally succeed - to a great degree - in reforming ourselves, then we need to do good, and if the enemies attack us everywhere, then we need to defend ourselves without going beyond the limits of Islam – which Islam has established for us when we fight against our enemies, because there are some people that Shaytan has gained the upper hand over them, so much so that this type of reform does not have an effect on them, and thus they seek to end the reign of God on earth, but they will never succeed. When the decree of Allah will come, all their plans will stop functioning, but before that, the Muslims must stop fighting among themselves (i.e. we must stop fighting among ourselves) and we must stop hankering after this temporal world, and love death and the decrees of Allah and we submit to the will of Allah.


All the Messengers of God (as) have faced the worst trials that we have ever experienced. But despite all the hard trials, they did not retreat or abandon their people. They taught the detachment from the love from this world and the acceptance of death as a return to Allah. If Allah had willed, we all [humans] could have become Muslims and would not have encountered any adversity. These trials or tests exist to see who among us are best in the doing of good deeds. So, we need to refuse indifference, silence and passivity. And we need to show a deep goodness of heart, so that in heaven we can be counted among those who fight for the cause of God and we need to help our neighbour – our fellow human beings – in goodness and save them and ourselves from evil. If we have a good thought for our fellow human being, in return God will look at us with love and mercy.


So, be it the Muslims or the whole humanity, we all need to make efforts to return to God, the Only God, the Unique One and do not worship anyone with Him, and we need to struggle through prayers and deeds so that we can relieve the suffering of those who are suffering and give them the good news of the Kingdom of God, be it on earth and in heaven as well. Insha-Allah, Ameen.