Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Service to Humanity as Divine Worship

The following is a revealed text which I initially received from Allah on 09 April 2004 at the beginning of the Divine Manifestation, in the times of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen. Today, under divine instructions I address you, the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam throughout the world with those same pearls of knowledge, those precious advices and revelations.

Service To Mankind: The Greatest Spiritual Practice

People today are very enthusiastic about the New year. When New year is coming, people spend a lot of money for the celebration of New Year. It is a sign of ignorance to single out one particular day in a year for celebration. For a true devotee, everyday is a festival. In fact, everyday is New Year day. Hence, we should consider every day, every minute as new and celebrate it with joy.

Service is the Highest Spiritual Practice. All that exists in this objective world is impermanent and unreal. Man should contemplate on that which is eternal and real. But man out of his ignorance, wastes his time in brooding over the past and worrying about the future while forgetting the present. The present only is real. Past is past; you cannot get it back, however much you may pray for it. The future is hidden in the womb of time. It is not possible to visualize it. Therefore, only the present is true and real. Instead of wasting your time in thinking about the past and worrying about the future, you should engage yourself in the service of your fellowmen. Service is the foremost spiritual practice. You should therefore, always engage yourself in the service of others. There is no greater spiritual practice than this. People totally forget the importance of service. They should understand that only the fruits of service are eternal. God has given us this body for service to others, and not merely for eating, drinking and wasting our valuable time in mundane activities. We must realise the truth that serving others is the most worthwhile activity for us. There is nothing greater than service to humanity. All great men redeemed their lives only through service.

Therefore, you must involve constantly in the service of society. Out of all spiritual practices, service to mankind is the highest and noblest. What, according to you, is service? You may be thinking that helping and serving others in times of their difficulty is service. It is not as simple as that. You should be constantly engaged in serving others. The human body consists of several limbs. All these limbs are meant to be engaged in service. Unfortunately, we have forgotten this basic fact. Every limb of the body must be engaged in service as worship [i.e. as an act of worship/ Ibadah]. Service as worship is the only means by which human life can be redeemed. We build big Mosques and undertake various spiritual practices. But all this can give only temporary satisfaction, not eternal joy. Therefore, you must develop firm faith in the truth that nothing can provide eternal joy except Service to Humanity. Undertake service to the suffering humanity. Service is not merely limited to health care. Service encompasses every possible help to the fellow human beings.

Imbibe the noble qualities of sacrifice, love and truth. Only these will lead you to the ultimate experience of Divinity. Love the needy person who is in front of you. Talk to him softly and sweetly. Help him in every possible way. This is the true spiritual practice. There is no greater spiritual practice than this. One who spends his entire life in sacrifice is the most blessed soul.

Respect every individual and talk to him lovingly. Man today expects others to respect him, but he does not want to respect them. If you do not respect others, how can you expect others to respect you?

You are endowed with the form of human being, which is worthy of veneration. Since you are born as a human being, give respect and take respect. This is the quality you have to cultivate today.

It is the villagers, which are still preserving its ancient culture. It is being defiled in all possible ways in towns and cities. Therefore, O Mohyuddin, go to the villages, organize your Jalsa Salana, your Conference, your Exhibition and other Programmes; Go to them, find out the difficulties of the villagers and undertake service activities to alleviate their sufferings. Today many people migrate to towns and cities in pursuit of comforts and luxuries. In the process, they end up in suffering and difficulties. Man in fact, invites more troubles for himself when he runs after comforts and luxuries.

Na Sukhat Labhathe Sukham
(Happiness cannot be obtained out of happiness)

It is only through suffering and sacrifice that happiness can be attained. You should therefore, engage yourself in service activities. In fact, the hands are given to you to serve humanity. You will attain glory if you serve those who desperately need help. When you undertake good work, you enjoy peace in your life. God is not interested in ritualistic worship. He is pleased when you undertake service activities. Hence, do service more and more. The best way to love God is to love all and serve all. God is pleased when you love all and serve all. If you can recognize the importance of these two principles and conduct yourself accordingly, there can be no spiritual practice than this.

You don’t need to spend any money in performing service. Sanctify your life by undertaking loving service. Many members of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam undergoing a lot of difficulties for the financial sacrifice. There are many Associations [which] deposit the money [they receive] in a bank and undertake service activities with the interest that accrues on the amount. Money does not help in developing noble qualities. Sacrifice alone can do it. That is why it is said: it is only by sacrifice that man can attain immortality. Today, however, people want sensual pleasures. Sensual pleasures only lead to disease, not Zikr-e-Ilaahi. Hence, try to attain Zikr-e-Ilaahi through sacrifice. Only then can you attain eternal joy. God is the Indweller of all Beings.

You may get some mental satisfaction by contemplating on God. But you can experience bliss only when you recognize that God is the Indweller of every living being. The entire universe is permeated by God. God is not confined to any temple or Mosque. It is said, the body is a temple or mosque and the indweller is God. The real temple of God is the body itself. God is installed in the altar of our heart. Heart is full of compassion. Heart should be full of compassion. So cultivate compassion more and more. Service undertaken with a compassionate heart only is worthwhile. Consider every human being as the embodiment of Divinity. God is present everywhere.

What can you achieve by relying on such a body? It is only sin that you accumulate. You should sustain the body for the purpose of serving others. Develop firm conviction in that truth. What happiness do you derive from the body? In fact, nothing. Whatever be the pleasures you may enjoy with the help of this human body, you will have to leave all those as well as the body itself in a trice one day or the other. Should you undergo so many trials and tribulations for the sake of these momentary pleasures? You should respect the soul in every human body. That is real service to God. Dedicate your body to the service of the Divine in human form. Then everyday of your life will become an occasion for celebration; your entire life will be a festival. On the other hand, if you undertake service once in a year, that cannot be called real service. Your body is made up of dust. Human life is precious because of the indweller therein who is Supreme consciousness. Realise your innate divinity.

O Mohyuddin! Tell the JAMAAT UL SAHIH AL ISLAM that their children should cultivate good habits and good qualities and attain good position in life. Thus, they should bring good name to their parents. You can earn good name not by money but by sterling character. No matter, how wealthy a person is, his reputation will be tarnished if his character is not good. A wealthy person may be living in a big mansion and enjoying the luxuries of life, but all this cannot ensure his peace of mind and happiness. People crave to earn more and more money. But, of what use is the money they earn? They waste all their money in worthless pursuits. They must utilize the money earned by them for undertaking good and beneficial activities for the service of society. They should also cultivate good behaviour and good habits. Only then will they have real peace in life. Do not become slaves of money.

Today everyone is literally crying for peace. But, where is peace? Peace is within you. Love is within you. But you are losing your peace and happiness that are within you by searching them in money and materials in the outer world. You want to earn great wealth and build big mansions. Devoid of good qualities, all the wealth that you earn is a waste. Therefore, cultivate good qualities. There can be no wealth greater in the world than good qualities. The more you put your good qualities into practice, the more they grow in you. Money is not that important in life; it is character that is most important.

You are highly educated. You can utilize your education for earning more and more money. But it is not the objective of education. Do not become the servant of money. Become the servant of God. It is most important to become the servant of God. Money, of course, is necessary to some extent. But if you become the slave of Money, you will bring about your ruination. Too much money will rob you of your peace. You should earn the wealth of love and truth. What purpose will it serve if you keep too much money in the bank? Will it do you any good? You cannot take even a penny with you when you leave this world.

Only sacrifice could give peace and satisfaction to man, and not the wealth and riches. All your hidden treasures will also be left behind when you depart from this world. So, do not crave for money. Earn instead the wealth of wisdom and love. Only these virtues can redeem your life. Develop the wealth of love more and more. When you earn the wealth of love and truth, your life will be redeemed. Serve all those who need help. It is sheer foolishness to think that you can serve God without serving the poor and needy who are before you. What is that which ultimately come to your rescue? It is sacrifice that can lead you to immortality.

Be always ready for sacrifice. Everything can be accomplished by sacrifice. A person without any spirit of sacrifice can never attain peace. People of all countries pray for peace. They chant peace, peace, peace. But do they attain peace? No. They are immersed in distress and disappointment. The source of peace is within you. Therefore, look within and realise your divinity. God is with you, in you, below you, above you and all around you. How can you attain Him if you search for Him outside when He is within you?

Share your education and wealth with your fellow human beings. In fact, God is the real owner of the wealth acquired by you. The money you earn belongs to God’s Trust. God Himself is the president of that Trust. Keep your trust in God and make proper use of your money. Do not hanker after money and worldly possessions. Constantly contemplate on God. You need not go to forests or caves in the hills in search of God. He is always with you. When God who is the embodiment of love is with you, why do you become a victim of the demon of worldliness? Today demonic qualities are prevalent everywhere. People do not hesitate to acquire wealth by sinful means. What ultimately you carry with you at the time of leaving the body is the merit or sin you have earned and not the wealth you have acquired. What you require is only a little food to satisfy your hunger. You can serve the life of a hungry person by sharing your food with him. This is the greatest spiritual practice. Leaving this simple spiritual practice and forgetting the noble qualities of love, you search for peace and happiness in the pursuit of worldly desires. Craving for money can never be satiated. Nor can money remain with you forever. It comes and goes.

Develop the quality of love. Love everyone. Do not hate anybody. Develop the faith that whatever happens is for your own good. You alone are responsible for your difficulties and suffering. Respect others. That alone will protect you. If you insult somebody, you are bound to receive punishment for it. Pleasure and pain are your own making. Sins committed by you will follow you like a shadow. Man today is giving sermons to others. But he himself is not following his precepts. What value will such teaching have? All this is mere deception. The teachings you read or listen to, can never help you if you do not put them into practice. Help your fellow human beings at least in a small measure. That alone will help you. Do not blame others for your difficulties. Do not criticize anybody. Love all. Treat all people as your brothers and sisters. Cultivate the feeling of Brotherhood of man. This will lead you to the path of equal-mindedness. Therefore, enhance your honour and prestige by cultivating the quality of love. Love alone can protect you. The tongue is given to you to sing the glory of God, not to criticize others. Why should you suffer when you have such a great wealth with you? Consider all your education and the service you undertake as God’s work. Surrender all your actions to Me and seek refuge in Me alone. Hence, dedicate all your actions to God. Then you will attain peace (Insha-Allah).

May Allah bless all of you and bless this day of Jummah for us. May the blessings of Allah alight on each one of you and may you derive the fruits of worship by being true to your faith in Allah and by being true to your fellow brothers and sisters of one same Jamaat – Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, and the rest of mankind. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

--- Friday Sermon of 08 February 2019~03 Jamadi’ul Aakhir 1440 AH delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius.