“When you, the believers, leave behind the temporary attractions of this world and refuse to follow Satan in his path, and you give Allah preference over all things, it is then that the divine blessings are bestowed upon you; Allah sends down extraordinary blessings, and along with these you reap the good of your good deeds and you get a complete Iman (faith)”, exhorts the Messenger of Allah of our times.
Read the Extracts from the Speech:
This is enlightenment for mankind and guidance
and mercy for a people who are certain (in faith). (45: 21)
this Quranic verse, Allah says that this Quran and the words therein contain
such clear proofs for humanity, that is, when someone studies it with Taqwa (fear of Allah) and in
whichever he wants, then he shall certainly see clear proofs (of the truth) in
Allah says that it is guidance and mercy for the holders of faith, those who
have complete faith in it. In the next verse, Allah says: “Or do those who commit evils think We will make them like those who
have believed and done righteous deeds– (make them) equal in their life and
their death? Evil is that which they judge.” (45: 22)
is making us understand: Do these people think that We (Allah and His angels) shall
treat them in life and death like We treat the believers? No, this is
impossible. For those who have believed and done good deeds, then in this
temporary world itself Allah shall do such treatment with them as to
distinguish them from the others. And that good treatment shall be continuous.
the way of dealing of Allah with those who have acquired faith is very
different that the way of dealing with those who are plunged in evil. The
treatment they receive is different and very distinguished. And when one sees
this way of dealing (with the good people), one shall recognise for oneself
that these people are indeed the servants of Allah, and that the other group of
people are the followers of Iblis. Then Allah says: If ever you think that We shall
make an equal dealing (treatment), then you have make a wrong judgement; it is
a judgement which deprives you (the evil people) from all successes.
the words “Evil is that which they
judge”, this means that in result of this very judgement that there
crops up disorder in the world of religion as well as in the mundane one. This
means that the disorders are created because of a wrong “certitude” which they
have. If the believers have a certain certitude on truth, then the evil-doers
also have certitude on their wrongs. Therefore the thoughts they have that they
are thinking in the right way – whereas they’re not – are not at all in their
favour. Afterwards reference has been made to all the disorders which happen on
earth as a result of the judgment (or decision) which they take.
the next verse, Allah says that it is a fact that He (Allah) has created the
heavens and earth in truth. Disorders cannot remain along with truth – there is
no link between them. It means that when Allah has created the heavens and
earth in truth, in which there is no defect, then how is it now possible that
in the world of religion, Allah makes such a situation that the bad people
remain mixed with the good ones? It is not at all possible. Therefore, the call
which is being done is a natural call, that truth cannot co-exist with
falsehood. And falsehood also cannot co-exist with truth. After that Allah
says: “…so that every soul may be
recompensed for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged”.
Verily, injustice also cannot go hand in hand with truth. And justice is in
fact a creation (or derivation) of truth itself.
these verses, the Quran mentions such subjects which are vast and profound. But
for the education of our Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam members, it is necessary that
these subjects be made clear. From what I understand, the following advice
which I shall give you resemble those of the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace).
each of you much give priority to the
comforts of others than your own comforts. Make a true reconciliation between
you and Allah and return back to Allah in His obeisance. The anger of Allah
is coming down on earth and it is only the one who presents a sincere and
complete repentance for all sins, along with presenting himself before Allah
that he can hope to be safe from the divine punishment. If you want to become
such a person – who is safe from divine punishment – then the first quality
that you must have is that you must give priority to the comforts of your
brothers, instead of giving priority to your own comforts. This is so because,
without giving others priority over your own comforts, you cannot continue on
that journey.
this means that the people, who are sincere and God-fearing, come in this world
with the objective, that for the sake of Allah, they give priority to the
comforts of the entire world rather than their own. Even if your own comforts
are in peril, even if you reject your own comforts, doesn’t matter! When you
shall analyse the situation, it is exactly like this that Hazrat Muhammad
(peace be upon him) led his life. When one applies these words on the life of
Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), then you shall find no difference.
more a person moves on from one stage to another by Allah’s permission, it is
that very point which is of importance. When someone sacrifices his own comforts and
tranquillity and he takes care of the comfort and tranquillity of his brothers,
then Allah shall certainly attract such a person towards Him.
And for this, it is not necessary that he undertakes such journey after
prophethood. No. All prophets began this journey, they had such qualities, even
before prophethood. The proof which is more enlightening is when one studies
the life of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) before his apostleship. We see
how he took care of the comforts of his brothers and gave them priority over
his own comforts. And therefore, Allah attracted him to Himself, thereby
elevating his status. This is because it is one of the qualities which Allah
very much loves (in His servants). Without this quality, it is impossible for
one to bring about reform in the world. Those who are deprived of these
qualities, then they are deprived of apostleship and they lose the blessings of
prophethood, and they do not become the followers of prophethood.
it is necessary for you to understand these subjects well. To preserve the
comforts of your brothers and sisters (in faith), this also is very important.
If you know his weakness, you do not go and publicise his weakness with others.
Allah does not like this because He is the One who puts a veil of His servant’s
weakness, and you (what do you do?), you unveil this weakness! It is then that
Allah shall react and this time definitely, He shall unveil your own weaknesses
before others.
each of us must become such people who remain far away and separated from those
who are plunged into evil. You must become that Jamaat about whom Allah says
that they have got solid faith and that they do good deeds, good works. Those
who are plunged into evil and those who do good, Allah does not deal the same
way with these two groups of people. It is impossible that Allah treat them
alike. Now, when it is said that the anger of Allah descends on earth and the
people who are free from this, it is only those who repent for all their sins
and come under the refuge of Allah – In fact, this is the explanation of what I
have earlier said, that is, life and death of the good persons cannot be like
the life and death of those who are plunged into evil.
If you want to become under the refuge of Allah, then
you must seek Allah’s forgiveness for all sins committed and you present
yourself under the refuge of Allah. If you do like this, then Allah shall
create such qualities in you that people shall see that between you and the
evil people, there is a clear difference. And thus it shall not be necessary to
go in further debates on this subject.
All people who have eyes to see and who want to see, shall certainly see this
how to perceive this difference and which way shall Allah deal with such
people? Those who have faith, then Satan shall not be able to approach them.
Now, the everyday battle that we have with Satan is such a battle which shall
not end for as long as we do not become under the refuge of Allah. Someone who
gets this refuge, then Satan shall not approach him because Satan does not have
the permission to come under the refuge of Allah. Satan gets access only to
those places where he sees an opportunity, a hope (to spread evil). Once he
sees an empty space (which is not filled with good), he therefore comes to fill
the space. Now, when it is being said to repent for all sins, it means that you
should not leave any empty space for Satan to come. If Satan gets as small an
opportunity to infiltrate a space, therefore he shall be able to fill the space
with his unfortunate steps, and the space shall become greater so as to
accommodate him.
is exactly like the anecdote of the
Bedouin and the Camel. I relate it to you. Once there was a Bedouin who
pitched his tent and went to sit inside. It was a freezing night. Therefore the
Camel put its head in the tent and asked the Bedouin permission to let its head
remain in the tent because it was freezing outside. When the head got the
welcomed heat, and the pleasure which there was in there, therefore, the Camel
this time asked permission for his neck to come in – then little by little, its
body found a way as well as its legs. Finally the whole Camel found a way in
the tent, and now tells the Bedouin that he has to go out because his other two
legs had to come in and that there is no space to accommodate the Bedouin!
evil spreads as soon as it gets the
opportunity, the space needed. Once you give evil a way to penetrate, then it
shall not leave you. It is like this that Satan attacks. Now, all people who
are engaged in evil works, if they ponder over their psychological state, they
shall realise that once they let a “little” harm penetrate, thinking that it is
no big deal, how calamitous it then becomes. The harm in their eyes is
simple and ordinary. But once the harm is done, then automatically, there shall
be another harm done and so on. Nowadays, in the world there are many people
who have plunged into drugs. This also is based on the same principle. There
are some bandits and criminals who target school children and college students
and thus harm them. They tell them to just taste of the drugs, and from the
first taste comes a repeat, and therefore begins a vicious circle of
desperately wanting those drugs.
it is not in vain that you are being told to repent to Allah for all your sins
and to come under His refuge. Why is is necessary? It is necessary because at
that moment, Satan shall not be able to approach you. Satan only comes when he
sees the tiniest bit of space.
with this last Friday Sermon of the year 2012, we are living for a few days in
a festive atmosphere, and unfortunately many people have followed the footsteps
of the Satan, to such an extent that they cannot differentiate between truth
and falsehood, between the true teachings of God and His prophets and the
falsehoods which the thirsty of power and who follow the footsteps of Satan
have fabricated for them.
A year has gone and another is coming and they are
still in their lost state. Despite seeing the days
of Judgement which is seizing them from everywhere, yet they make the blind and
refuge to change and adopt the true divine teachings. Unfortunately many
Muslims have let themselves be trapped by Satan when they attached themselves
with the world and imitated the cultures and ways of the debauched people of
the West. They have forgotten the fundamental teachings of Islam. There is no harm in relaxing, and taking
rest, and enjoy happy moments with family and friends, but one has to do it
within the limits of Islam, and not in the ways which the Christians,
Hindus or other people of the West (America, Europe etc.) do it.
When you, the believers, leave behind the temporary
attractions of this world and refuse to follow Satan in his path, and you give
Allah preference over all things, it is then that the divine blessings are
bestowed upon you; Allah sends down extraordinary blessings, and along with
these you reap the good of your good deeds and you get a complete Iman
Allah help each one of us to understand this sermon well and may Allah help us
to do efforts within our capabilities so that we may be distanced from Satan. Insha-Allah,
I shall continue on the subject of this sermon, Ameen