Showing posts with label commandments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commandments. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2024

'Ramadan Mubarak!'


Ramadan & Its Light

'Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as guidance to men and clear proofs of the guidance and the distinction. So whoever is present this month, let him fast.' (Quran 2: 186)


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, with my recent trip to India, I thank my Lord for allowing me to meet my sincere disciples and make our programs with His blessings and graces. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to making this trip a memorable one.


With Shabaan drawing to a close, and the most blessed of Ramadan coming, it is the duty of every believer who is healthy to fast as per the commandment of Allah.

Monday, January 22, 2024

A Book on ‘Qur’anic Commands’


'Guidance for the Human Soul'

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International- India Chapter [Noor’ul Islam Masjid- Mathra, South Kerala] recently published a new Book on the Amazon Publishing Platform, Alhamdulillah. The Book, titled Qur’anic Commands: Guidance for the Human Soul” is essentially a compilation of selected Verses of the Holy Qur’an concerning Divine commandments, prescriptions and prohibitions.


Reproduced below are the Acknowledgement and Preface sections as they provide an intimate glimpse of the new Book for the benefit of our interested readers:



‘All praises are due to the Almighty Alone. That is the defining thought for me as I complete this modest effort to educate myself on the Divine Teachings of the Holy Qur’an.


According to the great Muslim saint and reformer of the previous century, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian [1835-1908], there are over 700 verses of clear rulings in the Holy Qur’an and it is only by being aware of, and following them in full measure, that one becomes a true believer. Hazrat Mirza writes:  ‘...beware and do not take a single step contrary to the teaching of God and the guidance of the Qur’an. I tell you truly that anyone who disregards even a small injunction of the seven hundred commandments of the Qur’an, shuts upon himself the door of salvation’.(Noah’s Ark, p. 42, English edition, UK: 2018). 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The First Command of Allah

In his Divinely-inspired commentary of the Holy Qur'an entitled 'Al Azim Tafsirul Qur'an', Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Muhyiuddin Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius gives a profound exposition on the first commandment of the Qur'an- the duty to worship the true Lord to the exclusion of all other imagined deities so that humans could guard against evil and become righteous. For the benefit of all sincere seekers of higher wisdom, we reproduce below the holy verse of the Qur'an and its commentary by  Hazrat Saheb (aba): 

2:22. Yaa- ‘ayyu-han-naasu bu-duu Rabba-kumullazii khalaqal-kum wallaziina min-qablikum la-‘allakum tattaquun.


O men! Worship your Lord Who created you and those before you so that you may guard (against evil).


This verse contains the first commandment and is addressed to all mankind and not to the Arabs only. This indicates that Islam, from the very beginning claimed to be a universal religion, which conceived mankind as one brotherhood. Allah is full of pity to all His creatures and He will never punish anyone as long as He does not send His Messenger.


If we, men, really we have a sensitive heart, recognising the beauty and value of Allah’s creation, realising that God gifted us with basic necessities of life for free for a limited time, so we have to worship only Him and not to associate anything or anybody to Him.