Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The First Command of Allah

In his Divinely-inspired commentary of the Holy Qur'an entitled 'Al Azim Tafsirul Qur'an', Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Muhyiuddin Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius gives a profound exposition on the first commandment of the Qur'an- the duty to worship the true Lord to the exclusion of all other imagined deities so that humans could guard against evil and become righteous. For the benefit of all sincere seekers of higher wisdom, we reproduce below the holy verse of the Qur'an and its commentary by  Hazrat Saheb (aba): 

2:22. Yaa- ‘ayyu-han-naasu bu-duu Rabba-kumullazii khalaqal-kum wallaziina min-qablikum la-‘allakum tattaquun.


O men! Worship your Lord Who created you and those before you so that you may guard (against evil).


This verse contains the first commandment and is addressed to all mankind and not to the Arabs only. This indicates that Islam, from the very beginning claimed to be a universal religion, which conceived mankind as one brotherhood. Allah is full of pity to all His creatures and He will never punish anyone as long as He does not send His Messenger.


If we, men, really we have a sensitive heart, recognising the beauty and value of Allah’s creation, realising that God gifted us with basic necessities of life for free for a limited time, so we have to worship only Him and not to associate anything or anybody to Him.


Some examples to illustrate the above verse:


Suppose you are seriously ill (God Forbid) near to death, the doctor says that you do not have any time left, what will you do? What will be your reaction? You feel very depressed, upset, worried, you ask everybody even the Jamaat to pray for your health and for a rapid recovery. It’s now that you are conscious that there is a God, A unique One, the One in whose hands life and death lie; it’s at this particular time that you realise the importance and value of that good health He gifted you. What did you do at that time? You put a deaf ear to His words (in the Holy Quran), turn your backs on prayers, and other acts of worship. You disregarded His every commandment. Now that He removes His light and favour from you, look at your state – unable to do anything except asking for forgiveness. But only, Allah knows whether He will forgive you or not. Faith and forgiveness lie in His Hands only; not in the dirty hands of creatures who try to behave like great defenders of Islam.


Another example:


You have a child, a charming child whom you love with your heart. You want the best for him, thus you send him to high reputed school or college or university so as he comes out first with flying colours. But, to your astonishment, he does not want to learn, he kicks his books, he spends most of his precious time in playing, riding bicycle, watching television or in any entertainment. What will happen? Even his name he won’t be able to write down or sign. When he reaches the age of adulthood, then he will realise the importance of your good wishes for him, he will know the importance of studying because when Allah had gifted him with ilm (knowledge), he also kicked these favours.


This verse teaches us to worship only Allah the Almighty because everything we need in this world and in the next life is in His hands. The Holy Quran is the only complete guide for humanity. Allah wants man to think over His Greatness and Might.


Another example to give you a glorious idea about the Almighty: just visit a cemetery where your own blood relation, the dearest people of your life may have been buried there. Will you be able to forget him or her or will the late relative stick in your mind and heart till you leave this world?


This is the main reason why our master, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) asked his followers to visit the cemetery very often so that you can think over and over the great creation of Allah, the Unique God. When you think that some days back, that dearest and beloved one was alive, caring for him etc., and now he is no more – his temporal body reduced to dust. The Holy Quran contains 700 commandments of Allah which must be obeyed without asking any questions. Insha-Allah!


Attention is then drawn to the fact that as the Quran enables the righteous to make greater and greater spiritual progress; everybody should try to become one of the righteous and earn the spiritual benefits of the Quran. Here in this verse worship demands complete subjection and the sense of subjection is generated in its perfection only when one’s forefathers are all under obligation.


The verse is to make it clear that the object of worship is not merely recognising and acknowledging God. If it were so, the worship of idols, however unjust, would not be so injurious. God is worshipped for the sake of attaining righteousness and spiritual perfection. How can false Gods make man perfect spiritually, when they have not created him and have no knowledge of his powers or limitations?


According to my construction the argument will be as follows:


Adoration is the act of the highest and humblest reverence and worship. When you get into that relationship with Allah, Who is your Creator and Guardian, your faith produces works of righteousness. It is a chance given to you, will you not take it? If you do, your whole nature will be transformed.'

---[Extracted from Al Azim Tafsirul Qur'an: English Commentary of the Holy Qur'an, Volume I, pp. 148-151To buy the Qur'an Tafsir online, click here].