Sunday, May 10, 2015

Qur'an: Treasures for the Human Mind

The human mind is very complex. It has developed gradually and that during different stages of its already God-given developed capacity. Allah (swt), throughout the centuries, through His different Messengers, Prophets and Reformers has continued to reveal such teachings which are suitable to each respective stage, till the time arrived when the mind of man had become fully developed and means of inter-communication between different sections of humanity had been perfected, and the world had in its advancement attained the stage when it might form one country and one nation. At this stage God sent the last law-bearing prophet, that is, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) with the last and complete code of revealed laws, that is, the Holy Quran, which it is a book which is the simplified reunification or summary of all revealed laws since the beginning of time. It contains teachings suitable to the needs of every age.

Whilst being the last law-bearing revealed book, however, the doors of revelation and of spiritual advancement are still open and will continue to remain open for ever. No new law shall henceforth be revealed, but such prophets as shall lay open the hidden treasures contained in the Quran and open to mankind the doors of divine realization shall continue to arise, for no new law is required in the presence of a perfect code, and yet man is always in need of attaining to the realization of God. There can, therefore, be no new law, but the door of such prophethood as it is attained by spiritual perfection is open and should remain open for all time, for God is as much our providence as He was of our ancestors.

The doctrine that the Quran was the last and perfect code of revealed laws did not involve the consequence that man had reached the last stage of intellectual progress and could travel no further, for the human mind ever continues to advance along the path of progress, both in this world and in the next. On the contrary, the more perfect a book is the more it ought to help in the advancement of learning. With respect to the contents of a revealed book, then the word of God should be like the work of God, and that as the latter is a treasure-house of unlimited secrets which mankind has not been able wholly to discover from the creation of the universe up to the present day, so the word of God ought to be a treasure-house of inexhaustible learning and wisdom for if they were to be exhausted one would be compelled to admit that God invested the material universe, which has to do with a limited portion of man’s life, with inexhaustible treasures, but so limited the spiritual universe that is to say, His perfect Book, that its treasures were soon exhausted. This, however, is not so.

The Holy Quran contains treasures more numerous than those of the materiel universe, and these are laid open before all those who seek sincerely for them. Most people would derive intellectual pleasure from the contemplation of this new principle which thus windows the horizon of intellect to an unlimited degree, but this needs to be put to a practical test. As a humble servant of Allah, I have put this test to practice and the benefit which I have derived from the application of this principle to the study of the Quran fills me with an intoxicating joy. Now this ecstasy is even palpable on a daily basis ever since Allah has chosen this humble one as His chosen messenger. Sources of information to extol and expound the perfect divine words within the Holy Quran is given to this humble self frequently, just like rain falls and give a new life to the earth. With every reading, Allah reveals or inspires new explanations, new ways to view the revealed verses and apply them in our daily life.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Divine Message as Prophecy

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam has just published a special Article/Booklet explaining the remarkable fulfillment of a Divine Message recieved by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius. In a special Speech made to the Study Circle of the devout followers, the Khalifatullah (atba) had presciently indicated the dismal future of the then existing government as a consequence of its egregious deeds and also the essential outcome of the international litigation the then Government preferred over the long-standing dispute with the UK over the sovereignty question of the Chagos Archipelago. 

The special Booklet entitled "Prophecy on the Chagos Arbitration" is available at the official website of the Jamaat, to access it, click here To read the special Article in the Sahih Al Islam Blog, click here

Reproduced below is the Preface to the Article from the blessed and profound pen of the Khalifatullah of our times, Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius: 

A Divine Message is that light which God Almighty (Allah) uses to brighten man’s once darkened life. If light is hope for darkness, then Divine Revelation is hope for man’s salvation once he surrenders himself completely to Allah. This submission in turns is fertile land for him to accede to Allah, to become close to Him. And once the signs and manifestations of Allah become clear to him, he gets to feel blessed in every way, especially in the times of a Messenger of Allah, who comes to fuel for him that hope, and to enable him to open his inner eye and see the realisation of the signs of Allah.

The present article entitled “Prophecy on the Chagos Arbitration” examines the realisation of the words of Allah revealed to this humble self, the Khalifatullah of the age. These words which in turn are vehicled to the people through the tongue of the Messenger of Allah- thus called prophecy -are food for thought for humanity.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Prophecy on the Chagos Arbitration

In a Special Speech delivered on 17 May 2012, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius spoke succinctly on a range of world and national issues, and religious and political developments.

The Speech was made in the backdrop of Divine Revelations and it included many comments that were prescient and prophetic, waiting to be unveiled in the fullness of time. Almost three years down the timeline from that Speech, it is astonishing to reflect on the extraordinary Light of Truth the short document represents in many ways. For instance, the fall of the then political regime at the hands of the people and the unravelling of its corrupt deeds were clearly foretold in a revelatory language familiar to the readers of the  Qur'an where (future) events are described in phrases denoting something that has already taken place: 

"Only Allah can “dethroned” them (the present Government) and bring them to their destruction, towards their great humiliation and in such a way that the people (citizens of Mauritius) turn against themThereafter we shall come to know how many frauds and corruption were done during their mandate".  

In a previous article in this series, we have already noted how the judicial system in Mauritius is indeed seeking to catch up with the former Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and his coterie of men and women for their unlawful activities and criminal offences. For reading the same, click hereIn this article, we shall seek to unravel yet another issue discussed on the occasion of the Special Speech- the then raging national debate over the effectiveness of the government's strategies to regain possession over the Chagos Islands, over which Mauritius has, for long, raised historic title and legal claims; though in reality and in fact, these islands remain the British-administered island territories in the Indian Ocean.