Saturday, March 9, 2019

Faith Matters: No Coercion

'Jihad': Never Through Compulsion!

Allah says in the Quran: 

Laa-Ikraaha fid-Deen. 
« There is no compulsion in religion. »---(Al-Baqara, 2 : 257)

It is indeed one of the most well-known Quranic verses and, moreover, of relevance, considering the conditions that prevail today. Even those who are totally ignorant of the teachings of the Holy Quran, have already heard about them. - This verse highlights the relationship between religion - in this case Islam - and compulsion and at what level compulsion can influence religious beliefs.

Some Ulema of other Jamaats, after [the revelation of] this verse, try to prove that the use of force is absolutely legal in matters of religion, but we, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam demonstrates the opposite.

The Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam accepts this verse in its entirety, and fully appreciates its message. Another aspect of this teaching, different from that of the Orthodox, was put forward by the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. Not only is there no doubt about the prohibition of the use of force, whatever its form in matters of faith, but it is impossible to achieve the goal sought by such means. This is what the following verse tells us.
Two Forms of Compulsion

Compulsion can be in two ways:

1. The use of force to spread a religion.
2. Forcibly remove someone from his religion.

So this verse tells us that we cannot force someone to accept a new faith, much less, we cannot force him to give up his faith. But those who do their utmost to dissociate Islam from its most faithful believers, will not succeed, because the verse tells us, further.

... and whoever believes in Allah will surely have grasped a solid and unbreakable handhold ...” (Al-Baqara 2: 257).

This is the most tangible meaning of this verse. Those who are not convinced that one cannot force anyone to embrace or renounce a religion, need only try it. Besides, history confirms the veracity of this Quranic verse.

The Practice of Islam through Force

Raising public awareness of sincerity, honesty, patriotism, peace, protecting the rights of others and other Islamic teachings is a big project of both Islamic and non-Islamic governments or dynasties. But they got it all wrong again because they wanted to use force. For example, in this present era, the Ahmadiyya authorities are using punishment, coercion and boycotts to force truth seekers to lie against the Khalifatullah and the Divine Manifestation.

Every sincere Ahmadi Muslim has the firm conviction that Islam is a divine religion, he believes from the bottom of his heart in the oneness of Allah, he believes that Muhammad (pbuh) is the greatest and the seal of all the prophets of Allah. The Ahmadi Muslims believe that the door of prophethood will remain forever open, and that the elects of Allah, the messengers and prophets of Allah will continue to come in the Ummah of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), without hurting in the least the supremacy of the prophethood of the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh). But by brutality/ force, the Ahmadiyya authorities want to make the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam and other truth seekers believe the opposite by pressurizing/ coercing them, threatening them. Now it is only on the lips that the door of prophethood is opened, especially in their arguments against other non-Ahmadi Muslims; but in reality, in practice, they have indeed closed this door, saying that after the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) there will be no more Islamic messiahs or prophets who will come, and that the caliphate after the Promised Messiah, who according to them will be continually elected by man will continue to reign for all times! This is their double standards! Completely contrary to what our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) have taught us.

How can a Jamaat (such as the Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Maoud (as)) claim to be universal, international or global, and moreover peaceful, and having no hatred for anyone and cause so much friction?

No true religion that has a universal message and the ambition to unite humanity under its banner could even for a moment consider using force to spread its message. Persecution, boycott, the command to sever family ties, the severe penalties - in short, the fear for creatures - can conquer thousands of people, but not hearts. This fear can bend the heads, but not the spirits. Islam prohibits the use of force to block the road to Allah and His chosen servant (The Elect of Allah of the time).

Thus, coercion is not necessary. It is up to man to determine for himself where the truth is. Addressing the Holy Prophet (pbuh), God (Allah) explains that he should not think that we can reform a society by using force.

Even though a struggle and violent reactions are developed during this process of propagation of a new ideology, Islam (and more particularly, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam) urges its adherents to show the greatest patience and perseverance, in order to avoid conflict, as far as possible, because of the fact that Islam rests solely and entirely on the strength of arguments and not on the material power that could be deployed.

All other ideologies shall be vanquished except that of Islam - the Sahih al Islam which is revived by divine help to consolidate His religion, the true faith. All the stratagems/ plans shall be defeated except the divine plan through the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam; neither will it collapse nor will it be thwarted, but it will demolish the forces of evil. Insha-Allah, Ameen.


It is high time to dispel any misunderstanding and formally declare that Islam forbids any use of force/ compulsion in matters of religion. Moreover, to our knowledge, it is the only religion that guarantees freedom of conscience in its sacred text, and speaks of it in terms of respect for temples, churches and synagogues of the followers of other religions. We denounce and reject as totally wrong and defamatory against Islam and the Prophet (pbuh) the point of view of the so-called scholars and Mullahs of Islam who have as agenda to create division and insecurity among the Muslims, and who cling to the power of this world, abandoning the true divine teachings.

Most Muslim sects are still waiting for the coming of a reformer or a Mahdi or a Messiah who will be according to them a bloodthirsty character called Imam Mohammad, and the Promised Messiah will be none other than Jesus, son of Mary in person. Together, these two persons will begin to roam the earth and kill anyone who refuses to become a Muslim. It is the notion of Jihad that these Muslim sects maintain. It was prophesied that the Promised Messiah would end the war.

The Promised Messiah and the Mahdi were two titles for one same person for the reinterpretation of the Holy Quran according to the needs of the hour. The doctrine of Jihad as interpreted and propagated by the Muslim theologians of the time called Maulvis, the so-called Mullahs is totally false. It can bring nothing good except that it will turn the people of the world into ferocious beasts and deprive them of all the good, humane qualities.

This is indeed what happened. I know for sure that the burden of the sins of these people who committed crimes by ignorance and only because of these sins, they do not even know the reason why Islam had to fight at its beginnings, and thus all these burdens rest on the shoulders of those Maulvis who continue to secretly propagate these dangerous doctrines that cause so much loss of life. When these same Maulvis meet with government officials, they make such bows as if they were going to prostrate before them; but when they are alone among themselves, they maintain that the country is the house of war, and that spreading faith at the point of the sword is a compulsory duty. Few are those who do not agree. The vast majority of them are so resolutely imbued with this erroneous doctrine which is totally opposed to the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), that they condemn as Dajjal (anti-Christ) anybody who has a different opinion and they proclaim that he should be killed without fear.

I have been the subject of such convictions for a long time already. They must remember that this doctrine of Jihad as they conceive is not absolutely correct.

In the first place, it suppresses human sympathy. Their way of thinking that Jihad was allowed in the early days of Islam, and that there should be no reason for it to be allowed today is full of misguidance. We have two answers to them. The first is that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) never took the sword except against those who first used the sword and ruthlessly slaughtered innocent and righteous men, women, and children. This is what today even the law of the land, international law qualifies as self-defense. They were slaughtered in such a cruel way that even today, we cannot stop our tears from shedding.

Second, even assuming for a moment that at the beginning of Islam such a Jihad was obligatory, as the Maulvis falsely believe, however, this is not valid for our time. It is indeed written that when the Promised Messiah shall appear, the Jihad with the sword and all the religious wars would cease. For he will make no use of the sword or any other temporal weapon, and his only weapon will be his prayers, and his great determination will be his sword. He will lay the foundations of peace and gather together the lions and sheep. His time will be one of peace, kindness and human sympathy. Why, then, do these people not think about this fact more than fourteen hundred years ago, when the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said with regard to the Promised Messiah that he will put an end to the war?

O you Muslim theologians and Maulvis, listen to me. Verily, I tell you that this is not the moment to fight between us for faith. Do not disobey the Holy Prophet (pbuh). The body of Islam should not be divided. The Islamic faith demands unity and unshakeable faith in the oneness of Allah. Allah is unique, and it is His help that must be sought in all circumstances. 

Islam is not a country or a person in particular. Islam is not Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or India or any country where Muslims are in the millions. Islam is you, it’s me when we surrender ourselves as one body, as one soul to Allah with contentment and seeking only His love and pleasure.

The Jihad with the sword and all the religious wars must stop. But the exception of course is self-defense, that is to say that when any limit is exceeded and your life is in danger, when death is pending over you by the hand of the enemy of the Islam, or even your brother who calls himself a Muslim but who acts like a lawless person, when he wants to harm you only because of your faith. Then, in this case, you are allowed to reply/ retaliate, to defend yourselves by placing your trust in Allah.

The war/ battle in the path of Allah in no way means the suicide bombings of some extremists who distort the words of Allah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Suicide is reprehensible in Islam. It is not the garden of paradise that awaits these people, but hell. May Allah help the Muslim community as a whole to understand this well and stay within the permissible limit. Ameen.

This subject being very vast, I will come back to it, Insha-Allah a little later. May Allah have mercy on us Muslims, and give us the courage and the intelligence to unite ourselves so as to consolidate Islam, and the true teachings of Allah in the world. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

---Friday Sermon of 08 March 2019 ~ 30 Jamadi’ul Aakhir 1440 AH delivered by Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius.