Monday, January 10, 2022

The Freedom of Women

In his Friday Sermon of 07 January 2022~ 04 Jamadi’ul Aakhir 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius speaks about the evils and dangers lurking beneath contemporary conceptions of women's freedom. The prevailing Western cultural model, or the unbridled pursuit of individual ecstacy at any quest, has twisted people's thoughts on women's liberation.  Hence, the current notions of 'freedom' in the West, ironically and actually, 'enslaves' women within a consumerist, capitalist, and hedonistic cultural milieu of commodification- literally trapping them within a male-centric world of objectification, with its constant need on its victims to 'fitting in' to the male-gaze, and worst abuses (treating women as 'use' and 'throw' chattels; sexual anarchy, abortions; break-down of family system, with increase in divorces and drug addictions) all around.  As true freedom indicates the ability to make well-reasoned choices  in a fully-informed manner about the good and the bad in life, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) calls attention  to the well-balanced Islamic values that safeguard women's role, agency and rights within the social order, and underscores the need for infusing true values of Islamic life in the younger generation so as to prepare them for cultural encounters in the West. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:   


  Western thoughts & Women


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, we have entered the New Year 2022. I wish all my disciples and Muslim brothers, sisters and children, as well as whole humanity, Naya Saal Mubarak. May Allah have mercy on us all and guide us to recognise His signs, return to Him in humility and submit to His will. Ameen.


We should understand that women and money are those basic things which if used correctly will guarantee stability and progress to any family, community or nation and if these same are used wrongly they will put that family, community or nation down the slippery road of destruction.


As we all know the concept of freedom in the West is quite different from what freedom is actually meant in terms of one’s own life, choices and especially spiritual life. The freedom of women has since long been a well-debated subject but the fact remains that the actual freedom and rights of women were actually bestowed by Allah and His Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in an era where those rights and freedom were rare, for only a few among the elite women enjoyed certain rights while all the rest were deprived of them.


The West claims that it wants to improve the life of women by:

a)     granting them freedom,

b)    financial independence and,

c)     allowing them to mix freely with men at all levels and in all departments of life.


Let us just scratch the surface and peep to analyze these claims. With regard to the freedom of women, a non-Muslim white woman was employed in a Muslim School but with the condition of wearing a cloak and even veiling her face. She complied and when asked after some time how she felt in this garb, since their lifestyle is one of semi-nudity, her spontaneous reply is an eye opener to reality. She said Islamic lifestyle has given her freedom from western slavery.


In their culture a person is enslaved to wearing a certain colour of shoe to match the dress. Then the nail polish, lipstick, blush, etc., all have to match as well. In Islam simplicity is the rule and by donning the cloak there is no need for this matching culture. On the other hand Islam has taught basic hygiene and cleanliness. A medical doctor writes in a medical journal that the West is 1400 years behind the East in basic toilet hygiene. He says in the West toilet paper is used to polish oneself with the excreta while in the East clean water is used to cleanse oneself.


In the case of bathing in a bathtub, there is filth which remains. Instead of cleansing themselves, they pollute all that water with that filth; some of it even enters the mouth in the process.


A famous resort’s swimming pool was moreover tested for urine which showed it contained 60% urine which just kept sparkling with chemicals! What filth! O Muslims, are we going to opt for such a lifestyle?


With regard to financial independence, if it is worked out what a woman earns and in order to go out and work what her wardrobe costs her, her travelling and keeping a maid to do her house duties amongst other things, in most cases there will be no gain but rather a deficit! Of course there can be no monetary figures that can be put on the moral, social, religious and feminity losses when a woman leaves her natural precincts and opts to work in an alien place to her exclusive biological, moral, social and religious build-up. From a psychological point of view a woman is not meant to go out and work. When she does she has to impress her bosses/ superiors with her job. To achieve this she has to give off more than she has for which she has to draw on her reserves. Consequently when she returns home she is totally exhausted and dehydrated, her children run up to her seeking love from their mother but what can a tired working woman offer them? She gets irritated, pushes one out of the room, slaps the other into silence and sprawls on to the bed. The husband returns, also tired and hungry and very often hunger transforms him into an angry man.  Two negatives meet and the natural result is a dispute.


An Islamic lifestyle is a balanced one, the husband returns to a ready meal and a fresh family awaiting him. When a woman has drawn on all her resources and is totally exhausted, she takes some paracetamols to release her tension. When this does not work, she has to get medication from a doctor which is nothing else but legal drugs. This in turn takes its full toll on her with all its side-effects and now the last resort and the best scapegoat is evil practices, sorcery to resolve her family and life problems. Thus, false curers come into the picture with their so-called magic. With such kinds of situations in many families, fraudulent businesses have increased, robbing the Muslims of their Imaan, money and the women’s sanctity. They do not really solve any problem but create bitter hatred, enmity, suspicion, false accusations, etc., in closely knitted family circles. The biggest of this magic is the Shaitaan box - with the introduction of the television set, video cassettes, video CD, films contained in pen-drives and the different channels - and the western lifestyle.


With these Haram weeds in our lives we can never expect the roses of Islam to grow. Even if we send our most pious person to the Ka’aba to make dua that we have planted seeds and that Allah must let roses grow, it is against the Sunnat of Allah! It does not happen! If someone wants to send his daughter in a mixed place where there are women and men together – for example a university where nowadays all evils exist, and one seeks prayers for the daughter, then he must bear in mind that he is himself sending his daughter in the rain and seeking dua that she does not get drenched.


I am not saying that seeking education is Haram and not allowed for the daughter. On the contrary, it is very important to give one’s daughter education, an overall education which includes not just academic education but moral and spiritual education as well.


But one should be careful so that daughters and sons do not let go of the Islamic precepts. As far as the intermingling of sexes is concerned, statistics suffice to show what results this produce. Abortions in millions are practiced during a year, of which about most of them are done illegally, while the rest is done legally as per each country’s standard. Yet, in the eyes of Islam, all abortion practices are illegal except when the life of the mother is in danger.


The practice of abortion is most cruel, yet the West accuses Islam of barbaric practices. Thus, when Islam commands the taking of a life for a crime committed, it is barbaric. When millions of innocent infants are killed in the most savage way [by the West], it is medical advancement, culture and civilization. Oh Allah! In which world are we living?


Islam’s law of justice guarantees strict citizen safety and protection. For practical results, look at the Muslim countries which still adheres to the dictates of the Qur'an for protection of the life, property and honour of the citizens.


Now, if we look at the West, its universities teach filthy lies in law, and psychology, which forces innocent people to live in the prisons of their homes with burglar bars while the crooks roam the streets freely. Even the mosques in the Western are not safe and need to have burglar bars and be locked. Little girls are gang-raped and the beasts are let loose on petty bail, which they skip also. Furthermore, look at the statistics! More than 227 million women worldwide become pregnant each year, and roughly two-thirds of them deliver live infants. The remaining one-third of pregnancies ends in miscarriage, stillbirth, or induced abortion. There are an estimated 56 million abortions taking place worldwide, out of which 25 millions are unsafe.


Thus, millions young girls become pregnant in one year of which one third go for abortions. The single major factor which causes girls to drop out of schools is pregnancies. A woman confesses that 90% of girls are first ‘used’ by their own fathers, the majority of them before reaching the age of 6. She herself was ‘used’ by her father at the age of 5.


A writer by the name of Jamaluddin confesses that the only reason for bringing out women into the male dominated modern merry-go-round (the commercial world) is to satisfy the lust of men. A Muslim woman writes in the Lenasia Times how her Muslim boss ‘trapped’ her and broke up her marriage. An air hostess confesses that their supervisors demand sex favours for promotions. The unwritten law of this evil merry-go-round is: no sex no employment, no sex no promotion. The writer further states that women are mere flower pots and door mats of this merry-go-round. Modern women are humiliated, enslaved, dehydrated and dehumanized. When this princess or queen leaves the palace of the father or husband and goes into the vicious outside world, she is like a sheep that enters the den of the wolves which pounce on her naivety and unawareness. It is narrated in a Hadith that when a woman steps out of her fort, Shaitaan is waiting in ambush for her. It is also narrated that when she emerges Shaitaan beautifies her in the eyes of other men and she becomes the cause of driving a wedge between husband and wife.


The open result of this western, liberated way of life is rape, divorce (leaving in its wake heartache and pain) and consequently delinquents, drugs, alcohol, incest and child abuse. Their parliaments have legalized homosexuality where Mr. John marries Mr. Jack, announces it in newspapers and celebrates it. The animal kingdom of the West! When a woman leaves her natural precincts she loses her greatest physical capital: her feminity. A working woman loses her motherhood and her wifehood. Upon analysing the modern dictates which governs the woman, the modern thoughts is that when a woman works in her own house she is backward but when she works for someone else she is progressive. When she feeds her family, she is backward but when she feeds people in a restaurant or an aircraft, she is progressive. When she beautifies herself for her husband, she is backward but when she beautifies herself for other men she is progressive.


Amrandir Bajaj, a gold medallist gynaecologist after doing thousands of abortions makes a confession. He says that it has been ultrasonically proven that the body feels pain when being aborted. When the mother feels life in her womb she feels such a sense of joy and honour that Allah has used her for this great miracle of bringing a human being into the world. The child has just gained life, it starts kicking, playing in its mother’s protection. It is about to put its first step into the world. The mother will grant it protection at the risk of her own life. The worst sculptor does not destroy his own creation but marvels at it. But when the mother or rather the murderer wants to take the life of her own child because of some petty excuse like an examination, wedding function or holiday, she realises she cannot commit the gruesome and cruel murder of an innocent life so she hires an assassin - a gynaecologist. The poor child has no inkling of its impending doom. It is enjoying itself when suddenly metallic instruments come one after another, then the one-eyed monster comes with its open greedy mouth, grabs a part of a limb, wrenches it off and the comfortable protective womb is transformed into a sea of blood. The child sends signals of fear to the mother? Murderer!


Like a fish out of water it is opening and closing its mouth, screaming in silence, gasping for life. Everything fights for life - why not this little wonderful being? But it is condemned to die by its own mother. The one-eyed monster strikes again and again taking limb after limb. Finally the head is grabbed by a bigger sinister monster which crushes it and the brains ooze out and finally those beautiful little eyes follow like pearls. The gynaecologist wipes his hands on his white coat, money changes hands and the most gruesome, cruel and brutal murder, worse than burying alive or necklacing has taken place which goes down in the flowery medical terminology as an MTP (medical termination of pregnancy). Is this any culture or civilization? Is this medical advancement??!! The Quran asks (to highlight the innocence of the child) “For what sin were you killed?”


If we follow in their footsteps we must expect their evils to follow.


This is just the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt evil life of the western women and their culture. We must make sure that this evil does not corrupt our Muslim women, be it in the Western world and the Muslim World wherever they are found.


May Allah protect the Muslim women and all women from the evils of this world. May all of you realise that your true worth will reflect in your respecting the limits of Allah and never overstepping them. Insha-Allah, Ameen.