Sunday, January 7, 2024

'Daughters, Help to Grow the Jamaat'

On the occasion of the Ijtema of the Siraj Makin Djawaharatul Kamal [Women's wing of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International]- Tamil Nadu, International Sadr of the organization Hazrat Ummul Mu'mineen Fazli Amena Varsally Saheba addressed the spiritual gathering of women believers in India, on 24 December 2023. In this deep discourse, International Sadr Saheba underscores the spiritual significance of cultivating a personal  relationship with Allah (swt), our Creator and Sustainer of the worlds, and the role of women believers in strengthening the collective cause. Furthermore, Hazrat Saheba notes what it takes to lead a life of commitment to the cause of God in our times: cultivation of a strong personal relationship with God; a readiness to contribute selflessly, morally and materially; embracing a culture of giving and sacrifice for the sake of community; devotion to the strengthening of bonds and relations within the Jamaat; re-establishing the noble values and practices of the early Muslim believers, etc.

Read the Special Discourse Below:

My dear daughters,

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh.


I pray, may Allah bless your togetherness for His sake, and help you in all spheres of your life which you devote to Him and His works.


I am delighted to address you today on the occasion of your IJTEMA. It is time that all the Siraj Makin stand up and come to help the Jamaat in great ways. Whether you are good at knitting, translating, speaking many languages, and other talents, Insha-Allah, through these gifts from Allah, I pray that you may help the Jamaat financially with your contributions and participations.


Remember that there is a world difference between helping the Jamaat and the Jamaat helping you. Help the Cause of Allah and Allah will help you. Come to lend your support to the Jamaat of the believers in this era, and Allah will illumine you and help you financially as well.


Don’t worry that your source of income will diminish. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Promised Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) and the Khalifatullah of this era Munir Ahmad Azim (as) have all encouraged in one way or another the believers to come forward to help the Jamaat grow. Your help in that endeavour is greatly needed.


At any point of life, whenever you take a loan from the Jamaat, you should do a must to return Jamaat’s money back. Alhamdulillah, whenever possible, the Jamaat is here to support its members, the believers, but you all also must also understand your duties to the Jamaat.


Allah says in the Holy Quran in Chapter 2, Al-Baqara, Verse 246: Who is it that will lend unto Allah a goodly loan, so that He may increase it for him manifold? It is Allah Who withholds and Allah Who gives abundantly, and it is to Him that you will return.


Allah is asking you for your sacrifices, for your input in His Path, for your generosity, for your time to do the Deen works, to spread His word. Remember that we all belong to Him. Nothing of us belongs to us. We are instruments in the Hands of Allah. He controls us as per His wish.


The true believers are those who despite the freewill Allah has bestowed upon them, yet they remain attached to Allah’s mighty control. They dare not to go outside the realm of control of Allah lest the Satan misguide them and they lose the divine favours upon them.


Likewise, here, what is Allah asking? For a goodly loan, a beautiful loan from His servants! Allah is asking you to give of what He has Himself provided you with. Will you then not give? Be assured that when you spend in the way of Allah, Allah will multiply your returns. It may not be in this world but that promise will be fulfilled in a complete and fulfilling way in the everlasting world, the world of peace and thankfulness to Allah, i.e. Jannah (Paradise).


Remember that spending in the way of Allah means to give away part of what you possess. It means to give it out willingly for the Cause of Allah, which is of benefit to spread His Word and to help His creatures, to obtain His pleasure. Here, we are a Jamaat (Community) raised by Allah to help Islam grow further. Ours is the duty to enrich Islam with our goodness and to invite others to this goodness. We may be rich or poor, it does not matter. Allah looks at the intention. Whether you give one rupee, or one hundred rupees, or even one thousand rupees, or even ten thousand rupees, Allah knows very well your conditions and looks at the piety (Taqwah) of your hearts. This one rupee spent for His Cause can become thousands of rupees in this world, or He can give it back to you in the eternal spiritual world in form of His great blessings. A transaction with Allah is never in vain.


So, spend my daughters! Spend in the Cause of Allah; be ready to sacrifice for Allah and Allah will in turn give it back to you in a marvellous way in which you would not have expected. Come forward to help the Jamaat and do not wait for the Jamaat to help you. Be ready to work like the Sahaba Karaam who used to do some works only to get some money to give to the Cause of Allah in the treasury of Islam (Bait’ul Maal).


So, it is my duty as your Spiritual Mother and International President of the Females’ Wing to encourage you further to sacrifice. NEVER DESPAIR of the bounty and generosity of Allah. In ways unexpected, He can come to your help and sustain you in difficult times. Don’t forget Him and He will never forget you. Be for Him and He will be for you.


May Allah bless you all in this spiritual gathering and may He increase you in number; not just in number but in faith as well. May Allah guide you aright and grant you His forgiveness and help you in both times of felicity and sadness to remember Him and give thanks to Him.


Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh.


Hazrat Ummul Mumineen Fazli Amena

Sadr Sahiba International – Siraj Makin Djawharat-ul-Kamal

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam