Makin, the women’s
collective of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, South Kerala (India)
organized a Two-Day Ta’lim Majlis
(Divinity Study Programme) for the benefit of its members at the
historic Noor'ul Islam Masjid, Mathra on Friday & Saturday, 19-
20 April 2019 ~ 12-13
Shabaan 1440 AH.
Members of the Jamaat from different places across the State-
Palakkad, Karunagappally, Kaliyikkavila, etc.- planned and reached at
the Masjid well ahead of the Programme so as to participate also in
the Friday Jumu'ah Namaz at the Masjid, Alhamdulillah.
The Ta’lim Majlis
essentially sought to build upon the earlier initiative of the Siraj
Makin- the programme of 09 February 2019- to keep the members aware
of the Deeni Ta’lim,
and to provide them an opportunity for collective learning.
Brothers who were present on
the occasion include Muhammad Sabir Saheb of Palakkad; DA Zainul
Abdeen Saheb of Karunagappally; Sulfikar Ali Saheb; Na'ib Amir/Jamaat Sadiq Ali Saheb;
Zachariah Ibn Zain, Munir Ahmad Azim (Jr.), etc. Mukarram Amir/Jamaat
Janab Jamaluddin Raother Saheb led the study programmes/ common
Ta’lim/ Tarbiyyat meeting took place in three different sessions
through the day: morning, afternoon and evening. Na'ib Sadr Fauzia
Jamal- Zain saheba led the study sessions. Rajeena Sadiq Ali saheba,
Sofiya Beevi saheba, Mubeena Sabir saheba, Fa-e-zah Maryam Zain and
Arshana Sabir participated actively in the various programmes:
Nazm recitation,
speeches on Qur'an themes as well as topics from Ahadith, etc. Each
one of the participating members took charge of different
responsibilities entailed by the collective living at the Masjid
premises for two days: Registration, reception, food, purchase,
programming and scheduling, documentation
and reporting, etc.
Sadr Fauzia Jamal saheba began the first session by reciting a part
of the Holy Qur’an along with its Malayalam translation and a few additional comments. Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Sadr Saheba’s special
message was read out
on the occasion. In her message, Hazrat Saheba
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa
Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh.
It’s really a great
pleasure to address some few words to you on the occasion of your
gathering (19-20 April 2019). I appreciate the great efforts of Razia
Sahiba who is gathering all our Siraj Makin at least once in two
months at Noorul Islam Mosque. Masha-Allah.
I know you live quite far
from our Kerala South centre (Markaz). Despite meeting rarely, most
of our works should be done at home like the Study-Circle, learning
of Surahs and attributes of Allah, and so on.
I advise you to always
remain and work as one body for the pleasure of Allah, for the
progress of our Jamaat and Islam as a whole. It is through the
efforts of each one of you that this Jamaat, and especially the
ladies’ wing can advance to new heights in spirituality. Work as
one in peace and harmony and having sisterly love for each one among
You are all valuable in the eyes of Allah, and each one of you
has special task to do on this earth to help the cause of Allah,
according to your abilities and means....So I wish you the best in
your get-together and hope you will make the most of it when reaching
back home...’

the second and final day, the morning session again reviewed the
progress of the members vis-a-vis the Study Circle Syllabus. In her
special audio message Sadr Saheba Dr Haseena Masood congratulated the
Nai’b Sadr Saheba and Team for organizing the whole programme in a
beautiful and effective way, spreading enthusiasm and infectious energy among all participating members, Alhamdulillah,
Soumma Alhamdulillah.
The Sadr Saheba underscored the need for continuing the momentum of
the Ta’lim Majlis even
when the members return home from the venue, by sustaining
their engagement with the Jamaat literature, Insha Allah,
the final, composite
session of the Ta’lim Majlis,
was rendered by DA Zainul Abdeen Saheb. Sulfikar Ali Saheb offered a felicitation speech for the Siraj Makin sisters
for their dynamic initiative in coming up with Deeni Ta’lim
programmes; offering a prayer that the enthusiasm and spirit of
learning continues to remain with our brothers
and sisters in the Jamaat,
Insha Allah, Aameen.
Muhammad Sabir saheb, Naib Amir Sadiq Ali saheb, and Mujtaba Arshana
recited Nazms on the occasion.
A special programme for children was also held along with it. Zachariah Ibn Zain and Munir Ahmad Azim (Jr.) recited Qur’anic chapters and certain Duahs during the programme. From the women’s wing, Naib Sadr saheba, Sofiya Beevi saheba and Rajeena Saheba spoke on the occasion. In her final assessment of the programme, the Naib Sadr Saheba shared the joy and happiness all sisters found in Deeni Ta’lim: joining together for all preparations; learning from each other; helping each other .
A special programme for children was also held along with it. Zachariah Ibn Zain and Munir Ahmad Azim (Jr.) recited Qur’anic chapters and certain Duahs during the programme. From the women’s wing, Naib Sadr saheba, Sofiya Beevi saheba and Rajeena Saheba spoke on the occasion. In her final assessment of the programme, the Naib Sadr Saheba shared the joy and happiness all sisters found in Deeni Ta’lim: joining together for all preparations; learning from each other; helping each other .
The shadow of Divine affection and mercy was also visible on the days of the programme at the venue: unlike the hot summer days currently in Kerala, the days witnessed the special manifestation of some welcome rain over the Masjid area at Mathra, bringing much-needed relief from scorching heat, Alhamdulillah. Mukarram Amir saheb led the Jamaat in offering Duahs of gratitude to the Lord Almighty for enabling the programme to be a sublime success, Alhamdulillah, Soumma Alhamdulillah.